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June 30, 2014

Expected General Awareness Questions for SBI Clerks Online Exam 2014

Irish author Elimear McBride won the 2014 Bailey's women's prize for fiction for her novel ____________?

Iran is currently in negotiations with the so called P5+1 group over its nuclear programme. Which among the following country is denoted here as +1 ?
  1. UK
  2. Germany
  3. China
  4. Australia
  5. Russia


Important Health Oriented Programmes of India

Friends, we have already discussed about the lists of important Employment Generation Programmes, Rural Development Programmes, Women Empowerment programems and Education Oriented Programmes of India. Today we shall discuss about various Health Oriented Programmes of India. Happy Reading :)

Important Scientific Instruments and Usage

Friends, below is the list of important scientific instruments and their usage. This list will be helpful for you in the General Awareness section of upcoming SBI Clerks, SSC CGL and IBPS RRB Exams. Happy Reading :)

Canara Bank released Pending Results of IBPS PO III

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Friends, the Canara Bank has released the Pending Results of IBPS PO III. As you know, the bank has released the list of candidates whose results were not processed for want of documents, for the post of Probationary Officers in JMG Scale-I (IBPS-CWE-PO-III Allotment), on 24th May 2014 (check that notification from here). Now, consequent to submission of the required documents, the bank released the list of candidates who have been processed and Provisionally Selected for the post of Probationary Officers in JMG Scale-I. The eligible candidates will be absorbed tentatively in September 2014. The other information regarding joining will be provided to the candidates individually to the registered email & appointment order shall be dispatched by post to the correspondence address provided by the candidates at the time of registration.You can check details from below. All the best.

SBI PO Online Exam Reviews - 29th June Evening Shift

Review shared by Rushabh jain

Hello Friends,

I am Rushabh Jain from Gujarat. To tell u the truth i felt that some of the question was so tought .From the sectionwise analysis i can say that 1) in G.A/Mkt section Most of the question wear asked form RBI , other tax policies n other g.a question i.e iso cerified nu. , where ipl final match  played (stadium name)  . very few question from computer.

2) Reasoning section some question ware okay n other ware tricky approch.

3) D.I : is like speed test . if the candidate have a speed in it so he/she crack this section. No doubt over there.

4) English is very easy

Descriptive was also good.  it`s topic on some I.T related n other economic.

Review shared by Naga

Hello this is Naga. I attempted my SBI PO exam on June 29 th evening shift. Exam was started at 2.30 pm, I started my exam with General awareness area really easy. I attempted 46 questions.

Questions from: 
GA         : 25 (20 Questions very easy, 5 questions hard)
Comp      : 15 (13 Questions very easy, 2 question little bit hard)
Mktg     : 10 (you can answer 4 questions by “Standard marketing” and 6 questions by using “common sense “)

English also easy (Little bit hard to me, because I’m little bit poor in English)

Passages: 10+10 = 20
Close test: 10
Errors: 5
Jumbled: 5
Word arrangement: 5 (I think new method)
Suitable words: 5
Reasoning: Moderate level, but time taking
Puzzles: 5+6+6
Inequalities: 3+2
Syllog: 5
Cause& Effect: 1+2+3
Input Output: 5
Data Sufficiency: 5
Course of action and Misalli: 8
DI: Really rally really really really really really really .. … ….. … …… Hard
Each individual problem has at least 4 sub calculations and each problem takes at least 4 to 7 minutes. 
My attempts are :
GA- 46 (15 minutes), Reasoning: 40 (30 minutes), English: 25 (25 minutes), DI- 12 ( “50” minutes)

Review shared by Vishal Rathi

The exam started at 2:30, I usually follow a certain pattern in the exam, to begin with Reasoning, shifting to GA, then to English, and Finally DI in Banking exams.
Last time in SBI, I missed the cut off by a very short distance, and secured 37 marks in DI, and in IBPS I secured 24 marks in DI.
This time, SBI made sure that no one scores a 37 in Reasoning or DI, the paper was far tougher than the last time.
I attempted 21 Questions in Reasoning, majority should be correct, in some 40 minutes, then shifted to GA and finished it before the clock could tick 3:30, then shifted to English and with 40 minutes left, I shifted to DI, (I attempted 47 in English and 31 in GA).
Now the beginning was okay in DI, and I thought I will easily manage 20 Questions by the time 2 hours duration gets over, but the paper turned ugly soon, and i could manage only 13 questions in DI.
All should be correct though, and total attempt reached 112, accuracy is okay, but the paper, as everyone else said, was far more tough than the expectations, so those who are left with their exams, make sure that you have a strategy, and make sure that 15 (with full accuracy) be your attempts max in DI, Reasoning 20 will do, English and GA only will take you through.
The cut off should not cross 90 according to my experience, with sectional cut offs, Reasoning 13, DI 10, English 15, GA 15, for the general category students.
The theory exam should be a cakewalk for those who have a Good Command over language.
I hope the Review Helps :v

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June 29, 2014

Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistants Exam 2014 Results out

Friends, the India Post has released the results of Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants Exam 2014 Paper I for Haryana (17) and Kerala (22) circles. Candidates of the above mentioned Postal Circles may check their status for Paper I by Logging into the postal department's website Candidates, who have shortlisted to appear in the Paper II (skill test), may download the Admit Cards. The Paper II (Computer Skill Test) for the above circles will be  held on 12th and 13th July 2014. The PA/SA Exam 2014 results for the remaining states will be announced soon. All the best.

Review of SBI PO Exam on 29th June (Evening Shift)

Review shared by Nitin Pandey

Hello my name is Nitin Pandey. I am from Delhi. My exam was on 29th June (evening) at Faridabad.

 I had given IBPS PO-3 exam and i qualified it , but today exam was the toughest exam among my all examination which i had given. It was like the nightmare came true.

My Strategy before giving exam  : I thought i will first attempt all GK/MARKETING questions within 15 minutes. Then I will move to the English and will finish it in 25 Minutes. The rest 80 minutes I will give either 40 minutes to the reasoning or will attempt 40 questions and at last i will attempt DI. I thought of attempting 20 questions from DI. I made a target of attempting at least 150 questions.

Review of SBI Exam on 29th June 2014 Morning Shift

Review shared by Manu Pande

Hi friends, I am Manu Pande. I've appeared for today's SBI PO Online Exam. Here are the questions that I remember.

GA :
  • Writer of god of small things
  • Select the name of company which did not get right for making white label ATM
  • What is full form of pin in ATM Debit / Credit card
  • One question asked was related to commercial paper asking which types of it is(Promissory note)
  • One question was asked from uber cup
  • Narendra Modi is 15,14 or 13 th number of prime minister of India ?
  • One question was asked that what was the most important storage unit inside computer(hard disk and other options were given)
  • Another question was related to bit
  • One question related to 1 mb is equivalent to how much byte.

