- Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana at Ballia in Uttar Pradesh on 1st May 2016.
- The program aims to provide five crore LPG connections to women in Below Poverty Line (BPL) households over the next 3 financial years, at a cost of Rs. 8,000 crore.
- Padma Sachdev was selected for the Saraswati Samman for 2015 for her autobiography titled "Chitt-Chete", written in Dogri language.
- Dogri language is spoken in Jammu and Himachal Pradesh.
- Bangladeshi cricketer Mashrafe Bin Mortaza has been appointed National Goodwill Ambassador for Youth by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
- Filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Actor Ranveer Singh were honoured with the 2016 Dinanath Mangeshkar Prize.
- Hindi writer Sunita Jain has been selected for the 2015 Vyas Sam-man for her poetry collection "Kshama".
- Dutch football legend Johan Cruyff passed away on March 24, 2016.
- He won the Ballon d'Or award three times.
- He led the Netherlands football team to the final of the 1974 FIFA World Cup and received Golden Ball as player of the tournament.
Search your Topic HERE....
July 31, 2016
2016 Current Affairs Round Up for Banking and SSC Exams - Part 1
July 30, 2016
Banking Awareness Quiz - Set 81
- When was the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) founded with the object of co-ordinating and integrating the economies of member-countries ?
- 1948
- 1949
- 1950
- 1951
- None of these
- How many countries joined together to form the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) with a view to ultimately establish a free trade area between member-countries ?
- Six
- Seven
- Eight
- Nine
- None of these
SBI PO Mains 2016 Grand Test with Key
INDIA's GDP Growth Forecast for FY 2016-17
India's GDP Growth Forecast for Financial Year 2016-17
- ICRA (Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency, HQ-Gurgaon, Delhi)— 7.7%
- BMI(Business Monitor International, HQ-London)— 7.2%
- Nomura(HQ-Tokyo, Japan)— 7.7% (7.8% earlier)
- IMF(International Monetary Fund, HQ-Washington, D.C.)— 7.4% (7.5% earlier)
- ADB(Asian Development Bank, HQ- Mandaluyong Manila, Philippines)— 7.4% (7.8% earlier)
- RBI(Reserve Bank of India, HQ-Mumbai)
- 7.6% (2016-17)
- 7.8% (2017-18)
- WB(World Bank, HQ-Washington, D.C.)
- (7.6% 2016-17)
- (7.7% 2017-18)
- (7.8% 2018-19)
- UN(United Nation, HQ-New York, US)
- (7.3% 2016)
- (7.5% 2017)
July 29, 2016
29th July 2016 - Important Current Affairs updates
Friday, July 29, 2016
Current Affairs Daily Updates,
Daily Current Affairs,
July 2016 Current Affairs updates
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International Affairs
- Today is International Tiger Day.
- The day is held annually on 29th July to raise awareness for tiger conservation.
- It was founded in 2010 at the St. Petersburg Tiger Summit, with the aim to double the big cat population by 2022.
- The goal of this day is to promote a global system for protecting the natural habitats of tigers and to raise public awareness and support for tiger conservation.
- The Afghan government has lost territory to the Afghan Taliban, with districts under government forces down to 65.6% from 70.5% in January, according to a US military report.
- Note : This report comes after Obama's statement that America shall limit withdrawal of troops from the country, leaving 8,400 troops in Afghanistan instead of the originally-planned 5,500 troops until 2017.
SSC CHSL 2015 Results out

Cutoff Marks of SSC CHSL 2015
- SC - 99
- ST - 89.50
- OBC - 110
- Ex.S- 45.50
- OH - 88
- HH - 55
- VH - 83.50
- UR - 119
Banking Awareness Quiz - Set 80
- The aim of the ASEAN is to accelerate economic and social progress and maintain stability in the region. When was it formed ?
- 1965
- 1966
- 1967
- 1968
- None of these
- How many countries are members of the ASEAN ?
- Ten
- Five
- Six
- Seven
- None of these
- The International Fund for Agricultural Development is a one billion dollar fund used for raising food production in developing countries and providing employment to poor and landless farmers. What proportion of this fund has been contributed by industrialized nations ?
