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April 30, 2014

Spotting Errors in English Sentences : Exercises with Answers - Set 1

Read each sentence and find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is '5', i.e., No error.

Note : Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any

New Update about Dena Bank Joining Details of IBPS PO III, Clerks III and SO III Selected Candidates

Friends, as you know the Dena Bank has earlier stated that it will announce the complete details of place of reporting and date of posting of IBPS CWE III Probationary Officers, Clerks and Specialist Officers selected candidates by today (i.e., 30th April 2014). But in a recently released notification the bank has stated that it is going to announce the information with regard to date of reporting , place of posting and contact details of Dena Bank Zonal Offices on 10th  May 2014. You can check the notice released by the bank from below link.

SBI Clerks Marketing Model Practice Bits - Set 8

Data compiled inside or outside the organization for some purpose other than the current research investigation are termed __________ data :
  1. organizational
  2. primary
  3. secondary
  4. exploratory
  5. descriptive

Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant Exam 2014 Schedule / Dates of Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Uttarakhand Circles out

Friends, as you know the Postal Department has successfully conducted the Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants Exam for Assam (12), Chhattisgarh (14), Delhi (15), Kerala (22), North East (25), Odisha (26), Rajasthan (28), Karnataka (21) and Haryana (17) circles on 27th April 2014 and is going to conduct the exam for Jharkhand (40) on 4th May 2014. Now it has came out with the exam schedule / dates of Tamil Nadu (29), Maharashtra (24) and Uttarakhand (31) circles. According to the newly released notification dated 29th April 2014 the PA / SA Exam for the above circles will be held on 11th May 2014. Check the detailed schedule below.

RBI Grade B Officers Final Results out

Good News friends. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced the final results of Officers in Grade ‘B’(General)-DR-Phase II recruitment. As you know, the organization has conducted online exam on 17th, 24th and 25th of August 2013 and written exam on 9th & 10th November 2013 for the recruitment of above mentioned posts. Later it has conducted interviews for the shortlisted candidates. Now it came out with the final list of selected candidates as Officers in Grade 'B' (General) - DR in RBI. Check complete details from below. All the Best.

Meet the new CEO of NOKIA - Rajeev Suri

1 comment
India born Rajeev Suri will be the new CEO of Nokia, a 143 year old Finnish telecommunications equipment maker. Mr Suri, 46, until now led Nokia Solutions and Networks (NSN), the smaller network equipment unit of Nokia when the company still made mobile phones. He will take charge from 1st May 2014. He replaces Stephen Elop, who has returned to Microsoft as the executive vice president of its devices group. Suri is the second Indian to assume the corner office at giant multinational firms, after Hyderabad-born Satya Nadella, 47, became the CEO of tech behemoth Microsoft Corporation in February. Interestingly, Rajeev Suri is also an engineering graduate from Manipal University like Satya Nadella. With this achievement Rajeev Suri has joined the elite club of Indians heading global firms, which includes PepsiCo Chairman Indra Nooyi, Reckitt Benckiser Chief Executive Rakesh Kapoor, Ajay Banga, President and Chief Executive of MasterCard, and Anshu Jain of Deutsche Bank.

April 29, 2014

SSC CGL 2013 Re-Exam (Held on 27th April 2014) Question Paper with Answer Key - Pdf Download

Friends, here is the SSC CGL Re-Exam 2013 Question Paper which was held on 27th April 2014 (Morning Shift - Paper Code : 000KG1). This paper will be helpful for all the SSC CGL 2013 and SSC CGL 2014 aspirants. Download this paper and try to solve this in specified time. After completing, check your answer with the key provided at the end of the paper. We are working with the question papers and answer keys of remaining sets (Paper Codes 111LH2, 333NJ4, 444OK5, 55PL6, 666QM7 of Morning Shifts and Paper Codes 111LO2, 222MN3, 333MN4, 444OL5, 555PK6, 777RI8 of evening shifts). We will post them soon. Happy Reading :)

Marketing MCQs for SBI Clerks Exam - Set 7

The nature of internet commerce can best be described as
  1. Tangible
  2. Non-Territorial
  3. Territorial
  4. Both 1 & 2
  5. None of these


Idioms & Phrases Model Practice Questions - Set 2

Friends, in each of the following questions, an idiomatic expression and its four possible meanings are given. Find out the correct meaning of the idiomatic expression and mark the letter of that meaning as your answer.

To make a clean breast of
  1. to gain prominence
  2. to praise oneself
  3. to confess without reserve
  4. to destroy before it blooms
  5. none of the above


Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank Office Attendant (Multipurpose) Recruitment 2014

Friends, the Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank is inviting applications from eligible Indian citizens for filling up the posts of Office Attendants (Multipurpose). No IBPS score required to apply. You can apply upto 25th May 2014. Check complete details from below.

April 28, 2014

PA / SA Exam Previous Paper of 27th April 2014 - Assam Circle

Friends, here is the Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant Exam's previous paper of Assam Circle dated 27/04/2014. This pdf file was shared by our friend Aditya Bharadwaj. You can download the file from below link. You can also download the question papers of Karnataka, Kerala and Odisha Circles' question papers from below mediafire links. You will get the detailed analysis and keys of all circles soon. Happy Reading :)

Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants Exam Paper of Odisha Circle - Dated : 27-04-2014

Friends, we've already posted yesterday's (27th April 2014) Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants exam question papers of Karnataka Circle and Kerala Circle. Here we are giving you the question paper of Odisha Circle. This paper was shared by our friend Mr. Surya Narayan Kandi. We thank him for his support and help. Download all the question papers and prepare well. We will try to post the detailed analysis and keys soon. Happy Reading :)

Union Bank of India Released IBPS PO III Joining Dates & Allotment Details

Friends, the Union Bank of India has released the Joining Dates & Allotment Details along with the list of selected candidates for the posts of Probationary Officers in JMGS-I under IBPS CWE III recruitment process. All the selected candidates are required to report on or before 6th May 2014 for completion of pre recruitment formalities at the venues mentioned in their provisional offers of appointment with the Photographs (as uploaded on the IBPS Online Application), Permanent Address Proof and Original Pan Card. Please note that they are also required to bring all the Original Certificates/ Documents and the
latest Caste Certificate in the prescribed and notified formats (formats are available on Bank’s website). Check complete details from below link. All the best.

