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December 31, 2012
IBPS PO/MT II Common Interview Call Letter Download 2013
Great Ambition
Great Ambition
Dear Gr8Ambitionz friends, have you ever thought about what your Great Ambition is ? From your childhood onwards, you might have visited so many places, you might have met with different people with different job prospects. If you clear observe, everybody has an ambition. Ofcourse, the ambitionz of some people might be high when compared to others, but everybody's ambition is great to him / her.
How to find out my Great Ambitions ?
Just close your eyes, sit in a peaceful room and start thinking about the people of different jobs around you. If you are reading this post, then obviously you might have completed your graduation, so it's better to think about your relevant and possible field. I mean, if you are an engineer, and you are thinking about the profession of doctor, then it will be completely useless. So make a list of the possibilities and start thinking about them. Silently strike off one after another till you get your real gr8 ambition. Congrats. You have achieved your major goal of life.
Great 8 Ambition - How to achieve?
You might have seen the 8 between the Great and Ambition. That is our key number. Now you need to consider 8 things to achieve your ambition.
Allahabad UP Gramin Bank Recruitment 2013 - POs - IBPS RRB
December 29, 2012
Mixture and Alligation Shortcuts
December 28, 2012
December Month Current Affairs Expected Questions - Set 4
The Indian Sitar
Maestro recently passed away in California. Name him?
Recently a leading
private sector bank of india Opened 101 Gramin Branches across Villages in Six
States as the part of its financial enclosure plan. Name it?
December 27, 2012
SBI Associates Clerks Exam 2012 Results are Out
Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistants Exam Previous Papers Free Download
Thank You So Much for Tolerating us Since Last Year.....
It has been one year
since we set foot in this Blogging life. Yep, its our First Birthday…It is indeed unforgettable and incredible journey of
us. We are gratified and just a bit surprised to see what we have achieved
today. We dint even dream that our small blog would be such a great success.
On this very special day, we just would like to thank you people for your great support....... your support and appreciation has constantly served as motivation for our team and we hope that you will continue supporting us the same way in future also. Thank you so much for being here with us. And we assure you that we will keep on adding valuable content in the site just the way we have been doing in the past year.
On this very special day, we just would like to thank you people for your great support....... your support and appreciation has constantly served as motivation for our team and we hope that you will continue supporting us the same way in future also. Thank you so much for being here with us. And we assure you that we will keep on adding valuable content in the site just the way we have been doing in the past year.
So dear friends, We
just want to dedicate this wonderful day to you... we just want to listen from you today..... Especially your
valuable Suggestions, Comments and Complaints to improvise this blog and our
services... So please give us a few minutes to comment. Please use the Comments Box below to reach us.... Good Day….
Gr8AmbitionZ Team
Guide 4 Bank Exams blog | Great AmbitionZ website
December 26, 2012
Prathama Bank Recruitment 2013 - IBPS RRB Clerks and POs
December Month Current Affairs Bits - Set 1
Recently the Ministry
of Tourism gave two National Tourism Awards to a Hollywood Movie recognizing
the impact it has had in promoting India as a tourism destination. Name it?

The Cricketer and
Former Captain of the Australian cricket team announced his retirement from
International Test Cricket. Who is he?
Who is the new director
of Intelligence Bureau?
Recently Anna Ushenina
won the Women’s World Championship Crown of Chess. Which country does Anna
belongs to?
Which state topped on
the chart of states for significantly exceeding the revenue mobilization
targets as per the report released by the Planning Commission on State Finances
during 11th Five Year Plan?
Name the Indian Cricket
player who became the Only Indian to Score Three Triple Tons in First-Class
Recently an MoU Signed
Between the authorities of Mysore Zoo and Leipzig Zoo for Transporting Four
Sloth Bears. Which country does this Leipzig Zoo belongs to?
Recently which country
Held largest Air Force Drill involving 100 Fighter planes?
Recently The Cauvery
Monitoring Committee (CMC) asked which state to provide Tamil Nadu with 12 TMC
feet of Cauvery water during December 2012?
Recently a country
claimed that it had captured the small US drone which had entered its airspace
on the Gulf waters. Which country it was?
Besse Cooper, the
Oldest Person of the World recently died. How old is he?
Recently which EPFO has
launched its e-Passbook portal for its members to access their accounts online.
What is EPFO?