- 40%
- 50%
- 60%
- 70%
- None of these
Common Errors in English Usage with Explanations - Part 49
Friday, July 29, 2016
Common Errors in English Usage,
English for Competitive Exams,
English Grammar Tips
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- I am living in Bangalore. (wrong)
- I live in Bangalore. (correct)
- Explanation : This is a typical Indianism. Why unnecessarily use the present participle when a simple present tense can be more direct ?
- She sang very well, isn't it ? (wrong)
- She sang very well, didn't she ? (correct)
- Explanation : The expression 'isn't it?' is often used indiscriminately. In all such sentences, the tense and person used in the main statement must be retained in the auxiliary as well. The auxiliary in this case 'didn't she' implies 'didn't she sing very well ?'
- I have read an interesting book yesterday. (wrong)
- I read an interesting book yesterday. (correct)
Pay Slip of IBPS RRB Manager (July 2016)
sponsored links
July 28, 2016
28th July 2016 - Important Current Affairs updates
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Current Affairs Daily Updates,
Daily Current Affairs,
July 2016 Current Affairs updates
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International Affairs
- Today (28th July) is World Hepatitis Day.
- Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. It can affect any individual of any age including children.
- This day aims to raise global awareness of hepatitis (a group of infectious diseases known as Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E)
- Theme of the year 2016 : Know Hepatitis-Act Now
- Note : World Hepatitis Day is one of eight official global public health campaigns marked by the World Health Organization (WHO).
- Remaining Campaigns are
- World Health Day,
- World Blood Donor Day,
- World Immunization Week,
- World Tuberculosis Day,
- World No Tobacco Day,
- World Malaria Day
- World AIDS Day
Important Update about SSC CHSL Exam 2016
The Notice of the abovementioned exam was scheduled to be published on 2nd July, 2016. However, the Commission proposes to conduct the exam in the Computer Based Examination Mode, for which modalities are being finalised. Immediately after completion of the necessary formalities the Commission would upload the Notice on the Website of the Commission as well as its Regional Offices.
English Vocabulary in 365 Days - Lesson 33
Thursday, July 28, 2016
English for Competitive Exams,
English Grammar Tips,
Vocabulary in 365 Days
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Day 33 : Hypo
- hypo - under; below normal
Let's try to understand this with some examples
- hypodermic (noun) = an injection under the skin
- hypo - Prefix = under
- derm (derma) - Root = skin
- ic - Suffix = connected with
- hypothetical (adjective) = imagined but not necessarily real or true
- hypo (hupo) - Prefix = under
- thet - Root = subject
- ical - Suffix = connected with
Sports and their Playgrounds
Sports and their Playgrounds
Banking Awareness Quiz - Set 79
- How many lending Nations formed the 'Aid India Club' to help India out of her foreign exchange difficulties ?
- 14
- 12
- 10
- 8
- None of these
- Which of the following does not match ?
- Food and Agricultural Organization - Rome
- International Monetary Fund - Washington, DC
- United Nations Fund for Population Activities - New York
- International Fund for Agricultural Development - Geneva
- None of these
- The main function of the IFC is ?
- Make special efforts to promote international trade
- Encourage the growth of productive private enterprises in less developed member countries
- Assist those countries with an annual per capita gross national product of less than $520
- Promote foreign investment
- None of these
Square Roots & Cube Roots of Numbers Audio (MP3) Files - Free Download
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Aptitude Shortcuts,
Audio Lessons,
Maths Shortcuts,
Mental Maths
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Common Errors in English Usage with Explanations - Part 48
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Common Errors in English Usage,
English for Competitive Exams,
English Grammar Tips
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- You are fairer than me. (wrong)
- You are fairer than I. (correct)
- Explanation : The complete sentence would read 'You are fairer than I am'.
- He is twenty years old, isn't it ? (wrong)
- He is twenty years old, isn't he ? (correct)
- Explanation : In the second part of the sentence, the object of the verb is 'he', not 'it'.
- Rita, having finished her paper, she left the examination hall. (wrong)
- Rita, having finished her paper, left the examination hall. (correct)
- Explanation : This is an example of a pronoun used where it is not required.