Postal Assistants Question Paper of 27-04-2014 (Kerala Circle) : Pdf Download

Friends, in our last post we gave you the pdf version of  Karnataka circle's Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants Question Paper which was held on 27th April 2014. In this post we are giving you the PA / SA question paper of Keral Circle which was held yesterday. This paper was shared by our friends Aditya Bhardwaj and Swaroop Joesph. We thank them for their great support. We hope these question papers will be helpful for your preparation of upcoming Postal Assistants' examination 2014. All the best.

Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants Exam Paper held on 27th April 2014 - Pdf Download

Many of our friends have been asking us to upload yesterday's question paper of Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants exam. So here we are giving you yesterday's (27-04-2014) Postal Assistants Exam question paper of Karnataka Cricle. This paper was shared by our friend Mr. Jagadish Kumar R. We thank him for such a great help. Download it and practice well as the pattern will be same for the upcoming exams too. We will try to upload the question papers of remaining regions and keys soon. Happy Reading :)

SBI Clerks Marketing Model Practice Bits - Set 6

Consumer day is celebrated on _________________
  1. 15th March
  2. 25th March
  3. 29th March
  4. 5th March
  5. 16th March

April 27, 2014

Review of Today's (27th April 2014) Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants Exam

Hi Friends, I am Jotsna Miranda from Kerala. Today I've appeared the Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants Exam dated 27-04-2014. Want to share the review with you guys. I have been appearing for various competitive exams since last two years. I attended all the banking and ssc cgl exams. The paper of Postal Assistants is easier than all of them I must say. The paper was almost similar to IBPS RRB Clerical exam's paper (the difficulty level). 

Marketing MCQs for SBI Clerks Exam - Set 5

The use of a pull policy may required heavy expenditures for
  1. advertising and sales promotion
  2. public relations and distribution
  3. personal selling and public relations
  4. distribution and advertising
  5. none of these

Commissioned Ranks of the Three Services (Army, Navy and Air Force)

Friends, in this post we shall discuss about the commissioned ranks in the three services Army, Navy and Air Force. Before going into details lets have a brief introduction of these three services. These three comes under the Indian Armed Forces, the military forces of the Republic India.

April 26, 2014

Sobriquets of Places in World

Friends, in our last post we have discussed about the list of Sobriquets of Famous People. In this post we shall discuss about the sobriquets of famous places in the world. This list will be useful for your upcoming Postal / Sorting Assistants and SSC CGL Exams.Happy Reading :)

Sobriquets (Nicknames) of Famous Personalities

A sobriquet is usually a familiar name, distinct from a pseudonym assumed as a disguise, but a nickname which is familiar enough such that it can be used in place of a real name without the need of explanation. Many people are nicknamed owing to something special in their character / behavior. Below is a list of sobriquets of famous people. This list will be useful for upcoming Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants and SSC CGL Exams. 

Idioms & Phrases Practice Exercises - Set 1

Friends, Which of the phrases 1, 2, 3 and 4 given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold type to make the sentence grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (5) as your answer.

The performance of our players was rather worst than I had expected
  1. bad as I had expected
  2. worse than I had expected
  3. worse than expectation
  4. worst than was expected
  5. no correction required

It is always better to make people realize the importance of discipline than to impose them on it
  1. impose it with them
  2. impose them with it
  3. imposing them on it
  4. impose it on them
  5. no correction required

The crops are dying; it must not had rained
  1. must had not
  2. must not be
  3. must not have
  4. must not have been
  5. no correction required

They were all shocked at his failure in the competition
  1. were shocked at all
  2. had all shocked at
  3. had all shocked by
  4. had been all shocked on
  5. no correction required

He is too impatient for tolerating any delay
  • to tolerate
  • to tolerating
  • at tolerating
  • with tolerating
  • no correction required

Though we have kept in mind to try and maintain most facilities, we would like to request you to kindly bear with us any inconvenience that may be caused
  1. must keep in mind to try and maintain
  2. have kept in mind trying and maintain
  3. would keep in mind to try and maintain
  4. should have kept in mind to try and maintain
  5. no correction required

The tea estate administration is in such mess there is no leader to set the things right
  1. in such a mess here
  2. in a such mess that here
  3. in such a mess that there
  4. with such a mess that there
  5. no correction required

We met him immediately after the session in which he had been given a nice speech
  1. would be giving
  2. has been given
  3. will have given
  4. had given
  5. no correction required

The moment the manager came to know of the fraudulent action of his assistant, he order immediately dismissed him
  1. immediately ordered his dismissed
  2. ordered his immediate dismissal
  3. immediately order dismissal of his
  4. ordered for immediately dismissal him
  5. no correction required

The drama had many scenes which were so humorous that it was hardly possible to keep a straight face
  1. hardly possible for keeping
  2. hardly impossible keeping
  3. hardly impossible to keep
  4. hardly possible keeping
  5. no correction required

He confidently asked the crowd if they thought he was right and the crowd shouted that they did
  1. that he did
  2. that they had
  3. that he is
  4. that he didn't
  5. no correction required