Bank Clerks English - Important Questions with Explanation and Tips

Friends, here are some important questions which have been frequently asked in Bank clerical exams with detailed explanations and tips. These will be helpful for you in your upcoming SBI Clerks and IBPS RRB Online Exams 2014. Happy Reading :)

We will discuss ___________ that matter later.
(Choose the right option to fill in the blank)
  1. on
  2. about
  3. of
  4. No word necessary


June 28, 2014

Review of SBI PO exam on 28th June 2014 - Evening Session

Review shared by Priyanka jaiswal

Okay guys, I was very sad after my exam today but then thought that moving on is the best solution.
My reporting time was 1.30. The best part of the day was that the infrastructure of the center was awesome - fully air conditioned and comfy seat. Anyway, my attempts are:

Bank Clerks English - Preposition Practice Exercise

Friends, here are some practice questions of Prepositions for upcoming SBI and IBPS RRB Clerical exams. Please read the important rules of prepositions from here and here before taking this test. Happy Reading :)

Choose the appropriate preposition to fill in the blank..

Dogs have a very good sense __________ smell.
  1. for
  2. off
  3. in
  4. of


Pandyan Grama Bank Recruitment of Office Assistants 2014

Friends, the Pandyan Grama Bank of Tamilnadu is recruiting Office Assistants for the year 2014. Those aspirants  who have been declared qualified at the Online CWE for RRBs conducted by IBPS during September/ October 2013 are eligible to apply. You can apply online from 27th June 2014 to 14th July 2014. Check complete details below.

Joining Schedule of Punjab National Bank POs and Clerks out

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Friends, the Punjab National Bank has released joining dates for Probationary Officers / Management Trainees JMG Scale I based on IBPS PO CWE III recruitment. The bank has selected 897 candidates in total. All the candidates are to report on the scheduled date of joining (check details from below link) by sharp at 10.00 A.M at the allocated venue for completing joining formalities and subsequent training. The bank has been sending individual offer letters to all the selected candidates.

28th Morning Shift SBI PO Online Exam Review

Hi Friends, this is Bhargav Kartik Tunuguntla. I had my SBI PO Online Exam today (28-06-2014). I really curios to share my experience here coz I'm one among those aspirants who waited for others' exam  reviews over here. :))

General Awareness Expected Questions for SBI Clerks Online Exam 2014

Which Indian company has recently launched its first 'Design Studio' here as part of the it's strategic expansion to move closer to its customers in the UK and Europe ?

Indian cueist (billiard player) Chitra Maagimairaj wins World Women's Senior snooker title on 22nd April 2014 by defeating  Alena Asmolava of Belarus. Chitra is from which state ?


Pallavan Grama Bank released the lists of Selected Candidates as Officers and Office Assistants 2014

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Friends, the Pallavan Grama Bank of Tamilnadu has released the lists of Selected Candidates for the posts of Officers JMG Scale I and Office Assistants Multipurpose 2014 . Based on the scores of IBPS RRB Recruitment exam held during September / October 2013 and the interviews held from 23rd June to 25th June 2014, the bank made these lists. Certificate verification for Officers will be held on 4th July 2014 and the certificate verification for Office Assistants will be held on 3rd July 2014 at Bank's head office, Salem. Check complete details below. All the best :)

June 27, 2014

Bharatiya Mahila Bank Probationary Officers Recruitment Final Results 2014 out

Friends, the Bharatiya Mahila Bank has released the Category wise, Merit wise Roll Numbers of selected candidates for the posts of Probationary Officers in JMG/S-I 2014. As you know the bank has invited online applications for filling up above mentioned posts from 12th June 2014 to 25th June 2014. Based on the received applications, the bank has selected 96 candidates from General, 51 candidates from OBC, 28 candidates from SC and 19 candidates from ST categories. The bank will send appointment letters to all the selected candidates soon. You can check your result from below link. All the best :)

Important Rules of Auxiliary Verbs in English

An Auxiliary is a helping verb. When a verb consists of more than one part, the first part is the auxiliary. For example,
  • He is reading a book
  • I have done my work.

Reviews of SBI PO Online Exam held on 27th June 2014 : Morning Shift

Review shared by Artee Sharma

Friends, I am Artee Sharma. I have attended today's (27-06-2014) SBI PO Online Exam.
Today's exam was really tougher than previously held exams (based on reviews)
D.I was eye opener..saved 49 mins for it but I was able to solve only 19 questions..very bad..
General Awareness was lovely..all friendly questions..yeaaaa!! 35 in GA
English was can easily score 25...
Reasoning as usual filled with puzzles and could not solved it...
Descriptive again was very good

Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank Recruitment of Officers and Office Assistants 2014

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Friends, the Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank is recruiting  Officers in Junior Management (Scale I) Cadre and Office Assistants (Multipurpose) for the year 2014. The candidates who have appeared and cleared the On-line CWE for RRBs conducted by IBPS during September/ October 2013 are eligible to apply. You can apply online from 26th June 2014 to 11th July 2014. Check complete details from below.

List of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India

Friends,  in order to secure the world cultural and natural heritage, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) makes the list of places (such as buildings, mountains, deserts, islands, lakes, cities, complexes and forests etc) as of  special cultural or physical significance. The list is maintained by the international World Heritage Programme administered by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, composed of 21 states' parties which are elected by their General Assembly. As of the year 2014, there are 1007 (779 cultural, 197 natural, and 31 mixed properties) sites named in this list. The latest entry from India is  Great Himalayan National Park of Kullu in the year 2014. Below is the complete list of World Heritage Sites in India. Happy Reading :)

Vananchal Gramin Bank Recruitment of Officers and Office Assistants 2014

Friends, the Vananchal Gramin Bank of Jharkhand, a Regional Rural Bank jointly sponsored by the Government of India, Government of Jharkhand and the State Bank of India, is inviting online applications from eligible Indian citizens who have appeared and cleared the Common Written Examination for RRBs  conducted by IBPS in September 2013 for filling up the posts of Officers in Middle Management Grade (Scale-III/II), Officers in Junior Management (Scale I)  and Office Assistants (Multipurpose). You can apply online from 26th June 2014 to 11th July 2014. Check complete details below. 

June 26, 2014

How to Prepare for SBI Clerks Online Exam 2018

How can I prepare for SBI Clerks Online Exam 2018 ? is one of the common question we have been seeing in our inbox from the date the State Bank of India released it's official notification for the recruitment of Clerks 2018. As it is not possible for us to answer all the queries, here, we are giving you a detailed analysis and tips prepared by Gr8AmbitionZ team. We hope this article will help you in clearing all your doubts. Feel free to contact us or use the comments box below if you have any additional doubts. Happy Reading :)

Important Rules of Adjectives

An adjective is a word which qualified a noun. Adjectives are also used for comparison. Adjective of comparison have three degrees. Those are, Positive, Comparative and Superlative. Below are some important rules you should know about Adjectives.

UPSC NDA & NA II Exam 2014 Notification out

Friends, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is inviting applications from eligible Indian citizens for National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination II (NDA/NA Exam II) 2014. The examination is conducted to screen candidates who seek admission into the Army, Navy and Air Force wings of the NDA and Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC). By clearing this exam, you can get admissions into National Defense Academy (NDA), Pune. You can get your graduation certificate and appointment order as a commissioned rank officer at the same time. This is 134th course of NDA and 96th course of INA. You can apply online from UPSC's official website upto 21st July 2014. Check complete details from below.