- He has read almost each book of the college library. (wrong)
- He has read almost every book of the college library. (correct)
- Explanation : Each is a determiner which is used to refer to every one of the two or more things and cannot be used with almost.
SBI PO Main Exam Model Practice Paper (with Solutions) : Part 2
July 27, 2016
27th July 2016 - Important Current Affairs updates
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Current Affairs Daily Updates,
Daily Current Affairs,
July 2016 Current Affairs updates
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International Affairs
- The World Health Organisation (WHO) has officially declared Brazil free of Measles, after no case of the disease was registered in the year 2015.
- The two day BRICS Policy Planning Dialogue was successfully concluded in Patna, Bihar.
- Delegates of BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa had attended the meeting.
- This dialogue provided a common platform to BRICS countries for sharing of best practices in foreign policy planning and assessment between the BRICS countries.
- The New Zealand government recently announced a $20 million "world-first" project to exterminate three mammals including rats and possums, and five foreign predators from the country by 2050.
- The government reported that such species kill 25 million native New Zealand birds every year and estimated their cost to the country's economy to be around $2.30 billion a year.
- Nation observes first death anniversary of former President Dr A P J Abdul Kalam.
- A life-size statue of him was unveiled at Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu.
- The bronze statue was inaugurated by Union Ministers Venkaiah Naidu and Manohar Parrikar.
- Both the ministers have also laid foundation stone for Abdul Kalam National Memorial at Rameswaram
English Vocabulary from "The Hindu" - 21st July 2016
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
English for Competitive Exams,
English Vocabulary from The Hindu
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Note : Click on the title to read the Editorial.
Topic 1 : "Dangerous vigilantism"
- Vigilantism - The unofficial way to prevent crime (because they do not think that official organizations, such as the police, are controlling crime effectively)
- Reverberations - effects that spread and affect a lot of people
- Inflicted - to force someone to experience something very unpleasant
- Protests - an occasion when people show that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc
- Agitations - the situation in which people protest or argue, especially in public, in order to achieve a particular type of change
- Shut down - stopped
- Adopted - choose to take up or follow (an idea, method, or course of action)
- Bore - to tolerate or endure something, especially something unpleasant
- Assailants - people who physically attack others
- Stripped - to remove the clothing of someone
- Flogged - beat (someone) with a stick as a punishment
- Bound - tied with a rope
- Paraded - a large number of people walking or in vehicles, all going in the same direction
- Accusations - a statement saying that someone has done something wrong
- Skinning - remove the skin from an animal
- Redressal - give payment for a wrong that has been done
- Consuming - eating / drinking
- Carcass - the body of a dead animal
- Mobilisation - to organize or prepare something, such as a group of people, for a purpose
- Succumbing - die from the effect of a disease or injury
- Stone-pelting - to throw a number of stones quickly at someone or something
- Comprehensive - complete and including everything that is necessary
- Holistic - dealing with or treating the whole of something or someone and not just a part
- Confrontationist - to fight or argue
- Firefighting - the activity of stopping fires burning
- Victim - a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action
- Condemned - expressed complete disapproval of something
- Atrocity - an extremely cruel act
- Assault - a physical attack
- Corner - to force somebody into a situation from which they cannot easily escape
- Reprisal - activity against another person, especially as a punishment
- Pursuit - the act of trying to achieve a plan, activity, or situation, usually over a long period of time
- Consolidation - make (something) physically stronger or more solid
- Intimidation - to frighten or warn someone, usually in order to convince them to do something that you want them to do
- Unequivocally - expressed in a clear way
List of Major News Papers of the World
Major Newspapers of the World (News Paper - Country)
- The Sydney Morning Herald - Australia
- The Age - Australia
- Globe and Mail - Canada
- The Gazette - Canada
- Le Monde Dawn - Paris (France)
- Dawn - Pakistan
- Die Welt - Germany
- The Times - Britain
- The Sun - Britain
- The Wall Street Journal - USA
- New York Times - USA
- Washington Post - USA
Two Indians win Ramon Magsaysay Award 2016
Powers of 2 and 3 Audio (MP3) Files - Download
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Aptitude Shortcuts,
Audio Lessons,
Maths Shortcuts,
Mental Maths
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UBI NIIT PO Online Exam Call Letters out
GK : List of Leading Countries for Mineral Production of World (Top 3 Producers)
Banking Awareness Quiz - Set 78
- One of the following countries was not a member country of the Colombo Plan. Identify it ?