Acquisition of certain specific skills can be facilitated from general awareness, education and exposure to novel situations.
  1. can be facilitated by
  2. may facilitate through
  3. can be felicitated with
  4. may be felicitated with
  5. no correction required

The man who has committed such a serious crime must get the mostly severe punishment
  1. be getting the mostly severely
  2. get the most severe
  3. have got the most severely
  4. have been getting the severemost
  5. no correction required

The research study in an eye opener and attempts to acquaint us with the problems of the poor nations
  1. attempted to acquaint
  2. attempts at acquainting
  3. attempt to acquaint
  4. attempting to acquaint
  5. no correction required

If I would have realized the nature of the job earlier, I would not have accepted it
  1. If I have had
  2. In case I would have
  3. Had I been
  4. Had I
  5. no correction required

He is a singer of repute, but his yesterday's performance was quite disappointing
  1. performances for yesterday were
  2. yesterday performance was
  3. yesterday performances were
  4. performances about yesterday were
  5. no correction required

The courts are actively to safeguard the interests and the rights of the poor
  1. are actively to safeguarding
  2. have been actively safeguarding
  3. have to active in safeguarding
  4. are actively in safeguarding
  5. no correction required

Because of his ill health, the doctor has advised him not to refrain from smoking
  1. to not refrain from
  2. to resort to
  3. to refrain from
  4. to be refrained from
  5. no correction required

What happens to all those travelers on the ship was not known
  1. what happened of
  2. that is what happens to
  3. what is that happens to 
  4. what happened to
  5. no correction required

Despite of their differences on matters of principles, they all agree on the demand of hike in salary
  1. Despite their
  2. Despite of the
  3. Despite for their
  4. Despite off their
  5. no correction required
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April 25, 2014

Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) First Allotment Details of IBPS PO III out

Friends, the Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) has released a notification for IBPS PO CWE III Selected candidates. In this notification the bank has announced the list of  selected candidates as POs in IOB from IBPS PO III Common Recruitment process and the The list of roll numbers of candidates whose results are withheld for want of documents. The bank also announced that it will mail the joining order along with the joining formalities like joining date, venue and time of reporting along with the joining order soon. You can check complete details by visiting IOB's Recruitment page

List of Obituaries (Deaths) of 2014

Friends, here is the third list of our Lists of 2014 for Competitive Exams series. 

Indian Bank released Joining Dates for IBPS Clerks III

Friends, the Indian Bank has released the State-wise list of selected candidates as clerks based on IBPS Clerks III Recruitment and the dates of Induction Training (a type of training given as an initial preparation upon taking up a post). The induction training for Clerical Candidates is tentatively scheduled in two batches. 1st batch will start from 12th May 2014 to 24th May 2014. 2nd batch will start from 26th May 2014 to 7th June 2014. The appointment orders will be sent by the bank soon. After receipt of Appointment Order, Candidates are advised to contact respective Zonal Offices. Check complete details below.

Marketing Bits for SBI Clerks Exam 2014 - Set 4

A(n) ___________ is a name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of these that identifies the maker or seller of a product or service
  1. product feature
  2. sponsorship
  3. brand
  4. logo
  5. none of these

Sentence Improvement Practice Exercises - Set 2

Friends, here is the set 2 of English Sentence Improvement Exercises. You can read Set 1 from here. Check the following sentences and find out which of the phrases 1, 2, 3 and 4 should replace the phrase printed in italics in the following sentences to make the sentence grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct, mark (5) i.e., "No correction required" as your answer.

Today is Last Date to Apply for SBI PO 2014

Friends, today is last date to apply for SBI PO Exam 2014. If you haven't applied yet, make sure you do it now. For online payment of application fee also today is the last date. You can pay the fee offline upto 28th April 2014 if you applied today. Hurry up.

April 24, 2014

English Sentence Improvement Exercises - Set 1

Which of the phrases 1, 2, 3 and 4 given below should replace the phrase printed in italics in the following sentences to make the sentence grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct, mark (5) i.e., "No correction required" as your answer.

Canara Bank Released Notice for IBPS PO III, Clerks III and Specialist Officers III Selected Candidates

Friends, the Canara Bank Released Notice for the candidates, who are allotted to Canara Bank through Common Written Examination-III (CWE-III) for the of posts Probationary Officers, Clerks & Specialist Officers process conducted by IBPS Mumbai. In this notice the bank has announced that the batch wise recruitment (joining) process will start from June 2014. The bank requested the candidates not to call the bank regarding these issues because, it is not able to handle and respond the huge number of phone calls of the candidates. It also stated that it will update all the necessary information in it's official website in due course. Check complete details below.

List of Awards 2014

Friends, here is the list of Awards & Honors of the year 2014. In this pdf file we've covered all the important awards & honors of last four months (January, February, March and 3 weeks of April 2014). This list will be helpful for you in your upcoming competitive exams like Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants, SBI PO and SSC CGL Exams (this list's main focus is Postal Assistants Exam. For remaining two exams we will update new lists). Happy Reading :)

April 23, 2014

LIC HFL Assistants Online Exam 2014 Results Out

Friends, the LIC HFL Assistants Online Exam results 2014 are out. As you know, the Life Insurance Corporation's (LIC's) Housing Finance Limited has conducted online exam on 6th April 2014 for the recruitment of 100 Assistants posts for various regions (Central Region - 15 Posts, Eastern Region - 10 Posts, Northern Region - 10 Posts, South General Region - 20 Posts, South Eastern Region - 15 Posts, Southern Region - 15 Posts and Western Region - 15 Posts). Now it came out with the results of the Online Exam. You can check your result from below link by entering your Registration Number and  Date of Birth (or) Mobile Number. All the Best :)

Andhra Bank Released Notice Regarding Allotment Details of IBPS PO III, Clerks III and SO III

Friends, Andhra Bank has released a notice regarding the allotment of Probationary Officers, Specialist Officers & Clerks under IBPS CWE-III recruitment process. In this notice it has stated that the induction (joining) process for both the Officers and Clerks will be held in the month of July 2014. Appointment orders will be sent via emails 1 month before the joining date. The bank also has requested not to call  H.R.Dept.,H.O for enquiries. Check detailed notice released by the bank from below. All the Best.