National Insignia (Symbols) of India

The Insignia is a symbol or token of personal power, status or office, or of an official body of government or jurisdiction. The Republic of India has several official national symbols / insignia including a historic document, a flag, an emblem, an anthem, a memorial tower as well as several national heroes. All the symbols were picked up at various times. Below is the list of Important National Symbols.

SBI PO 2014 Cutoff Analysis

Friends, I am Abhishek Reddy, an SBI PO aspirant. Following is my analysis of this year's SBI PO Online Exam explaining the cutoff! Hope it will help you clearing your doubts. 

For people who are concerned about cutoffs and difficulty, I will share a simple logic based on which you can get the basic idea about the cutoffs! though many websites have already put cutoffs for all categories.... I will try to provide a rationale behind it! I will do this by comparing this year's paper with previous year paper! and I disclaim that this may not be true but I hope it will be 90% true atleast!

Allahabad Bank released Joining Dates and other Details of IBPS Clerks III Selected Candidates

Friends, based on the IBPS Clerks Common Recruitment Project III, the Allahabad Bank has released the list of selected candidates, list of provisional candidates and Joining Dates for the posts of Single  Window Operators 'A / Clerks for the year 2014-15. The bank has divided the selected candidates into two batches, reporting date at respective zonal offices of first batch is 30th June 2014, reporting date for the second batch is 1st July 2014. The bank has been sending appointment orders by speed post. If you do not receive your appointment letter by 27th June 2014, you should contact the organization by Fax (033-22308442) /email: / or Ph No : 033-22314630. Check complete details from below link. All the best.

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List of Education Oriented Programmes of India

Friends, we have already discussed about the lists of important Employment Generation Programmes, Rural Development Programmes, Women Empowerment programems of India. Today we shall discuss about various Education Oriented Programmes of India. Happy Reading :)

June 25, 2014

Previous Paper of SBI Clerks 2012 with Solutions - Pdf Download

Friends, we've already gave you the previous question paper of SBI Clerks, which was held on 27th May 2012 (you can download that pdf file from here). Today we are giving you the SBI Clerks previous paper which was held on 3rd June 2012 with solutions. Download it from below mediafire link and try to solve it on your own. Later check with the solutions given at the end of the question paper. We are currently working on remaining sets and study materials of SBI Clerks online exam 2014. We will upload them soon. Happy Reading :)

RBI Grade B Officers Exam Pattern 2014 - Important Points to Note

Dear friends, finally we got time to review the upcoming RBI Grade B Officers Exam 2014. As the exam pattern of RBI is slightly different than remaining banking exams, today we shall discuss about the exam pattern and some important points you should keep in mind about this exam. In our next post we shall discuss the Syllabus and Preparation plan. 

Before going into details, you can check the RBI Grade B Officers Recruitment notification 2014 from here

Important Rules of English Prepositions

A preposition is a word used before a noun or a pronoun to show how it is related to the other part of the sentence.

For example : The book is on the table, He went to school by bus.

Let's have a look at some important points you should know about Prepositions :
  • 'In' is used before the names of big cities and places while 'at' is used before the names of small places.
    • Eg : The Heavy water plant is at Manuguru in Khammam.

Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank Recruiting Office Assistants from 1st Wait List

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Friends, in a recently released notification, the Sarva Haryan Gramin Bank has declared that it has picked up 50 candidates from the 1st waiting list for the  recruitment of Office Assistant (Multipurpose). The bank has been sending offer letters to all the selected candidates at the address furnished by them while applying.  Date of reporting is 7th July 2014. Check complete details below. All the best.

SBI Clerks Marketing Aptitude : Topics and Preparation Tips

Friends, based on the previous papers of SBI Clerks, we have already discussed the topics and preparation plans for almost all the sections except Marketing Aptitude. Today we shall cover this section. 

In SBI Clerks online Eam 2014, Marketing Aptitude comes with Computer Knowledge section for 40 marks. So roughly you will get 20 marks from marketing aptitude. Usually people tend to leave the marketing questions or pay less attention on them because they feel that only the person from marketing background can solve these questions. But friends, believe me, you can solve almost 50% of Marketing Aptitude questions with your common sense. After all, they are not going to ask you difficult marketing techniques and terms in clerical level exams. So, with a little practice and focus, you can easily grab full marks in this section.

List of Women Empowerment Programmes of India

Friends, in our previous posts we have discussed about the list of Employment Generation Programmes and the List of Rural Development Programmes of India. Today we shall discuss about the List of Women Empowerment Programmes of India.

June 24, 2014

RBI Recruitment of Assistants / Office Attendants 2014 (Sports Quota)

Friends, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is inviting applications from eligible Sports-persons for filling up the posts of “Assistants / Office Attendants" in various offices of the bank for the year 2014. There are 53 posts in total. Your application should reach the Bank’s Office on or before 21st July 2014. Check complete details below. All the best :)

Important Rules of Subject and Verb Agreement

Friends, the agreement between subject and verb is one of the important topics of English grammar, which is very necessary to solve the questions of competitive exam English. Below are some rules of Subject and Verb agreement. These rules are very helpful for you while solving the error correction questions. Let's have a look at them with examples.

Every sentence can be divided into two parts. In the first part we talk about a person or a thing. This part is known as the subject. In the second part we talk something about the subject. This part is known as the predicate.

SSC CGL 2013 Re-Exam Schedule out

Friends, finally the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has came out with the schedule for the Re-Examination of  SSC Combined Graduate Level (Tire-I) Examination 2013.  In a recently released notification, the organization has announced that the SSC CGL 2013 Re-Exam will be held on 20th July 2014 (both Morning and Evening shifts). The candidates who have actually appeared in the SSC CGL (Tier-I) Examination, 2013 on 21st April 2013 and 19th May 2013 will be allowed to appear in this Re-examination of SSC Combined Graduate Level (Tier-I) Examination, except those people who have already appeared in the re-examination held on 27th April 2014 at seven examination centers. i.e. Delhi, Jaipur and Dehradun in Northern Region; Allahabad, Varanasi (in place of Lucknow) and Patna in Central Region and Chandigarh (in place of Shimla) in North-Western Region. All the best.

MP Circle's Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants Exam Question Paper - Pdf Download

Hi... I am Ankush.. I have appeared  the Postal Assistants Exam of Madhya Pradesh's circle which was held on 22nd June 2014 from Indore and I want to share my experience with all my friends. I hope this will help to other candidates who will attend the upcoming postal assistant exam from remaining circles. The questions were easy as compare to other circles but GK is little tuff for me as it was my weakest subject. You can download the pdf version of question paper from below link. All the best all

SBI Associates Clerks Cutoff Marks Details 2012 of Kerala (SBT)

Friends, in our last post we have shared the last year's SBI Associate Clerk exam's cutoff marks details of Tamilnadu State's SBBJ (State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur). Today we are giving you the cutoff marks details of Kerala State. This exam was conducted by the State Bank of Travancore (SBT) on 27th May 2012 and 3rd June 2012. These details were shared by our friend Anija Anishvihar from kerala. All the best.