- India
- Iran
- France
- None of these
- In which month of 1945 was the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) set up ?
- August
- September
- October
- November
- None of these
- IN 1951 the FAO was transferred from its temporary headquarters in Washington, DC to ?
- Rome
- New York
- Ottawa
- Geneva
- None of these
SBI PO Main Exam Model Paper (with Solutions) : Part I
Common Errors in English Usage with Explanations - Part 47
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Common Errors in English Usage,
English for Competitive Exams,
English Grammar Tips
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- He bought a radio for Rs. 250 and sold the same at a handsome profit. (wrong)
- He bought a radio for Rs. 250 and sold it at a handsome profit. (correct)
- Explanation : There is a common tendency to use this superfluous expression, 'the same', where the pronoun 'it' would be more suitable. Avoid writing, 'I enclose a cheque for Rs. 175, please acknowledge receipt of the same. '
- My sister and myself are pleased to accept your invitation to dinner. (wrong)
- My sister and I are pleased to accept your invitation to dinner. (correct)
- Explanation : Where no particular emphasis is intended, use the simple pronouns 'he, you, I'.
- Note, for instance, 'I myself was to blame for the accident'. or, reflexively, as 'The child hurt itself'.
July 26, 2016
GK : Important Boundary Lines
Important Boundary Lines :
- 17th Parallel : between North Vietnam and South Vietnam
- 24th Parallel : between Pakistan and India (not recognized by India)
- 26th Parallel south : between Africa, Australia and South America
- 30th Parallel north : between the equator and the North Pole
- 33rd Parallel north : between United States, parts of North Africa, parts of the Middle East, and China
- 35th Parallel north : between Africa, the Mediterranean Sea, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America and the Atlantic Ocean.
- 36th Parallel : between Missouri and the State of Arkansas
26th July 2016 - Important Current Affairs updates
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Current Affairs Daily Updates,
Daily Current Affairs,
July 2016 Current Affairs updates
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International Affairs
- India has the highest number of stunted children in the world owing to 'severe' sanitation crisis due to lack of clean toilets and water, according to a report by international development charity WaterAid.
- The report said that 48 million, or 40% Indian children under the age of five, suffer from stunted growth.
- Nigeria and Pakistan rank second and third respectively.
- The US today sought the removal of customs duties by India on information and communications technology (ICT) products in a bid to introduce these products into supply chain operations.
- The US is working with India for implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement, a US trade representative said, adding that India should tap its ICT segment potential.
- Nation pays tribute to martyrs on 17th Kargil Victory Day (Kargil Vijay Diwas) today.
- Kargil Vijay Diwas is named after the success of Operation Vijay.
- This day is is celebrated on 26 July every year in honour of the Kargil War's Heroes.
- On this day, 26 July 1999, India successfully took command of the high outposts which had been lost to Pakistani intruders.
IBPS Clerks V Selected Candidates List of PNB out
Squares & Cubes of Numbers Audio (MP3) Files - Download
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Aptitude Shortcuts,
Audio Lessons,
Maths Shortcuts,
Quick Maths
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July 2016 : Expected Current Affairs Quiz - Set 12
The fastest train in India was manufactured by which spanish company ?
Talgo train has broken the record of which express at 160 km/hour ?
The Election Commission of India (ECI) recently selected a Punjabi singer and actor as the icon for the upcoming Punjab Assembly polls. Name him ?
Which day of July month is celebrated as ‘National Day’ in France ?
Switzerland-based bank has retained its position as the world’s biggest private bank in 2015. Name it ?