English Grammar Practice Tests : One Word Substitute - Set 4

A person who is fond of refined sensuous pleasures
  1. Sensuous
  2. Epicurean
  3. Sensational
  4. Sensitive
  5. None of these

GK For Postal Assistants and SSC CGL Exams - India, United Nations and World Problems

  • UNO came into being on - 24th October 1945
  • Human Rights Day - 10th December 1948
  • Korean War - 1950
  • Panchasheel - 1954 (India - China)
  • Bandung Conference - 1955

    April 22, 2014

    List of New Appointments of the year 2014

    Friends, here is the list of New Appointments of 2014. In this list, we tried to cover all important national and international appointments which were occurred in past 4 months of the year 2014  (January, February, March and first 3 weeks of April). We are giving this list in pdf format so that it will be helpful for you in your preparation. Just download and prepare well. This list will be helpful for your upcoming Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants, SBI PO and SSC CGL Exams. Try to note down the names twice in your notebook so that you wont forget them during the exam. We will try our best to make this list Up ToDate and will post new lists every month. Happy Reading :)

    Download your Call Letters of Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant Examination 2014 Now

    Friends, now you can download your  Call Letters / Admit Cards / Hall Tickets of Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant Examination 2014 which is going to be held on 27th April 2014 and 4th May 2014. Here are the important details to download call letters of PA / SA Exam 2014.

    GK Model Practice Questions for Postal Assistants Exam

    Friends, here are the history model practice questions for upcoming Postal Assistants and SSC CGL Exams. Happy Reading :)

    The state that was incorporated into India Union through police action was

    Provincial autonomy was introduced by ___________ Act

    Meet Delhi High Court's First Woman Chief Justice - G. Rohini

    Justice G Rohini,  a judge of the Andhra Pradesh high court sworn in as the Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court on monday (21st April 2014). By taking oath as the Judge at Delhi HC, she became the first woman Chief Justice of Delhi High Court, almost 47 years after it was established. She is going to replace Justice N V  Ramana, who had vacated the position in February following his elevation to the Supreme Court.Gorla Rohini, who completed her bachelor degree in science at Osmania University and law at Andhra University College of Law, Visakhapatnam, was appointed as the judge at Andhra Pradesh High Court in 2001. She will be the 10th woman judge of the 40 judges in the Delhi high court. She is expected to serve for a period of four years.

    Uttrakhand Gramin Bank Cut Off Marks and Interview Schedule for Office Assistants out

    Friends, The Uttarakhand Gramin Bank has announced the Interview Schedule of Office Assistants and the Post Wise and Category Wise Total Weighted Standard Score (TWSS) Points of Office Assistants (Multipurpose) and Officer Scale I. The Interview Schedule of Officer Scale I will be announced soon. All the Best.

    April 21, 2014

    Important One Word Substitution Questions for Competitive Exams - Set 3

    Friends,  this is the set 3 of One word substituttion practice exercise of English Crammer. You can check Set 1 from here and Set 2 from here. Happy Reading :)

    Belonging to the same country and having same interests and feelings

    Bank of Baroda Selected Candidates Lists of Specialist Officers & Clerks out

    Friends, the Bank of Baroda has announced the list of selected candidates for the posts of Specialist Officers and Clekrs based on IBPS CWE Specialist Officers III and IBPS CWE Clerical III recruitment. Further information on Joining Date, Verification of Documents, issuance of Appointment Letter, Pre - appointment Medical Examination etc. will be intimated by the respective Regional Offices to the candidates soon. All the selected Candidates are advised to keep their testimonials, documents, caste certificate (if applicable, as per format to be produced while applying for appointment to posts under the Government of India) etc., in readiness for verification by the Bank as and when called for. You can check complete details from below links. All the Best :)

    Previous Papers of Postal Assistants Exam (2008) - Pdf Download

    Friends, we already gave you last 3 years' previous papers of Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants Exam (2009, 2010 and 2013). Today we are giving you another previous paper of PA / SA Exam which was held in the year 2008. We hope this paper will help you in your preparation. We thank Miss. Rajeswari M for sharing this paper with us. You can check complete study materials of Postal Assistants Exam from below Links. Happy Reading :)

    Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant Exam 2014 Study Materials

    Friends, In our last post Syllabus and preparation plan of Postal Assistants itself we gave the links to study materials of Postal Assistants exam. But some of our friends have complained that they are finding it difficult to locate all the study materials. So here, we are giving you all the materials of PA / SA Exam 2014 in a sorted order. Happy Reading :)

    Direct to Indirect Speech in English Grammar - Lesson 3 (Exercises)

    Friends, here is the 3rd lesson of our Direct and Indirect Speech for Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants Exam 2014. In our previous lessons we have discussed about the basic conversion techniques to direct and indirect speech and some basic examples. In this lesson we shall discuss few more examples with higher difficulty level. If you are new to this article, please read the Lesson 1 from here and Lesson 2 from here for better understanding. Happy Reading :)

    April 20, 2014

    English One-Word Substitution Practice Exercise - Set 2

    Friends, here is the set 2 of One-Word Substitution practice exercise of English. You can check set-1 from here. Think twice before choosing the correction answer as the options are bit tricky and confusing. Happy Reading :)

    Success Story of IBPS IT Officers - Jaynil Gandhi

    Hello everyone, Jaynil Gandhi here. I want to share my success story with you. I completed my BE CS with 57% in 2011. As I don't have first class, I couldn't get chance for campus interview. So after completing final sem exam I was searching for job in small companies, luckily I cracked a written test & interview of INFLIBNET Centre (Information & Library Network Centre) an autonomous body of UGC (University Grant Commision), Gandhinagar. I joined as a Project Assistant in September 2011 with 10K salary.