List of Rural Development Programmes of India

Friends, in our last post, discussed about the Employment Generation Programmes of India (you can read that post from here). Today we shall discuss about some important Rural Development Programmes of India. Happy Reading :)

Community Develpoment Programme (CDP)

  • Set up in : 1952
  • Over-all development of rural areas with people's participation.

June 23, 2014

Bank of Maharashtra Specialist Officers (IT) Online Exam 2014 Call Letters out

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Friends, the Bank of Maharashtra has activated the download link of Online Examination for Recruitment of Specialist Officers. The online exam is going to be held on 6th July 2014. There are 45 vacancies in total. You can download your call letter from the recruitment section of Bank of Maharashtra's website You should enter your Registration number and date of birth / password to download your call letter. All the best :)

Answers to SBI Associates Clerks Aptitude Practice Test with Explanations

Friends, here are the solutions for our online practice test of SBI Associates Clerks Quantitative Aptitude. Please use the comments section below if you feel any of these solutions are wrong. Happy Reading :)

Note : Before going to read these solutions, please take the online test from here


7(1/3) x 3(3/5) % 3(3/4)

=> 22/3 x 18/5 % 15/4

=> 22/3 x 18/5 x 4/15 = 176/25 = 1(1/25)


SBI Associates Clerks 2015 Online Practice Tests - Quantitative Aptitude

Friends, as the SBI Associates Clerks Online Exam 2015 is approaching, we've decided to post regular lessons and online practice tests for the exam. Today we are giving you the practice test on Quantitative Aptitude. Try to solve this on your own. You can check detailed solutions from the end of this post. All the best :)

Nainital Bank Recruitment of Management Trainees and Specialist Officers 2014

Friends, the Nainital Bank Ltd, a private Indian bank, Based in Nainital (Uttarakhand) is inviting applications from eligible Indian citizens for filling up the posts of Management Trainees and Specialist Credit Officers Grade/Scale-II & Grade/Scale-III. No IBPS Score required to apply for these posts. You should apply offline by 20th July 2014. Check complete details below.

Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank released Additional Panel of Selected Candidates for Officers and Office Assistants

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Friends, the Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank has released the additional panel of selected candidates for the posts of Officers Scale I and Office Assistants (Multipurpose). Based on the interview results of Officers which was held from 7th May 2014 to 13th May 2014 and Office Assistants, which was held from 15th May 2014 to 20th May 2014, the bank has made these lists. This panel shall be valid upto 30th September 2014 to meet the exigencies. Check complete details from below links.

SSC Stenographers (Grade C & D) Exam 2014 Pattern and Syllabus

Friends, the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) recruits various posts in the central government. It has recently released the notification for the recruitment of 534 Stenographers (Grade C and Grade D). For this recruitment, it is going to conduct a national level exam called "SSC Stenographers Examination 2014". You can check the detailed notification of the exam from here. In this post we shall discuss about the syllabus and exam pattern.

Detailed Reviews of SBI Po 22-06-14 (Evening Shift)

Review shared by Dharmesh Neelratna

English : Comprehension was tough and confusing,, no direct question,, understand the whole then answer... paragraph jumbled was easy and so as cloze test.... Fill in the blanks with two words,, but it was easy... In rest,, 5 Words were given with 5 pairs of options,, you have to tell whether they are similar meaning or of oposite....

Reasoning : It was kind of moderate but time taking,,, Input Output was easy,, I was so happy to see sitting arrangment with all facing inwards after a long time,,, but it was tricky,,, i didn,t succeed in breaking it... Syllogisms- all questions of possibilty cases,, neither-nor,, or negative nature... Some questions of passage and conclusion.. Analogies were there,, these are what you search to solve quickly.... Besides these one puzzles was also there....
In this quesion you can find  some portion which can be easily solved within time limits,,, try to find those....

DI : Jo sab bol rhe h wahi haal h iska,,, It was too hard and time taking,,, Pie chart with combination of table containing ratio values,,, Line graph,, 2 Bar graphs,, 2 or 3 tables with so much variations,,, A paragraph about some 1600 childrens somwhr,, then ration of boys:girls,, In both 2 courses B.Sc n BA,,, in each course 3 subjects,,, students with single subject,, 2 subjects,, 3 subjects,,, find all these then answers,,,
A table was given with some blank values,, first find those values if required,,,
Questions asked were of nature % change,, ration b/w one value of sub sub part to total,,, % of sub value to total,,, ration of one sub value to another of separate field,,, Average and ratio or % combined together....
But the gud news there were some questions in each figure question that can be solved easliy,,, dun try to solve all questions of a figure just because you became familiar to it..

GA : This section was best among all... Lots of Marketing questions but a few were direct,,, rest depends on your understanding of marketing,,, Current awareness was easy and direct,, Computer questions were few around 10-13...
Some questions of current asked today are:
  1. CCI Billards Title?? Pankaj Advani
  2. Death- founder of Leela group hostel?? Krishnan Iyer
  3. Milk brand from Gujrat opening plant with 5ltr one day capacity,, where??? Varansi
  4. Pakistan batting coach?? Grant Flower
  5. Accidental PM,, Author?? Sanjay Baru
  6. Who lead India in Cannes film festival??? Kamal Hassan
  7. Who refused from hearing Sahara Case?? JS Khehar

Descriptive section
1.LETTER -(i)To a friend mentioning that his son wasting time over games n gadgets,, and impressive on books n outdoor games
(ii)To editor about frequent power cuts and telling ways to stop wastage of electricity
(iii)To a friend,, he lost his pet,,

(i)you are what you think you are
(ii)are reality shows indeed real?
(iii)we can chose friends but not neighbour



(i)what if you become banking incharge minister
(ii)ways to arrest suicide of farmers
(iii)exactly yaad nah h but kuch aisa tha,, politics mei dost dushman ban jate h dushman dost,, unke kehne ka ye matlab tha koi specific nah hota people changes in politics from time to time,,,, Take example from indian politcs and explain....

Review shared by Shilpa

I am Shilpa from Haryana.
I have attended today's PO Exam in evening batch. I am sharing my experience of the exam and questions which i am able recollect.

First of all thanx to gr8ambitionz team for your support.Your study material was extremely helpful.

I started exam with GA.I was able to attempt only 30 questions. :(
No of computer questions was less which was a bit disappointing for me as i am an IT student.
But overall dfficulty level of this section was easy.

Some questions are:
  1. 4C's corresponding to 4Ps of marketing
  2. Interface between CPU and user
  3. Some question related to Amul Anand gujrat
  4. Why RBI ban ECB
  5. which team appointed a Zimbabwean coach(i dont remember the name)
  6. Author of "Accidental Prime Minister of India"
  7. what is a folder in computer
  8. In how much time a bank have to transfer money to beneficiary in RTGS

This section was very easy.i attempted 30 questions from this section.
Error spotting,Fill blanks with suitable words,synonym antonyms all were easy.

This section was moderate.I attempted 23 questions from this section.

This section was undoubtedly villain of the show.
Very very lengthy.
Although I saved 45 minutes for this sections but i was able to attempt only 15 questions.
Dear friends,I advise you to first attempt last questions because they were comparatively easy or first have a look on question paper only for DI section.