Recently a global
integrated infrastructure player announced that it completed the largest mining
exploration programme inAustralia in a record time of Nine months. Name it?
Google India announced
that it gonna join hands with leading e-commerce websites to introduce the
concept of Cyber Monday in the country. This Cyber Monday concept related to ?
On 4th December 2012
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) suspended the IOA. What is the full
form of IOA?
Recently, Air India is
in news by winning a hockey tournament against Bharat Petroleum. Name of this
Hocky Tournament is?
Dave Brubeck died
recently. Who is he?
Recently Philippines
Island was effected with a strongest ever tropical cyclone. Name it?
Our Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi are in
Forbs world’s most powerful people List . Who toped this list?
Previous Papers of LIC Ado Apprentise Development Officers Exam Free Pdf Download
December 25, 2012
Real Time Banking Interview Experiences - SBI Clerks - Satish Reddy
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Banking Interview Tips,
Interview Experiences,
SBI Associates Clerks Interview Experiences
Name : Satish Reddy Sabbella
Qualification : B.Tech in Electronics
South Indian Bank - Probationary Clerks Recruitment 2013
Kolkata Region. The total Number of vacancies are 15 (12 for West Bengal and 3 for Mizoram). No IBPS score is required to apply for these posts. Check the remaining details below.
December 24, 2012
Wainaganga Krishna Gramin Bank Recruitment of POs and Clerks - IBPS RRB Recruitment
Wainaganga Krishna Gramin Bank, one of the Regional Rural Banks of India jointly sponsored by Government of India, Bank of India and Government of Maharashtra is inviting Online Applications from Indian citizens who have appeared for the Common Written Examination for RRBs conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and declared qualified, for filling up the posts of Officer in Middle Management Grade (Scale III), Officer in Middle Management Grade (Scale II) and Office Assistant (Multipurpose). The opening date for Online Applications is 24th December 2012 and last date for the same is 4th January 2012.
Download Your IBPS CLERK II - Online Re-Exam Call Letters / Admit Cards
Haryana Gramin Bank - Shortlisted Candidates for Interviews and Interview Schedule - Office Assistants (Multipurpose)
December 22, 2012
MS Word Objective Type Questions with Answers for Competitive Exams - Set 5
All The Best :)
How can you break the
current column and start a new column immediately?
A) Press Ctrl +
Shift + Enter
B) Press Alt +
C) Press Ctrl +
D) Press Alt +
Shift + Enter
E) None of the Above
GA Questions Asked in IBPS Clerks Online Exam held on 22/12/2012
November Month Current Affairs Freee Download - National Events
December 21, 2012
MS Word Expected Questions for Competitive Exams - Set 4
Where can you change the vertical alignment?
A) Formatting toolbar
B) Paragraph dialog box
C) Page Setup dialog box
D) Standard toolbar
E) None of the Above
MS Word Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for Competitive Exams - Set 3
Thesaurus tool in MS
Word is used for
A) Spelling
B) Grammar
C) Synonyms and
Antonyms words
D) All of above
E) None of the Above
MS Word Bits for Competitive Exams - Set 2
Friday, December 21, 2012
IBPS Clerks Online Exam Special,
SBI Probationary Officers Special
What is the short cut
key to open Font dialog box?
A) Ctrl + F
B) Alt + Ctrl +
C) Ctrl + D
D) Ctrl + Shift
+ D
E) None of the Above
MS Word Expected Questions for Competitive Exams - Set 1
All The Best :)
What happens if you
press Ctrl + Shift + F8?
A) It activates
extended selection
B) It activates
the rectangular selection
C) It selects
the paragraph on which the insertion line is.
D) None of above
E) All the above
December 20, 2012
Miss USA Olivia Culpo Wins Miss Universe 2012 Crown
While Miss India Shilpa Singh couldn't even make it to the top 10 at the competition which was held at Las Vegas. The selection panel of 10 judges included singer Cee Lo Green, Pablo Sandoval of the World Series champion Giants, Iron Chef star Masaharu Morimoto and US Olympic beach volleyball gold medallist Kerri Walsh Jennings choose her as the Miss Universe for the year 2012.