    April 19, 2014

    SBI Clerks Marketing MCQs - Set 3

    Friends, here is the set 3 of Marketing Multiple Choice Questions for upcoming SBI PO Exam 2014. You can Read Set 1 from here and Set 2 from here. Happy Reading :)

    What is the name of the procedure used to predict the effects of new products and processes on a firm or on society in general ?
    1. Technology Assessment
    2. Environmental Scanning
    3. Societal Estimation
    4. Environmental Assessment
    5. Social Audit

    Hardwork, Perseverance & Involvement is the combination of Success

    Hi Friends this is Akhilesh Kumar from Madurai district Tamilnadu. I have completed B.E., in EEE in april 2013. I got selected in IBPS PO III and got Canara Bank as this was my first preference, Here I want to share my preparation strategy towards the examination.....

    April 18, 2014

    Direct and Indirect Speech for Postal Assistants Exam - Lesson 2 (Exercises)

    Friends, in our last lesson we have discussed the Reported Speech / Direct to Indirect conversion techniques for upcoming PA / SA Examination 2014. Today we shall work with some example problems. Try to write the Indirect speech / Reported Speech for the given Direct speech sentences below. After completion of writing your answers click on the "Check the Indirect Speech" option to check your answer. Before reading this lesson, don't forget tread Lesson 1 from here.

    Game with Life (My Success story) - Ronnield Francis

    Hi Friends, this is Ronnie Francis.... As I had mention in my IBPS clerical interview experience that, if I get selected I will share my whole success story. I am here to fulfill my promise what I made to you all.

    April 17, 2014

    Janakalyan Sahakari Bank Ltd Recruitment of Clerks 2014

    Friends, the Janakalyan Sahakari Bank Ltd, a scheduled bank of  Maharashtra, which was established on 29th May 1974, under the Maharashtra State Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 is inviting online applications from eligible Indian citizens for filling up the posts of Junior Clerks for the year 2014. You can apply online from 16th April 2014 to 25th April 2014. No IBPS Score is required to apply for this exam. Check complete details below.

    Success can come even without a BOOK or a COACHING CENTER - Naveen Kumar

    Hi Guys, I am Naveenkumar from Tamil Nadu, working as a software Engineer in an MNC. Though I earn a good salary here, yet I chose banking. Not because its a government job, not because its a job with high job security, but because its a job where I can serve my own people of my own country. In this hi-tech, modern, competitive world where every Software engineer thinks only about his own luxurious life, where every software engineer chose IT only in a view to earn more and settle soon, I am glad that at last I chose a career which can provide me a job satisfaction along with a good work life balance than those high earning hard-hearted IT people.

    Reported Speech / Direct to Indirect Conversion Techniques for Postal Assistants Exam 2014

    Friends, we've decided to post English basics for upcoming Competitive Exams. In today's post we shall discuss about the reported speech. In our next lessons we shall look after Voice, Articles, Sentence Rearrangement, Prepositions, Synonyms & Antonyms.

    The reported speech is also known as the direct / indirect speech. Now lets have a look at some important points you should know about reported speech.

    SBI Clerks Marketing Practice Bits - Set 2

    Friends, here is the second set of Marketing MCQs for upcoming SBI PO Exam. You can check the set 1 from here. Happy Reading :)

    The marketing concept is a way of thinking or a management philosophy that affects __________________

    April 16, 2014

    61st National Film Awards Complete Winners List 2014

    The Directorate of Film Festivals has announced the prestigious 61st National Film Awards winners list. This prestigious honor is awarded to celebrate the best of Indian cinema, and many regional and mainstream movies of the year 2013. The National Film Awards are the most prestigious film awards of India and every film personality wants to win it at least once in their career. Bollywood actor Rajkummar Rao, who impressed all with his performance of a Kashmiri lawyer in ‘Shahid’ won the Best Actor this time. Sikkim based model turned actress Geetanjali Thapa won National Film Award for Best Actress for her performance in Liar's Dice. Arshad Warsi’s Jolly LLB won the Best Hindi film and  Saurabh Shukla, who played a no-nonsense judge in the movie, bagged the Best Supporting Actor (Male). Check the complete list of winners below. 

    Success has no Shortcuts - Firoj Khan

    Name - Firoj Khan

    Date of Birth - 28-03-1990

    Place - Shimla (Himachal Pradesh)

    Qualification - M. Pharmacy, B. Pharmacy

    IBPS PO/MT CWE-III Document Verification Schedule of IDBI Bank out

    Friends, the IDBI Bank has came out with the details of the pre-recruitment formalities (verification and submission of documents & medical test) for IBPS PO/MT CWE-III selected candidates. The document verification will be held from 28th April 2014 to 5th May 2014. Check complete details from below links. All the Best :)

    DGB Released Revised schedule for Office Assistants Interviews

    Friends, the Deccan Grameena Bank (DGB) has released revised schedule of interviews for the recruitment of Office Assistants (Multipurpose) based on the written exam conducted by IBPS on September / October 2013. There are 367 candidates in total. The interviews will be held from 21st April 2014 to 23rd April 2014. Check complete details from below link. All the Best.

    April 15, 2014

    A Positive Attitude can really make Dreams Come True - Divyateja

    Hi friends, I am Divyateja. I have been selected as PO in Bank of Baroda. Before telling you about my experiences i would like to dedicate my success to my Father and my sisters who have given complete strength and support to achieve my goal.