Descriptive test

It was really fun to attempt descriptive exam :P

Precis: About money investment
Comprehension: Functions of government
to your friend whose child wastes time in mobiles and computers :D
to newspaper editor regarding a complaint
to your friend who lost his/her pet
How real are reality shows
you are what you think you are

i attempted first one :P

if you were minister of banking industry...
how to stop farmer suicide
there are no permanent friends or enemies in politics
i attempted last one with lots of examples ;)

So in total i attempted 98 questions with gud accuracy.
I hope there is a chance  :) ;)

My suggestion to all is to first attempt GA and english in 30-40 minutes.
Then reasoning in 30 minutes.Save at least 50 minutes for DI
All the best everyone!!!

Review shared by Rajeshbabu. D
Hi frnds am Rajesh, I gave my xam on 21 st evng @ hyderabad..

I was Attmptd 142 qstns in all wid 85% accuracy..

D.I was very lengthy n tym cnsumng...
Remaining all the sctns r easy - mdrte..

I strtd wd g.a ansrd all the qstns wd 80-85% accuracy as I was MBA mrktng graduate I find dis sctn very easy..
Den went fr English, Left out 2 cmprehnsns and atmptd all other qstns As Dey r tym cnsumng.. Find dis sectn also very easy..

Total atmptd 80 qstns in 30 mints...

Nw jumpd to reasoning section n left out all the puzzles, got 3 in total and atmptd all the other qstns... Atmptd 32 qstns in 30 mnts...

Nw war started as went fr DI sctn.. It was so lengthy, full of caluculations, I strtd di, n ansrd slctvly as gnrally 2-3 qstns in a di sctn was easy, bt dat is also not comes gud in dis xam, I was able to solve 26 qstns in next 58 mnts...

In last 2 mnts able to atmpt 4 mre qstns frm English atmptd synonyms n opste words Which makes my atmpts to reach 140 mark...

My advice is avoid comprehension n puzls as dey r vry lengthy n tym cnsumng especially puzzles r so dfclt.. Atmpt dem if n only if u r a genius in slvng dem...
D.I is very tuf in all sessions as shared by our frnds here, so the sectional cutoff will be low, slve it lastly n try to solve 15-20 qstns wd gud accuracy, n solve dem slctvly, instead of selectng a diagram n trying to solve al qstns under it, go through all the qstns u will find at least 10-15 questions with minimal calculation even in dis tuf paper, so it wil sav lots of tym, if u stl hv tym go fr other sectn wch may ans quickly so dat ur overall score will be imprvd...

Coming to dscrptve paper, it was easy can atmpt vry easily... Evry type qstn consists a qstn from banking...
Lyk write a ltr to ur br. Managr about loss if TDR n ask wat to do...

Precise writng is about I.T efct on banking...

U can attempt it very easily with common general knowledge

Finally a big thanks fr the support of gr8ambitionz team n all the best to all of u frnds cheers....

Read more reviews and Study materials of SBI PO 2014 from here 

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June 22, 2014

SBI PO Online Exam held on 22-06-2014 Reviews - Evening Session

Hello Friends, I am Ajin Soman .

I have given my SBI PO exam today and want to share my reviews.

Reasoning section was moderate. 15 marks question from Seating arrangement and puzzles. 5-7 marks from Syllogism. 5 from Data Sufficiency and 5 from Input Output.

Review of SBI PO Online Exam held on 22nd June 2014 - Morning Session

Review shared by Kaivalya Kashyap

Friends, Today (22-06-2014) I had my exam in the morning session... And the exam was difficult as everyone said..
As I have read previous week's reviews and yesterday's ones, I could manage the time in section... I solved only 12 questions in DI in 55 minutes.. For me the General awareness section seemed to be difficult... There were more questions from Banking and Marketing, of which the latter was a bit difficult and questions from Computers were fewer today... The questions were very tricky and no straight questions.. Only one question was direct: Which was declared the Best Movie in the 64th National Awards.

DI was too calculative and very time consuming... Full of Pie charts, bar diagrams and all other stuff.. Reasoning was okay... To my surprise, there was no circular seating arrangement... Only one seating arrangement that too in a single straight row, some sitting facing north and some South... Syllogisms were easier.. 3 questions came from possibilities type.. English was also okay... Skipped the passages, so had enough time to do the remaining...

Descriptive was easy... Essay Topics: Effect of National Economy ion Common people; Friend's influence on us..; Letter Writing: Write a letter to the manager, asking to make your daughter as the nominee..

Over all the exam was Moderate - Difficult

Section wise analysis:
  • DI - Moderate - Difficult
  • Reasoning - Moderate
  • English - Moderate
  • General Awareness - Tricky & Difficult...
Review shared by Arti Khatri

Hello friends this is Arti from Jaipur...i want to share the review of today's paper.
GA quite easy I attempted 35 in 15 mins
English easy I attempted 32
Reasoning moderate I attempted 33 ques
DI toughest section actually not tough but too much calculation is involved I attempted only 11 with doubt in 1 ques...

Descriptive paper very easy
Questions of letter writing
  1. Write a letter to your friend telling him about health hazards of junk food
  2. Letter to branch manager to add your daughters name as second nominee in your savings account
  3. I didn't remember this exactly..its a letter to editor about feathers of birds causing allergy

  1. Influence of friends in life
  2. Qualities of a good bank officer
  3. Forgot the 3rd one
Effect of economy on a common man
this is all I remember...

Review shared by Santhosh Reddy

hi I am Santhosh Kumaar Reddy... I took my SBI PO exam today in the morning session... I'm very sorry to inform that the paper is very hard..

DI :  Very Hard
Reasoning : Hard
English : Moderate
GK : Moderate

Data Interpretation:

This section is very tough with full of calculations. Every question information say total income and ratio of men and women in it which takes a lot of time.


This section normal level of syllogisms, cause effect problems but the Seating arrangement problems are very tough


very lengthy passages, easy blanks and error corrections
Time taking parajumble


GK questions were moderate and computer as well as marketing questions were easy..

Descriptive paper was normal...

Letter to friend to advice him to avoid junk foods....

Essay on nations economy impact on common man

Passage on marketing

Precise on progress of marketing..

Review shared by Venu Latha

Hi friends, I am Venu from Rajahmundry (Andhra Pradesh). I've appeared today's SBI PO Online Exam. I'm a regular follower of So I have been reading the reviews posted by our friends here. As a number of people have been saying that the Data Interpretation paper was very tough, I was mentally prepared for that. But, to my surprise, today's General Awareness and English sections were also tough. In general awareness maximum questions are from marketing and banking acts. The English section was also time consuming. There were two passages in English section. Below is my version of review on today's exam.

General Awareness : I felt this is the toughest with all those marketing terms and acts.

Reasoning : Moderate section. I feel few questions are same from yesterday's paper. Somebody shared the question of seating arrangement (8 people on a single line facing north and south). I could see maximum number of questions from comparisons ( >, <, => type questions).

Data Interpretation : I was mentally prepared for this section. But I felt today's DI was easier. One question was a mixture of bar chart and tables. Two tables, The descriptive question was about the staff of an office who read different news papers. One question was different ( I don't know what it called). It appeared like bar chart, but the bars have three shades in it (three different values). The question is about the metal production of various states (UP, Bihar, MP, Goa and Andhra Pradesh). Some questions are given for 7 marks.