Common Errors in English Usage with Explanations - Part 46
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Common Errors in English Usage,
English for Competitive Exams,
English Grammar Tips
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- He has already cheated me twice or thrice. (wrong)
- He has already cheated me two or three times. (correct)
- Explanation : Thought twice means 'two times' and thrice means 'three times', they are formal and literary expressions and not for everyday use.
- A king's life is different from a prime minister. (wrong)
- A king's life is different from a prime minsiter's. (correct)
- Explanation : In a comparative statement of this kind, if the first noun is in the possessive case, the second noun too must be in the possessive case.
- I gave him one and half rupee. (wrong)
- I gave him one and half rupees. (correct)
- Explanation : Anything greater than one, even by a narrow margin, takes the plural form.
IBPS PO VI Online Application Link Activated
Name of the Organization : Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS)
Name of the Posts(s) : Probationary Officers
Important Dates :
Name of the Posts(s) : Probationary Officers
Important Dates :
- On-line registration including Edit/Modification of Application by candidates : 26.07.2016 to 13.08.2016
- Payment of Application Fees/Intimation Charges (Online) : 26.07.2016 to 13.08.2016
- Download of call letters for Pre- Exam Training : 23.09.2016 to 08.10.2016
July 25, 2016
25th July 2016 - Important Current Affairs updates
Monday, July 25, 2016
Current Affairs Daily Updates,
Daily Current Affairs,
July 2016 Current Affairs updates
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International Affairs
- The members of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) today resolved an on-going deadlock and issued a joint statement that the ASEAN remains "seriously concerned" over recent developments in the South China sea issue.
- Note : The deadlock was over Philippines' request to include a UN Court ruling rejecting China's South China sea claims, which was blocked by China's ally Cambodia.
- During the G-20 countries' seminar that ended yesterday, Finance chiefs of world's biggest economies signalled toward rising concerns over anti-globalisation sentiment.
- There is more importance of inclusive economic growth after 'Brexit' vote, an official said.
- IMF chief Christine Lagarde said that there was a consensus that more needs to be done to share benefits of growth and economic openness.
- Nepal Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli has resigned, plunging the Himalayan nation into a fresh bout of political uncertainty.
- Important Note : He was elected the 38th Prime Minister of Nepal in October 2015.
Essay Writing Tips for IBPS PO 2018 Main Descriptive Test
IBPS PO 2018 Essay Writing Tips
What is an Essay ?
An essay is an art of writing on any theme or subject. For banking examination purposes, the term essay has a definite significance. In an essay, the writer states his knowledge of, and gives his opinions about a certain topic. An essay may combine narrative and descriptive elements, but it will also include criticism and comments representing the writer's own ideas, views or thoughts.
Aims of Essays
An essay tests the ability of the writer to :
- Choose properly the right subject
- Organize the matter
- Narrate, report, explain, persuade or argue ideas choherently
- Compare and contrast ideas, arrive at conclusion with the help of relevant arguments.
- Use correct style
UIICL AO Interview Call Letters out
English Vocabulary in 365 Days - Lesson 32
Monday, July 25, 2016
English for Competitive Exams,
English Grammar Tips,
Vocabulary in 365 Days
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Day 32 : Hyper
- hyper - excessive; over; above
Let's try to understand this with some examples
- hypertension (noun) = blood pressure that is higher than is normal.
- hyper - Prefix = beyond, excessive
- ten (tendere) - Root = stretch
- sion - Suffix = the state of
- hyperbola (noun) = a symmetrical open curve
- hyper - Prefix = above
- bola (ballen) - Root = to throw
Audio Files (MP3) of Multiplication Tables 10 to 50 - Single File Download
Monday, July 25, 2016
Audio Lessons,
Maths Shortcuts,
Mental Maths,
Quick Maths,
Speed Maths
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You can download the Audio Math Tables from below links
July 2016 : Expected Current Affairs Quiz - Set 11
India's Vice-President Mohammad Hamid Ansari was on a Two day visit to Mongolia. During this visit, he led the Indian delegation at which meeting ?
The two-day ASEM Summit was held at the capital of Mongolia. Name it ?
ASEM was established on ?
India joined ASEM in which year ?
Expand ASEM ?
