The Harmful Effects of Mobile Phones
Main Points to Highlight : Mobile phones today have come under the category of necessary items rather than luxury. These have made lift simpler with a person being in touch always. They have come to represent your personality and the younger generation's life revolves around the use of these wonder gadgets. Though technology has changed the way we view mobile phones, we cannot ignore the fact that the radiations emittedfrom mobile phones are a matter ofdeep concern. With more and more people claiming to have contracted diseases resulting from mobile phone radiations, it has become important that we take a look at the reality. This essay tries to do exactly that.
Mobile phones have come a long way from the brick sized, extremely expensive gadgets seen in some exclusive people's hands only. Today, various types of mobile phones are available that can be used to represent not only the person but also reflect the user's personality. Children, teenagers, adults or the elderly — there is hardly anybody who has not been touched by this wonder gadget. Everyone knows how to use it and a lot of people are using it to express their views. Increasingly being considered as an object of necessity, the mobile phone today has more takers than it can handle.

In 1993, when the world was just getting used to the idea of everyone having their own mobile handset, the suit filed by a man claiming that his wife had contracted brain tumor because of the use of mobile phones, shocked everyone. The case was reported in Florida and it sent all the scientists in a flurry to study and prove the authenticity of the claim. It was after these studies were undertaken that it was realized that yes, mobile phone radiations could be harmful for humans.
Mobile telephony has two main aspects — the base tower and the mobile handset itself. The working of the mobile phone depends on communication between the base tower and the handset and the means of this communication is radiation. Let us take a brief look at how a mobile phone and a base interact in order to work.