English Language : I felt this section was also tough. There are two reading comprehension exercises. One from banking and other is from Marketing. Both are time taking in reading. I usually feel that english is a cake walk section for me. But, This section told me that I should reconsider my English skills.

Descriptive Test :
  • Letter Writing :
    • Letter to your friend asking him to avoid Junk food (you have to convince him by saying all the health problems with junk food)
    • Letter to editor complaining about the Kabhootarkhana (a place where people feed pigeons) in a park near your home, by saying that you are facing allergies due to the pigeons droppings and feathers.
    • Letter to the Bank manager asking him to add your daughter as the second nominee in your account.
  • Paragraph writing :
  • Essay writing :
    • Pros and cons of opening savings accounts for 10 year old
  • Precis was about Marketing expansion
  • Comprehension was about Banking
Review shared by Arjun

Hi, I am Arjun from Kerala. Today I gave my exam in morning shift. Here is my review.

I attempted around 120 questions in total with more than 95% accuracy.

Time allocation and questions attempted
GA- 10 mins- 35 questions.
English- 25 mins- 34 questions.
Reasoning- 35 mins- 30 questions.
DI- 50 mins- 21 questions.

I think GK section is getting tougher and tougher. The first day questions were way more direct and simple.

English and reasoning were not at all difficult. There were passages, and one was a bit lengthy. I didn't bother to read the second passage.. just did the antonym/synonym question from it. Reasoning section also has got a similar story to tell.. Most them were doable. But I skipped a complex puzzle.

I had 50 mins left when I reached DI section. I was expecting the worst so didn't get surprised by seeing the questions. As mentioned by many others all the questions were involving lengthy calculations. Managed to do 21 in 50 mins and I think all are correct.

Advice for the coming session candidates:

Just stick on to your plan and clear the sectional cutoffs of difficult sections.

Actually I would recommend everyone to allot just 40 mins to DI (if you are confident of answering atleast 15 questions). The time you save on DI can be used in some other section such as reasoning or english (Actually I did a big mistake in allotting 50 mins to DI, I could have given some more time to reasoning since the reasoning questions takes only less time to solve). Oh yeah.. One more thing.. There will be around 10 sets of DI questions, and out of them each set will have at least 2 less complicated questions. Just try to answer those.. I will guarantee your success in getting past the sectional cutoff by miles.

Best of luck everyone!!

Review shared by Sunny Sharma

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii……all my exam is today(22/06/2014)in morning shift. Exam started from sharp 9…..and now  the battle starts ….i started with GA its is normal as expected computer and GA is too easy and straight forward….and marketing is practical tht is which is answer from ur basic and high level of knowledge of marketing...its level is moderate …after then I shift to english which is also normal two paragraph one cloze test ,sentence rearrangement and error finding ….this section is also as u expect …level we can say is moderate …then I came to reasoning …I done selected questions from here without involving in puzzles ….input/output is very easy nd tht  too is syllolism…I cant able to comment on puzzle as I skip it …I attempted 22 here……now its cruciai I have 43  minute left with me ….and it’s the most horrible type DI need to be answered in this time ….i got a good system and my vision is also good ….but I really face problem in interpreting the diagram as it is small…..really too much calculation tht u cant even imagine…after solving eleven questions ….times ends .
Now Descriptive…..
1-Essay on prons on cauns of allowing Minor of age 10 year and above to open Saving account.
2-Paragraph on good Qualities  a bank manager should have.
3---Precise on Changing Scenario of market.
4---Comprehension on Intermediaries (mainly bank)…..Descriptive is really easy no need to bother about it…

Read more reviews and Study materials of SBI PO 2014 from here 
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June 21, 2014

SBI PO Exam 2014 - 21st June 2014 - 2nd Session Review and Questions Asked

Hii,  My name is Deepak and I attended SBI PO exam today here in thane, Mumbai.

My center was about 90 minutes far from my home so left very early and reached at center around 12 in noon, though we were allowed to enter in center at 1:30 exactly since morning session paper was going on.

Evening Session's Review of SBI PO Online Exam Dated : 21-06-2014

Dear Friends, I am Rakesh Kumar- An aspirant for Job in Banking Industry from Baroda,Gujarat. Today (21st June 2014) I've attended the Afternoon Session of SBI Probationary Officers Online Exam 2014.

Review of SBI PO Online Exam held on 21st June 2014 (Morning Session)

Friends, I am Richa Grover. I am an engineering graduate of 2013 and currently working in a college as a lab technician in Uttar Pradesh. Today (21-06-2014)  I've attended the SBI PO Online Exam's morning session. I have attempted 120 questions with good accuracy. All the remaining sections except DI were ok for me, but in Data Interpretation I could attempt only 16 questions (3 of them might be wrong - not sure about those answers). I will try to share my version of review here. 

Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank released Revised Interview Schedule for Office Assistants

Friends, the Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank released Revised Interview Schedule for the recruitment of Office Assistants (Multipurpose). According to a recently released notice dated 19th June 2014, the Interview of Office Assistants (Multipurpose) will be held from 26th June 2014 to 4th July 2014 at the bank's head office, Nagpur, "Chandraprastha",2Nd & 3Rd Floor, Plot No. 6, Deendayal Nagar, Ring Road, Nagpur - 44 00 22. Check complete details from below link. All the best.

Important Points you should know about World Trade Organization (WTO)

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. It was constituted on 1st January 1995, under the Marrakesh Agreement and took the place of GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariff) as an effective formal organization. GATT was an informal organization, which was regulated world trade since 1948.

June 20, 2014

General Awareness Practice Tests for SBI PO and Clerks Exams - Set 16

On 9th March 2014 an Indian Player stood top on ICC rankings of ODI Batsmen. Who is he ?

Name the 18th member of the Euro zone?


Employment Generation Programmes in India

Friends, below is the list of various Employment Generation Programmes of India. This list is very useful for all competitive exams which are having general awareness / general knowledge in it. Happy Reading :)

Current Affairs Quiz for SBI Clerks and PO Exams - Set 15

India's navy chief Admiral DK Joshi has resigned after an accident on board a submarine off the coast of Mumbai that injured seven sailors and left two missing. Name the submarine ?

A pioneer social security organisation under the administrative control of the Union Ministry of Labour & Employment, celebrated 62 years of service to India on 25th February 2014. Name it ?


General Awareness Practice Questions for SBI Clerks and PO Exams - Set 14

The Department of Telecommunication (DoT) has formed a committee to examine the recommendation made by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India on pricing of spectrum. The Committee is chaired by?

With regard to Banking in India, which event took place in the year 1975?

President of India, Pranab Mukherjee Signed the Telangana Bill to make it as the 29th State of India. He signed this bill on ? 