ASEM currently has ___________ partners
Common Errors in English Usage with Explanations - Part 45
Monday, July 25, 2016
Common Errors in English Usage,
English for Competitive Exams,
English Grammar Tips
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- Can I have some scramble egg ? (wrong)
- Can I have some scrambled eggs ? (correct)
- Explanation : When you scramble eggs they become scrambled eggs.
- He went scotch free. (wrong)
- He went scot free. (correct)
- Explanation : Getting away with something 'scot free' has nothing to do with the Scots (or Scotch). The 'scot' was a medieval tax; if you evaded paying ity you got off scot free.
- I was taken back by his sudden change in behaviour. (wrong)
- I was taken aback by his sudden change in behaviour. (correct)
- Explanation : When you're startled by something, you're taken aback by it. When you're reminded of something from your past, you're taken back to that time.
July 24, 2016
24th July 2016 - Important Current Affairs updates
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Current Affairs Daily Updates,
Daily Current Affairs,
July 2016 Current Affairs updates
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National Affairs
- The Cabinet Committee on Security, headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has approved 12 India Reserve Battalions for Left Wing Extremism affected states.
- The government has also given an approval to the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) for raising a ‘Bastariya’ battalion comprising only of tribals, which will be stationed for five years in Chhattisgarh.
- According to government data as of March 2016, Tamil Nadu had the maximum number of urban internet subscribers in India, accounting for over 21 million of a total 231 million urban subscribers in the country.
- Note : Maharashtra and Delhi had 19.7 million and 19.6 million subscribers respectively, followed by Karnataka with 17 million.
- Railway minister Suresh Prabhu today inaugurated India’s first 'green train corridor' – a 114-km stretch between Rameswaram and Manamadurai in Tamil Nadu.
- Important Note : A green corridor or zero toilet discharge section envisages that all trains on that route will have bio-toilets, thereby eliminating open discharge of waste on the tracks.
- Railways has provided 40,750 bio-toilets in trains, as of June-end.
- The government has allowed the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) to handle Aadhaar enrolment in 10 states where it was being done by the Registrar-General of India until now.
- Note : Currently, UIDAI is not allowed to conduct Aadhaar enrolment only in Assam and Meghalaya.
- This reportedly is aimed at achieving PM Modi's target of complete Aadhaar enrolment by March 2017.
- Kerala Government has launched Kochi Water Metro project, the first ever Water Metro project in the country.
- It was launched by Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan at Kochi. The project aims to provide water connectivity to people living between islands in the Kochi agglomeration area and the city.
Meet the 1st woman violinist to get Sangita Kalanidhi Award : V. Kanyakumari
Important Point to Note : She is the first female violinist ever in the history of the academy to have been chosen for the prestigious award.
The Sangita Kala Acharya Award (two awards) will be conferred on Rudrapatnam brothers, RN Thyagarajan and RN Tharanathan (Vocal duo) Prof K Venkataramanan (Vocalist and music teacher), the release said.
Important Awards and honours Received by A. Kanyakumari
- Sangita Kalanidhi Award
- Padma Shri (2015)
- Kalaimamani award from govt of Tamil Nadu
- Ugadi Purasakar from govt of Andhra Pradesh
- Honorary citizenship of the state of Maryland,U.S
- Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (2003)
Banking in India (Quick Review) - Video Lesson
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Banking Awareness,
IBPS PO VI Special,
RBI Grade B Officers Special,
SBI PO 2016 Special
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July 2016 : Expected Current Affairs Quiz - Set 10
The first direct bus service to connect South Asia’s two important cities was recently launched. This service connects New Delhi of India to which city of Nepal ?
Name the youngest person ever to win a Nobel Prize aged 17 ?
Which American singer has been named the world's highest-paid celebrity of 2016 as part of the 'Celebrity 100' list by 'Forbes' ?
Name the two Indian Actors to feature in the 'Celeb 100' list by Forbes, an annual list featuring the world's highest paid celebrities ?
The 14th edition of the Homeless World Cup was recently held in ?
The State Bank of India (SBI) recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with SINE at IIT Bombay to promote innovation by start-ups in the financial sector. The SINE is IIT Bombay’s technology business incubator to promote innovation by startups in the financial sector. Expand SINE ?