    Marketing Model Practice Questions for SBI Clerks Exam

    Marketing in Banks is required for ?
    1. Getting new customers
    2. Retaining existing customers
    3. Lending
    4. Accepting of deposits
    5. All of these

    April 14, 2014

    Never Lose your Confidence and Hope - Diganta Bhuyan

    Hi friends, myself Diganta Bhuyan. I belong to Assam and I am an IBPS (Clerk) Qualified candidate and IBPS Alloted me to Bank of Baroda. I want to share my success story with you people.I am a simple graduate student in Arts Stream. Actually once I was taken English as my major subject in my Graduation. But unfortunately I didn't complete my Graduation with English Honors  and I spent five years with English Honors. I was totally devastated  at that moment. LIFE BECAME TO BE OR NOT TO BE. But finally I controlled myself and decided to complete my graduation with pass course. And within very next two years I was successfully completed graduation  with pass course. So finally my graduation tenure was ended after seven years (2005-2012) duration. But one thing friend, I never lost my confident and hope.

    Download your SSC CGL 2013 Re-Exam Call Letters now

    Friends, you can download your SSC CGL 2013 Re-Exam Call Letters now. As you know, the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has cancelled the SSC Combined Graduated Level (Tier I) 2013 Exam for the centers  Lucknow, Patna, Allahabad, Delhi, Jaipur, Shimla and Dehradun and conducting Re-Exam on 27th April 2014. Now the SSC has came out with the call letters of the same. You can download your call letters from below link by entering your Registration ID (or) Roll Number (or) your Name, Father Name and Date of Birth. All the Best :)

    AP Forest Officers Exam 2014 New Dates out

    Friends, the Andhra Pradesh Forest Department has announced the new dates for the Forest Officers Recruitment Exam 2014.  Earlier the organization has planned to conduct the exams from 6th April 2014 to 4th May 2014 for the posts of Forest Section Officer, Forest Beat Officer, Asst. Beat Officer, Bunglow Watcher, Thanadar and Technical Assistants. But due to general elections the the authorities postponed the exam. In a new notification, the AP Forest Department has stated that the exams are going to be held from 11th May 2014 to 25th May 2014. More than 3.15 lakhs people have applied for these exams. The exams are going to be conducted by the JNTU.  Check the detailed schedule below.

    Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank (CGGB) Interview Results of Office Assistants 2014 out

    Friends, the Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank (CGGB) has released the list of selected candidates as Office Assistants (Multipurpose). Based on the online written test (CWE-II) conducted by IBPS for RRBs in the months of September / October 2013 and the interviews conducted from 7th April 2014 to 12th April 2014 at Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank, Head Office, Guntur, the bank has selected 81 Candidates from various categories for the posts of Office Assistants (Multipurpose). The offer of appointment and the certificates/documents to be submitted at the time of taking appointment have been sent to the listed selected candidates individually to their  registered email address.

    All the selected candidates should report at Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank's Head Office, Guntur on or before 23rd April 2014 to take the appointment. Check complete details below.

    Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant Exam Dates / Schedule 2014 out

    Friends, the Indian Postal Department has announced the tentative dates / schedule of Postal circle wise exams for PA/SA Recruitment 2014. In a recently  released notification, the postal department has announced that the exam for postal circles Assam (12), Chhattisgarh (14), Delhi (15), Kerala (22), North East (25), Odisha (26), Rajasthan (28), Karnataka (21) and Haryana (17) will be held on 27th April 2014 and for the Jharkhand (40) circle the exam will be held on 4th May 2014.  The dates of remaining postal circles will be updated soon. You can download your call letters from the recruitment website Check complete details from below link. All the Best :)

    April 13, 2014

    My Success Story - Vikhyat Hindoliya

    Dear Friends I am Vikhyat Hindoliya. I am very happy to share that I got allotted as PO & Clerk in Bank of Baroda which is my first preference in both cadres. I owe my success to my Parents, family & Friends those kept my morale high during my difficult time.  Now I want to share my preparation strategy and a few tips to all readers of gr8ambitionz. I hope it will help all the Banking aspirants. Have a nice day.

    APCOB Released 2nd Selected Lists of Managers (Scale I) & Staff Assistants

    1 comment
    Friends, the Andhra Pradesh State Co-Operative Bank Ltd has released the lists of candidates  provisionally selected from wait list for appointment to the posts of Managers (Scale 1) and Staff Assistants. Based on the online tests held on 16th and 17th November 2013, the bank has made these lists. The bank picked 4 candidates as Managers (Scale I) and 48 candidates as Staff Assistants. Check complete details from below links. All the Best :)

    April 12, 2014

    Failure is Not Permanent - Pradeep Mohan

    Dear aspirant’s I am Pradeep. I am an average student and also a below average in my school days, all my academic performance is around 60% only, getting 60% was my good sign because that is the minimum percentage required for every reputed government  job. After completing my B.Tech (Information Technology) in VIT University Vellore in the year 2011, my first failure was campus interview (CTS and Wipro). I was sure that, I was well lack of Technical Knowledge. If a person is not selected in campus interview he loses his merit. So I decided to write competitive exams to get a secure job.

    IBPS PO/MT CWE-III Recruitment Updates - Dena Bank and Bank of Maharashtra

    Friends, the Bank of Maharashtra and Dena Bank have  released two separate notifications regarding IBPS PO III Selected Candidates. Check details below.