MS Excel Bits for SBI PO Exam - Set 3
Read Set 1 Here
a. Backspace
b. Default
c. Format
Formatting toolbar
e. None of
the Above
December 19, 2012
Meet the TIME's Person of the Year 2012 - Barack Obama
84,500 New Bank Jobs for year 2013
Gurgaon Gramin Bank Recruitment of POs and Clerks 2013 - IBPS RRBs
MS Excel MCQs for Bank and other Competitive Exams - Set 2
Read complete study Material of Computer Knowledge Here. All The Best :)
To open an existing workbook, you can click the Open button on the …… toolbar.
a. Drawing
b. Formatting
c. Forms
d. Standard
e. None of the above
December 18, 2012
Deccan Grameena Bank Recruitment 2013 Clerks and POs - IBPS RRB
Central Bank of India Recruitment - Clerks - 3196 Posts
RBI Kept the Key Interest Rates Unchanged but Hinted at Easing of Rates in January
MS Excel Expected Questions for SBI Clerks and PO Exams - Set 1
A Bad and Good News for IBPS Clerks Aspirants (those who wrote the exam on 15th December 2012 - Evening Shift)
The Bad News : IBPS Cancelled the evening session of online CWE held on 15th December 2012. You should re write your exam. You people have to face the exam on 29th December 2012 or 30th December 2012. IBPS din't reveal the reasons for re conducting of this exam except saying due to unforeseen circumstances. But according to reliable sources, IBPS Gave almost SAME paper to the morning and evening sessions. This might be the reason for the re examination. So now re conducting the after noon session. All affected candidates will be communicated individually through email and SMS as provided by the candidates in their application form about their venue, date and time of examination in due course. The candidates are required to download their revised call letters from IBPS website.
December 16, 2012
GA Questions Asked in IBPS Clerks Online Exam held on 16th December 2012
IBPS is NOT Sending Score Cards to IBPS RRB POs and Clerks
SRK Honoured with BrandLaureate award of Malaysia
December 15, 2012
Central Bank of India PO Recruitment Results are Out
SBI Clerks Results - Phase II
IBPS Clerks Online Exam Held on 15th December 2012 (15-12-12) Analysis
Friends, as we predicted earlier, the exam went well... So no need to be worried. General and Banking Awareness questions were easy. Computer Knowledge Section was little hard when compared to remaining sections (as we predicted, they've mainly focused on MS Office). There were NO non verbal reasoning questions in Reasoning. Aptitude section's patter was almost same as the previous one (2011) English Section was also good. In English 15 Questions from Comprehension Passage, and the remaining pattern was almost same as the old one. Banking Awareness you can easily attend min 25 qeustions. For some questions they've given example and asked for the solutions of the given problems.
And You SHOULD enter
And You SHOULD enter
- your ROLL NUMBER for User ID and
As we predicted, SWITCHING option was there between questions and sections. You can switch to any question or any section at any time :)
here are the General Awareness and Banking Awareness Questions Asked In IBPS Clerks Online Exam held today (15th December 2012). We will update remaining questions and sessions soon.
December 14, 2012
OMR Sheet Se Dar Nahin Lagta Hai Saab… Online Exam Se Lagta Hai!!! - Do's and Dont's for IBPS Online Exam
December 13, 2012
Three Prestigious World Travel Awards for India
These awards are:
- World’s Leading Destination- India,
- World’s Leading Tourist Board- Incredible India and
- World’s Leading Tourist Attraction- Taj Mahal
Pandit Ravi Shankar Receives Posthumous lifetime achievement Grammy award
Repco Bank's Interview List for Clerks / Junior Assistants 2012
Baroda Uttarpradesh Gramin Bank Recruitment of POs and Clerks - IBPS RRB Notification
South Malabar Gramin Bank Recruitment of POs and Clerks 175 Posts - IBPS RRB

Read Complete Details Here
Apply Online Here
Don't miss opprtunities. Know about Remaining Notifications of IBPS Regional Rural Banks' Recruitment Here.
IBPS RRB Recruitment in Kerala
Model Tests for IBPS Clerks Online Exam - English Language - Set 6
When people buy diamond jewellery, they often want to convey love or
commitment to someone dear and special. But, this jewellery, if it contains
diamonds from Sierra Leone and Angola diamond mines in West Africa, could have
a bloody past signifying mistreatment and abuse. The movie, Blood Diamond,
traces the path of a large pink diamond found in Sierra Leone in the 1990’s by
a fisherman working as a slave in a rebel-controlled diamond mine. That diamond
changed and ended many lives and the story of that stone carries a strong
social message. The story design is an interesting fictionbut it is based
upon real life events. The movie sensitises the audience on how a mineral
resource canfuel oppression
and the slaughter of thousands of people. This is not a first time phenomenon. It has happened before in Africa with
ivory and gold.