Important Measurements of Sports Fields and Instruments

Friends, below is the list of the measurements of sports fields and instruments. This list will be helpful for all competitive exams which have general awareness / general knowledge in it. Happy Reading :)

Badminton :

  • Court : 13.40 m x 5.18 m
  • Net : Top 1.524 m in height from the floor
  • Shuttle : 4.73 to 5.50 gm in weight and shall have 14 to 16 feathers fixed in court

Base Ball :

  • Distance of each case : 90 feet
  • Base distance along with hypotenuse : 127 feet

June 19, 2014

General Awareness Bits for SBI PO and Clerks Exams 2014 - Set 13

On 17th February 2014 Matteo Renzi appointed as youngest ever prime minister of a country. Name the country ?

The 101st edition of Indian Science Congress was held from 3rd February 2014 to 8th February 2014 in ?


Important update about Indian Overseas Bank Clerks Recruitment (IBPS Clerks III)

Friends, as you know, based on the result of common written examination for clerks (IBPS CWE Clerks III) conducted by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS), Mumbai in November / December 2013 & Interviews held during February 2014 for the Indian Overseas Bank has already released the list of shortlisted candidates for the post of Clerks. In a recently released notification the Bank has announced that it will issue the offer letters for Clerks after 15th July 2014. It also stated that "No further calls regarding joining/appointment letters will be entertained". 

Indian Bank released Revised Joining Schedule for POs and Specialist Officers 2014-15

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The Indian Bank has released revised schedule for the appointments of Probationary Officers and Specialist Officers who are selected based on IBPS CWE III recruitment process. According to a recently released notification by the Indian Bank,

General Awareness Online Practice Tests for SBI Clerks and PO Exams - Set 12

Name the person, who has became the first Indian president of Administrative Tribunal of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in February 2014 ?

Recently an Indian-American has been appointed as the dean of the prestigious Princeton University Graduate School. Name him ?


Narmada Jhabua Gramin Bank Released the Interview Schedule of Officers Scale I

Friends, the Narmada jhabua Gramin Bank has released the list of selected candidates for the interviews of Officers Scale I and Interview schedule. The bank has shortlisted 50 candidates for the interviews of Officers Scale I. The interviews are scheduled to be held on 26th June 2014 and 27th June 2014 at 9:00 AM and 12:30 PM. Check complete details from below link. All the best.

Canara Bank Released the Selected Candidates lists & Joining Dates of IBPS Clerks III and Specialist Officers III

Friends, the Canara Bank has released the lists of selected candidates for the posts of Probationary Clerks and Specialist Officers based on IBPS CWE III recruitment process. The tentative joining dates for Probationary Clerks are 7th July 2014 and 4th August 2014 (two batches) for Specialist Officers 14th July 2014. You can check the state wise and category wise selected lists of candidates along with other details from below links. All the best. 

June 18, 2014

SBI PO Online Exam 2014 : Expected Cutoff Marks

Dear SBI PO aspirants, usually we hate posting expected cutoffs. But over a week a number of misunderstandings have been raising about the cutoffs of SBI PO Online Exam 2014. In reviews, comments and mails many of our friends told that they were unable to manage all the sections because they tried to make 30 marks from every section to clear the exam. So, we feel, its our responsibility to clear the clouds. Please keep in mind that these are the cutoffs prepared by Gr8AmbitionZ team based on last years' cutoffs and the reviews of the SBI PO online exams held on 14th and 15th June 2014. We will try to give our analysis at the end of the post. All the best. 

General Awareness MCQs for SBI PO and Clerks Exams - Set 11

The P5+1 is a group of six world powers which joined the diplomatic efforts with Iran with regard to its nuclear program. Which country does 1 refer to in P5+1?

As per the Raghuram Rajan Committee report which is India's most backward State?


Last Year Cutoff Marks Details of RBI Grade B Officers Recruitment 2013

Dear RBI Grade B Recruitment 2014 aspirants, many of our friends have been asking us to provide the detailed study plan and materials for upcoming RBI Officers in Gr ‘B’ (General)-DR online exam 2014. As an initiative for that, here we are sharing the Section wise and total cut-off marks of last year's RBI Grade B Phase- I and Phase-II exams 2013. These cutoff marks details were shared by our friend Deepak Kumar Raizada. We hope these details will be helpful for you in getting the basic idea on the cutoffs of RBI Grade B Officers Recruitment exam 2014. All the best.

List of Same Words used as Different Parts of Speech

Friends, in our last post we have learnt about the basics of Parts of Speech (you can read that lesson from here). Today we shall discuss about the words which are used as different parts of speech. This post will help you solving the error correction and sentence rearrangement sections of all the competitive exams. Happy Reading :)

Apply Online for IBPS Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) Phase III Recruitment 2014 of Officers & Clerks now

Friends, the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has activated the apply online link for IBPS RRB CWEs Phase-III recruitment of Office Assistants (Multipurpose) / Clerks, Scale I, Scale II and Scale III Officers for the year 2014. You can apply online from today (18th June 2014) to 9th July 2014. The exam will be held in the month of September 2014. Check complete details below. All the best.

June 17, 2014

Punjab National Bank Released the Joining Dates of Clerks (Phase II) out

Friends, as you know, the Punjab National Bank has been releasing the Joining dates of Clerks (based on IBPS Clerks Common Recruitment Process III) in phases. It already released the Phase I joining schedule for Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala And Uttar Pradesh States (7th July 2014). Now it has came out with the Phase II joining dates of remaining states i.e., Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh, Gujarat, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, Uttarakhand and West Bengal. The joining date for above mentioned states is on 21st July 2014. Venue for reporting will be advised shortly while issuing offer of appointment. You can check complete details from below link. All the best.

Parts of Speech - Examples with Explanations

Words are classified according to their parts of speech, i.e., the part they play in a sentence. The parts of speech are eight in number. They are 1. Noun, 2. Adjective, 3. Pronoun, 4. Verb, 5. Adverb, 6. Preposition, 7. Conjunction and 8. Interjection. But most of the modern grammarians added 'determiners' to the list of the parts of speech.

Sarva U. P. Gramin bank released the results of Officers & Office Assistants

Friends, based on the interviews held from 2nd June 2014 to 4th June 2014, the Sarva U. P. Gramin bank has released the lists of selected candidates for the posts of Officers and Office Assistants. The bank has selected 63 candidates for Officers Scale I posts, 89 candidates for Office Assistants (Multipurpose) posts, 10 candidates for Officers Scale II posts and 2 candidates for Officer Scale III posts. You can check complete details from below link. All the best.

Pallavan Grama Bank Interview Schedule of Officers and Office Assistants out

Friends, the Pallavan Grama Bank has released the lists of shortlisted candidates for the interviews of Officers JMG Scale I and Office Assistants (Multipurpose). Earlier the bank has invited online applications from 28th May 2014 to 10th June 2014 for filling up 54 Officer Scale I posts and 52 Office Assistants posts. Now it has came out with the interview schedule of the same. The interviews for the Interviews are scheduled to be held from 23rd June 2014 to 25th June 2014 at the bank's head office, Salem. All the best :)

Idiomatic Expressions Practice Exercises

In each of the following an idiomatic expression and its four possible meanings are given. Find out the correct meaning of the idiomatic expression. If you do not find any correct answer, mark 5, i.e., None of these as your answer.