Common Errors in English Usage with Explanations - Part 44
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Common Errors in English Usage,
English for Competitive Exams,
English Grammar Tips
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- My child studies in kindergarten. (wrong)
- My child studies in kindergarten. (correct)
- Explanation : The original German spelling of the word 'kindergarten' is standard in English.
- I saw an LCD display presentation. (wrong)
- I saw an LCD presentation. (correct)
- Explanation : 'LCD' stands for 'Liquid Crystal Display', so it is redundant to write 'LCD' display, you can write 'LCD screen' instead.
- Let alone the details of the story, I can't remember the title of the book we were supposed to read. (wrong)
- I can't remember the title of the book we were supposed to read, let alone the details of the story. (correct)
- Explanation : In sentences like these you give a lesser example of something first, followed by 'let alone' and then the greater example.
Current Affiars Quiz for SBI Main Online Exam 2016
- 'Ziyuan III 02' a new civilian high-resolution mapping satellite has been successfully launched by which country?
- China
- Pakistan
- Russia
- Japan
- Laos
- Which country to launch its World's first Quantum Communications Satellite into space ?
- Japan
- India
- China
- Pakistan
- Which mobile app has been launched by the Chinese mobile Internet giant Alibaba Group to India's first free app-lock with face-lock feature that enables users to unlock their protected apps through a one-second selfie ?
- Privacy right
- Privacy Knight
- Privacy safe
- Privacy lock
- Privacy made
July 23, 2016
23rd July 2016 - Important Current Affairs updates
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Current Affairs Daily Updates,
Daily Current Affairs,
July 2016 Current Affairs updates
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International Affairs
National Affairs
- The Salzburg Festival began in the Austrian town of Salzburg, which was the birthplace of late composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
- Established in 1920, the festival will run through August and feature numerous concerts as well as opera and theatre performances.
- Over 2.5 lakh people attend the festival annually.
- The United Nations Department of Field Support has announced that India has become the first country to contribute to a trust fund set up in support of victims of sexual exploitation and abuse by UN peacekeepers.
- The $100,000 contribution comes after the UN Secretariat requested voluntary contributions to the trust fund while establishing it in March.
National Affairs
- Today (23rd July) is National Broadcasting Day.
- On this day in 1927, India got its first radio station.
- Note : The first station of the Indian Broadcasting Company (IBC) was inaugurated at Bombay by the British Viceroy of India Lord Irwin on 23rd July 1927.
- Minister for Information & Broadcasting - Venkaiah Naidu
- Minister of State for Information & Broadcasting - Col. Rajyavardhan Rathore
- Nation remembered freedom fighters Chandra Shekhar Azad and Lokmanya Tilak, on their birth anniversaries today.
- Indian nationalist leader Bal Gangadhar Tilak's 160th birth anniversary.
- Popularly called 'Lokmanya', meaning 'accepted by the people', Tilak was born on
English Vocabulary from "The Hindu" - 20th July 2016
Saturday, July 23, 2016
English for Competitive Exams,
English Vocabulary from The Hindu
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Note : Click on the title to read the Editorial.