    IBPS PO/MT III, Clerks III & SO III Pre Appointment / Recrtment Formalities of BOI are out

    Friends, the Bank of India has announced the Pre Appointment / Recruitment Formalities of IBPS PO/MT III, Clerks III & Specialist Officer III aspirants for the year 2014. In a recent notification the bank has announced that, it is in the process of scrutinizing your application and documents, after scrutiny of the documents, it will issue Offer Letters to candidates at their correspondence address, in phased manner. You will have to complete pre - recruitment formalities at Centre / Zonal Offices which will be advised to you through Offer Letter. The main pre - recruitment formalities would be as bellow : 

    IBPS PO III & Clerk III Joining Formalities & Formats of Indian Bank are out

    Friends, the Indian Bank has released the  joining formalities and formats of various forms which are to be submitted by the IBPS PO III and Clerks III selected Candidates at the time of Joining. These forms include,
    • Instructions for filling up Indemnity Bond, 
    • Indemnity Bond (Only for Officer Candidates) (Print in 100 Rupees Non Judicial Stamp Paper), 
    • Declaration (Only for Officer Candidates), 
    • Acceptance of Offer of Appointment (Only for Officers) - (To be posted immediately to Corporate Office HRM by Speed Post), 
    • Acceptance of Offer of Appointment (Only for Clerical Candidates) - (To be posted immediately to allotted Zonal Offices by Speed Post), 
    • Instructions for New Pension Scheme, 
    • Application Form for New Pension Scheme, 
    • Application Form for NPS Intersector Shifting (For those who already have PRAN card), 
    • Attestation form for Police Verification (Print 2 copies), 
    • Bio Data Form, Forms - Service Joining Report, 
    • Service Sheet, Declaration of Fidelity and Secrecy, 
    • Fitness Certificate Form, 
    • Testimonial Print (print 2 copies),
    • Declaration form for candidates seeking reservation as OBC, 
    • Format of Certificate to be produced by Other Backward Classes Candidate, 
    • Format of Certificate to be produced by Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe Candidate,
    • Disability Certificate. The bank will announce the joining date and other details soon. 
    Check complete details from below link. All the Best :)

    April 11, 2014

    Believing In Yourself Is The Key To Ur Dreams - Zeenat Fatima

    Hello friends I am Zeenat Fatima and I am very happy to share that I got Syndicate Bank in IBPS PO III which was the most awaited moment.

    I have done BCA-MCA integrated course from IGNOU, i didn't chose that but it was fate that chose it for me as i missed my entrances after +2 cause of severe malaria. But it is rightly said that everything happens with some more big plans for u. i continued with it and worked hard and finally achieved more than 60%.

    Allotment Details of IBPS PO III - UCO Bank

    Friends, based on the results of IBPS Common Written Examination and Interviews (IBPS CWE-PO/MT-III) for the post of Probationary Officers, the UCO Bank has released the allotment details and formats of OBC, SC/ST and Physically disabled certificates for the selected candidates as POs in UCO Bank. The bank will send the appointment letters (with date of joining & place of joining) via emails and speed posts to all the selected candidates soon. Check complete details from below links. All the Best.

    IBPS PO III Allotment Details and Joining Dates for Bank of Baroda

    Friends, the Bank of Baroda has announced the joining dates for IBPS PO III selected  candidates. The bank is going to recruit 2360 candidates from IBPS PO CWE project for the year 2014-15.  It has stated that the selected candidates allotted to Bank of Baroda can join the Bank on any one of the following six dates :

    NICL AO 2014 Generalist Final Result Out

    Friends, the National Insurance Company Ltd (NICL) has announced the final results (written and Interview) of NICL AO (Generalists) recruitment for the year 2014. The organization has been contacting all the selected candidates via email and sms. The schedule for pre-employment medical examination for candidates allotted to National Insurance Co. Ltd. will be informed soon in NICL’s website soon. You can check complete details below. All the best :)

    APGVB Officer Scale I & Assistants Selected Candidates Lists (Waiting Lists) Out

    Friends, the Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank has released the list of selected candidates for the posts of Officers Scale I and Office Assistants from waiting lists. As you know, based on the IBPS RRB CWE II the APGVB has conducted interviews from 16th January to 1st February 2014 for Office Assistants and 12th to 21st February 2014 for Officer Scale I. Now the bank has came out with the lists of provisionally selected candidates from Wait lists. All the selected candidates have to report at DivyaDeepthiBhavan, Fathima Nagar, Kazipet, Warangal (2 KMs from Kazipet Railway Station) for final verification on 15th April 2014. A 3 to 4 day training will be started from 16th April 2014. Check complete details from below links. All the best.

    April 10, 2014

    Important Points you should know about SBI PO 2014

    We have been getting a number of queries regarding SBI PO exam. As its not possible for us to answer all the queries, here we are giving you all the basic and important details you should know about SBI PO Exam 2014. We hope this post will clear all your doubts. If you have any additional doubts, then feel free to use the comments box below to ask your question. All the best :)

    I've been Inspired from my Failures - Bipul Deka

    Hi Friends, my name is Bipul Deka. I am from Guwahati, Assam. I completed my (Management) from Gauhati Commerce College in the year 2011 with 1st  class . Due to some financial problems, I started working in a CA firm (7 months) at Guwahati and then I joined Idea cellular service financed dep (Only 45 days). Then I joined a World Bank funded project (Since sept 2012 to present). I also studied my Master degree through correspondence course.

    SBI PO 2014 - Why we shouldn't rely on Expected Cutoffs ?

    Based on last year's cutoffs there are a number of cutoff predictions for SBI PO 2014 have been circulating among aspirants and various websites. Most of them have been blindly taking the initial values and thinking that getting 13 to 14 marks in each section is enough to clear the exam. But sorry to say friends... it is not enough to get the minimum qualifying marks in each section... In this article, we will try to explain you the reality. This article is not intended to discourage anybody... we just want to tell you the facts, so that you will work more hard and effectively to get your dream job.