SBI PO Online Exam Resview - 15th June 2014 / IInd Batch / Dehradun

Hi Friends , I'm Saurav Ranu. I appeared the afternoon's session of SBI PO Exam which was held on 15th June 2014. Please find below the review of the Exam :

Time : 2:30 PM

Before starting I would like to share with you all that due to some unavoidable personal circumstances I could prepare only for 7 days for SBI PO. I started my preparation from 7-8th June.

June 16, 2014

IBPS RRB CWE III Recruitment Notification 2014 for POs and Clerks out

Good news for all IBPS aspirants, the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has released the notification of IBPS RRB CWE III Online Exam for the recruitment of Group "A "- Officers (Scale I, II and III) and Group "B"- Office Assistants (Multipurpose) for the year 2014. You can apply online from 18th June 2014 to 9th July 2014. There are 56 Regional Rural Banks from various states are participating in this recruitment. Check complete details below. All the best.

SBI PO Online Exam of 15th June 2014 (Afternoon Session) : Reviews and Tips

Review shared by Vijay Soni

Hello to all SBI PO Aspirants 2014. I am sharing here my exam experience and hence review might be different from others who are sharing.

SBI PO Online Exam 15-Jun-2014 Morning Batch Review

Hi Friends, this is  Prasad from Chennai. I have attended yesterday's SBI PO Exam in the morning batch. I am sharing my thoughts about the exam and question which i am able to recollect

General Awareness
 I started the exam by attending General awareness section. I have answered 45 questions. It took me 15 mins to complete it. Banking , General awareness and Computer knowledge were very easy. Marketing was bit tough for me since i haven't prepared well.

Syndicate Bank Clerks Selected list 2014-15 out

Friends, based on the IBPS Clerks III Common Recruitment Process, the Syndicate Bank has released the State/Union Territory-wise list of selected candidates for the posts of Probationary Clerks for the year 2014-15. The bank has also released the list of candidates withheld for want of documents / clarification. There are 1745 candidates in the selected list and 151 candidates in the withheld list. The bank has been sending appointment letters to all the selected candidates (except to the candidates in the withheld list). Those candidates who do not receive your Appointment Orders through email/Speed post on or before 20.06.2014 should contact the bank via the email address "". Check complete details below. All the best.

Pandyan Grama Bank Officers Scale I Selected Candidates List out

Friends, the Pandyan Grama Bank has released the roll numbers of the candidates who have been provisionally selected for the post of Officers Scale I Junior Management Scale I. Based on the score of IBPS RRB CWE II Written and Interview scores, the bank released this list. The bank has been sending invidual offer letters to all the candidates. You can check complete details from below link. All the best.

June 15, 2014

SBI PO Online Exam of 15th June 2014 : Reviews and Questions Asked

Review and Questions shared by Karthik Gopal 

Hi, I am Karthik from Madurai, tamilnadu and I had my SBI PO exam today in the first batch.

 First of all i have to thank the admin and the team for their tremendous efforts in preparing such awesome materials !! these materials are more than sufficient for the exams :)

SBI PO June 14th 2014 Afternoon Session Online Exam Review

Hi all SBI PO Aspirants, I am Anuya Nagrane. Here I am sharing the Afternoon Session's review of the SBI Probationary Officers online exam held on 14th June 2014. Hope this review will be helpful for all the remaining aspirants. My exam was started at 2:30 PM.

June 14, 2014

Questions Asked in Today's (14th June 2014) SBI PO Online Exam - Descriptive Test

Dear friends, this is Suresh again. I have already shared the review of today's SBI PO Online Exam's objective test (you can read that review from here). As a number of people have been asking about the questions asked in Descriptive test, here I am sharing a brief analysis of Descriptive Paper. Please don't mind any minor mistakes and sentence arrangements. I am on the way to my home, as the people are little hurry I am sharing this review via my mobile. Good Luck.

Today's (14th June 2014) SBI PO Online Exam Review

Friends, I am G. Suresh Kumar from Hyderabad. I have attended today's SBI PO online exam dated 14-06-2014 (Morning Session). Here I am sharing my review so that it will be helpful for those aspirants who are attending the exam. Here is the section wise review.

Today is the last date for SBI Clerks 2014 Online Registration

Friends, today is the last date to apply online and online payment of fee for SBI Clerks recruitment 2014. So hurry up if you haven't applied yet. As you know, the State Bank of India released recruitment notification for the posts of Assistants in clerical cadre on 24th May 2014. There are 5092 posts in total. 

June 13, 2014

General Awareness Online Practice Tests for SBI PO Exam - Set 10

Which bank was included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 on May 21, 2014?

Ruchira Kamboj has been appointed as the Permanent Representative of India to which organization ?


General Awareness Practice Bits for SBI PO Online Exam - Set 9

SIMBEX-14 was started off the Andaman and Nicobar Islands on May 22, 2014. It is an annual joint naval exercise conducted by India and ?

Which country test-fired a short range surface-to-surface ballistic missile Hatf III (Ghaznavi), capable of carrying nuclear warheads to a range of 290 kilometers ?


SBI PO General Awareness Online Practice Test - Set 8

Anandiben Patel took charge as the first woman Chief Minister of which state on May 22, 2014?

Who is the Chairman of a four member Committee that was appointed to clear the ambiguity between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Institutional Investors (FII)?


GA Practice Tests for SBI PO Online Exam - Set 7

Who was appointed as the Vice President and Auditor General of the World Bank on May 23, 2014?

Which panel has recommended a ban on development activities in 60,000 sq km ecologically sensitive area in Western Ghats?

Who has taken over as India's High Commissioner to the United Kingdom in December 2013?

Gopinath Munde died in a road accident in New Delhi on June 3, 2014. He was the Union Minister of?

Which cricketer was given the Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy in December 2013?

Who was appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) in November 2013?

Which country has rejected a United Nations resolution urging it to grant citizenship to the Rohingya, a Muslim minority group?

J-20 is a stealth fighter aircraft launched by?

Javed Akhtar won the Sahitya Akademi Award for which book ?

Who has been elected to the United Nations Board of Auditors?

Who was appointed as the new Finance Secretary in April 2014?

Formula One great Sir Jack Brabham died on May 19, 2014. He belonged to?

Rosatom is the State Atomic Energy Corporation of which country ?

Doris Lessing of UK died on November 17, 2013. In 2007, she became the oldest recipient of the Nobel Prize in which category?

Which organization conducted Cyber Coalition 2013, the largest-ever Cyber exercises to practice averting large-scale, simultaneous cyber attacks on member states?

Who was appointed as RBI Deputy Governor for three years in place of Anand Sinha on April 3, 2014?

If a Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account (BSBDA) holder has any other existing savings bank account in that bank, he/she will be required to close it within how many days from the date of opening a BSBDA?

Which of the following statements is correct?
  1. Commercial banks are non institutional sources of credit
  2. Balance of payment is related to diplomatic relations
  3. The reverse mortgage scheme was launched to help youngsters
  4. The term 'Power of Attorney' refers to power entrusted to a person of authority
  5.  Repo rate is covered under the RBI monetary and credit policy

Who was appointed as the 14th Attorney General of India in May 2014?

Which team won the I-League football title for the first time in Margao on April 21, 2014?

Read Marketing MCQs for SBI PO Exam from here

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