Topic 1 : "Cleaning up cricket"
- Significance - the quality of being worthy of attention / importance
- Intervention - to intentionally become involved in a difficult situation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse
- Trumps - to beat someone or something by doing or producing something better
- Marred - spoiled
- Activism - the use of direct and noticeable action to achieve a result, usually a political or social one
- Revamp - give new and improved form, structure, or appearance to something
- Sweeping - affecting many things or people
- Reforms - make changes in something in order to improve it
- Conflicts - serious disagreements or arguments
- Tenure - the holding of an office
- Fiefdom - an area or type of activity that is controlled by someone
- Ills - bad things
- Patronage - the support given to an organization by someone
- Stem from something - to start or develop as the result of something
- Office-bearer - a person holding a position of authority in an organization
- Cooling-off period - the time gap between a series of events
- Bloated - excessive in size or amount
- Apex - the highest point of something
- Unfettered - not limited by rules or any other controlling influence
- Micromanagement - to control every part of a situation, even small details
- Irrespective - without considering
- Transparent - open and honest, without secrets
- Accountable - someone who is accountable is completely responsible for what they do and must be able to give a satisfactory reason for it
- Manner - the way in which something is done
- Infusion - the act of adding one thing to another to make it stronger or better
- Assortment - a group of different types of something
- Shadowy - used to refer to something very less known
- Capitalise - take the chance to gain advantage from something
- Scandal - an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage
- Unsavoury - unpleasant, or morally offensive
- Aspect - a particular part or feature of something
- Gain ground - become more popular or accepted
- Cosy - comfortable and pleasant
- Grave - seriously bad
- Conflict - disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles
- Plagued - to cause worry, pain, or difficulty to someone or something over a period of time
- Take a hard line against something - to be very serious in the way that you deal with someone or something
- Malpractices - failure to act correctly or legally when doing your job, often causing injury or loss
- Indisputable - unable to be challenged or denied
- Cavils - to make unreasonable complaints, especially about things that are not important
- Thrust - push suddenly or violently in a specified direction
- Significant - important or noticeable
- Proponent - a person who speaks publicly in support of a particular idea or plan of action
General Awareness Expected Questions for SBI PO Main Online Exam 2016
- The Union Cabinet gave its approval to the proposal for which Metro Rail Phase-I Project, which covers a length of 9.051 km, at a total cost of Rs.3,770 crore?
- Hyderabad
- Channel
- Kolkata
- Visakhapatnam
- Mumbai
- The India-Morocco Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IMCCI) has been launched in which of the following cities?
- Which of the following countries have won the UNSC non-permanent membership for 2017-18?
- Senegal, Ukraine, and ,Uruguay
- Japan ,Venezuela , Spain
- Ethiopia, Bolivia, Sweden and Kazakhstan
- Egypt, Netherlands and Spain
- Japan, Ukraine, Netherlands
GK : Geography for Competitive Exams - Part 1
- Is Australia an island or a continent ?
- Australia is an island as well as a continent.
- What and where is the Great Barrier Reef and what is its length ?
- This is the world's longest formation of coral. It is 2,012 km long and is spread on the shores of Queenlsand in Australia.
- Name the biggest island in the world ?
- Greenland
- On the bank of which river is the important Chinese town Nanking situated ?
- Yang-Tse river
English Vocabulary in 365 Days - Lesson 31
Saturday, July 23, 2016
English for Competitive Exams,
English Grammar Tips,
Vocabulary in 365 Days
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Day 31 : Homo; Homeo
- homo; homeo - same; equal
Let's try to understand this with some examples
- homogeneous (adjective) = consisting the things that all are same
- homo (homos) - Prefix = same
- gene (genos) - Root = race, kind
- ous - Suffix = the quality of
- homophone (noun) = a word that is pronounced like another word but has a different spelling or meaning
- homo - Prefix = same
- phone - Root = sound
Current Affairs Expected Questions for SBI PO Main Online Exam 2016
- Who has been recently appointed as the Director General (DG)/ Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA)?
- Sudhir Mittel
- Navin Agarval
- Nihal Singhvi
- Deepak Narayan
- Shankar swaroop
- Who has been appointed as the new member of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)?
Common Errors in English Usage with Explanations - Part 43
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Common Errors in English Usage,
English for Competitive Exams,
English Grammar Tips
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- He is highly looked upon. (wrong)
- He is highly regarded. (correct)
- Explanation : Many people, struggling to remember the phrase 'highly regarded', come up with the awkward 'highly looked upon' instead, which suggests that the looker is placed in a high position, looking down, when what is meant is that the looker is looking up to someone or something admirable.
- I like ice tea. (wrong)
- I like iced tea. (correct)
- Explanation : Iced tea is not literally made of ice, it simply is 'iced'. It has ice put into it.
- His lecture was impactful. (wrong)
- His lecture made an impact. (correct)
- Explanation : Many people in business and education like to speak of things that have an impact as being 'impactful', but this term does not appear in most dictionaries. Use 'influential' or 'effective' instead.