    Download your SBI Specialist Officers Online Exam 2014 Call Letters / Admit Cards now

    Friends, you can download your call letters of Online Exam for the Recruitment of Specialist Cadre Officers in State Bank Group (2013-14) now. The online test is going to be held on 19th April 2014. You can download your call letter from State Bank's website or from below link by entering your Registration Number and Date of Birth or Password. All the Best.

    Important Note :
    The SBI has clearly mentioned that, due to large number of applicants, the candidates have been allotted to examination centres other than their choice. So its better to visit the venue before the day of the exam to beat the late hour rush.

    April 09, 2014

    SBI PO Exam - Previous Year Cut Off Marks and Analysis

    As a number of aspirants have been asking us about the last year's cutoffs of SBI Probationary Officers Exam, here we are giving you a detailed analysis of last two years' SBI PO Cutoff details. For this analysis we have considered the SBI PO exams which were held on 24th July 2011 and 28th April 2013 (SBI didn't conduct the PO exam in the year 2012). Please keep in mind that this analysis is for your understanding purpose only. As you know, the competition will be very high. So, it is always better to score maximum marks if you really want to settle as a Probationary Officer in SBI. All the Best :)

    NICL AO Specialists (Engineering, Agriculture, Legal, IT and Marketing) Final Results

    Friends, based on the written test and interviews held in the month of March 2014 for recruitment of Administrative Officer in the cadre of Scale I,  the National Insurance Company Ltd (NICL) has announced the lists of company wise shortlisted candidates for pre employment medical examination from the Engineering, Agriculture, Legal, Information Technology and Marketing disciplines. The organization has been informing the shortlisted candidates via email and SMS about the selection for their pre-employment medical examination will be sent to the individual candidates. The schedule for pre-employment medical examination will be displayed in the NICL's website soon. Check complete details below. 

    April 07, 2014

    IBPS Specialist Officers III (2014-15) Final Results (Written & Interview) out

    Good News Friends, the IBPS has released the final results (written & Interview) of Specialist Officers recruitment 2014-15. IBPS has made this allotment based on the post wise and category wise vacancies of the year 2014-15 for Specialist Officers. You can check your result from IBPS's website or from below link by  entering your Registration Number / Roll Number and Date of Birth / Password. All the Best :)

    April 05, 2014

    Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank Recruitment of Office Assistants 2014 (2nd Phase)

    Friends the Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank, a newly established Regional Rural Bank after the amalgamation of Haryana Gramin Bank and Gurgaon Gramin Bank on 29-11-2013 is inviting online applications from eligible Indian citizens who have appeared and cleared the IBPS Online CWE II for Regional Rural Banks which was held during September / October 2013 for filling up the posts of Office Assistants (Multipurpose). There are 200 vacancies in total. Check complete details below.

    Success Story of Ramandeep Singla (selected as PO in PNB)

    Friends, I am Ramandeep Singla from sangrur district of Punjab..I completed MBA with specialization finance in 2010...since then i am engaged in family the same time i continued to give exams to get government job but without preparation...When the notification of IBPS PO 3 was out, I realized that i have to crack this exam at any cost as i am approaching 26 years and it is already 4 years passed since i have completed my i started to prepare for this PO exam 1 month before the exam date.

    April 04, 2014

    SBI PO (Probationary Officers) 2014 Notification Out

    The wait is finally over guys. The State Bank of India (SBI) has announced the recruitment notification for the posts of Probationary Officers (POs) for the year 2014. The SBI is considered to be India's top banking organization. So obviously the SBI PO is the best banking job ever. There are 1837 posts in total. You can submit your applications in either Online or Offline Application formats from the SBI's official website The exam will be held in June 2014 (Tentatively). Check complete details below. All the Best :)

    Banking Exams Preparation Strategy and Tips - Karthikeyan M

    Dear Friends, I am Karthik. I am very happy to share that I got allotted as PO in Indian Bank and Clerk in in Canara bank in IBPS III. Here I want to share my preparation strategy and a few tips to all the readers of Gr8AmbitionZ.  I hope it will help all the banking aspirants. Have a nice day.

    Name : Karthikeyan M

    Education : MBA (Marketing and Finance)

    Experience : 4 Years as HR Admin (last 3 yrs in Gulf)

    April 02, 2014

    Malwa Gramin Bank Recruitemnt of Officers & Office Assistants 2014

    Friends, the Malwa Gramin Bank, a Regional Rural Bank of Punjab, having its head office situated at Sangrur, is inviting online applications from eligible Indian citizens who have been declared qualified at the Online CWE for RRBs conducted by IBPS during September / October 2013 for filling up the posts of Officer in Junior Management (Scale I) Cadre and Office Assistant (Multipurpose). You can apply online from 2nd April 2014 to 16th April 2014. Check complete details below.

    April 01, 2014

    IBPS Clerks III Final Results out

    Good News to all IBPS Clerks III aspirants, the IBPS has announced the final results of IBPS Clerks CWE III Recruitment. You can check your result final results (both Written & Interview) of IBPS Clerks CWE III from IBPS's official website or from below link. You should enter your Registration Number or Roll Number and Password or Date of Birth in order to check your result status of Provisional Allotment under IBPS CWE Clerks III (2014-15). All the best :)

    IBPS PO III Final Results Out

    Good News for all the IBPS PO III aspirants, The long wait is finally over. The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has announced the Final Results (written and interview) of IBPS PO CWE III Recruitment.You can check your result status of  Provisional allotment under IBPS CWE PO/MT III for the year 2014-15 from the IBPS's official website or from below links. You should login with your Registration Number / Roll number and Password / Date of Birth to know your result status. All the Best :)
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