December 12, 2012
Computer Awareness Mock Test for SBI Bank Exams - Set 6
software tools that enable a user to interact with a computer for specific
purposes are known as—
(A) Hardware
(B) Networked
(C) Shareware
(D) Applications
(E) None of these
Current Affairs Expected Questions for IBPS Clerks CWE - September Month - Set 5
The Reserve Bank of India on 17 th september, cut the
Cash Reserve Ratio, the portion of deposits that banks keep with it, by what percentage,
point to 4.50 per cent, pumping in Rs.17,000 crore into the banking system ?
English Correction of Sentences Excercises with Explanations
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
English for Bank Exams,
English for Competitive Exams,
IBPS Clerks Online Exam Special
Current RBI Rates for IBPS Clerks Online Exam
You can read complete Study Materials and Mock Tests of Banking Awareness section for IBPS Clerks Here.
All The Best :)
IBPS Bank PO Interview Experience - UCO Bank
Common Interview Notification and Schedule for IBPS PO/MT II
December 11, 2012
Aptitude Practice Problems for IBPS Clerks Exam - Set 4
Directions—(Q. 1–6) What should come in place of the
question mark (?) in the following questions ?
LIC ADO Previous Papers Free Download - Completely Solved
Banking Awareness Bits for IBPS Exam
Stock Exchange and United Bank of India has signed a Memorandum of
Understanding with for offering an internetbased equity trading platform?
LIC ADO Recruitment for 2013 - 5201 Posts
December 10, 2012
SBI Clerks 2018 Online Exam Free Mock Tests - Reasoning
Monday, December 10, 2012
reasoning for bank exams,
Reasoning Shortcuts,
SBI Associates Clerks Special 2014
SBI Real Time Interview Experiences - SBI Assistants - Parnasha Roy Choudhury
Monday, December 10, 2012
Bank Interview Tips,
SBI Associates Clerks Interview Experiences
Name : Parnasha Roy Choudhury
Qualification : B.Sc. in fashion design
December 09, 2012
Expected Current Affairs Bits for IBPS Clerks Online Exam - October Month (Set 5)
Recently Osman
Ali Khan is in news by getting his name in the list of the 25 richest people
across the world who ever lived by US website Celebrity Networth. Who is he?
Recently NRAI
appointed Jaspal Rana as Junior Pistol Chief Coach. What is NRAI?
December 08, 2012
Expected GA Questions for IBPS Clerks Online Exam - October Month (Set 4)
Recently a
Kerala based software company is in news by acquiring the Atlanta-based Hotel
Booking Solutions (HBSi) through a multi-million dollar deal. Name it?
Expected Current Affairs Bits for IBPS Clerks CWE - October (Set 3)
Saturday, December 08, 2012
Current Affairs,
Current Affairs Important Updates,
IBPS Clerks Online Exam Special
Recently the
Government of Bangladesh has honoured a Former Indian Deputy Prime Minister and
Defence Minister with its prestegious
“Friends of Liberation War Honour” award
for his contribution in the 1971 War. Name him?
December 07, 2012
English Model Practice Questions for IBPS clekrs
Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank Recruitment - IBPS RRB POs and Clerks Recruitment
The Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank, one of the leading Regional Rural Banks, from Karnataka is inviting Applications from eligible Indian citizens who have appeared and the Common Written Examination for RRBs conducted by IBPS in September 2012 and declared qualified for filling up of its posts of Officers Scale I (POs) and Office Assistants (Clerks). The online registration starts fron 11th December 2012 and the last date for online applications is 26th December 2012. There are 35 Vacancies in total for Officers Scale I posts and 25 Vacancies for Office Assistants.
AIBA Suspends Indian Boxing Federation
Aptitude Practice Questions for IBPS Clerks Exam - Completely Solved
December 06, 2012
Forbes World Most Powerful People List 2012
IBPS Clerks Mock Tests - General Awareness with special Reference to Banking Industry
IBPS Clerks Online Exam Mock Tests - English Language
December 05, 2012
Shreyas Gramin Bank Recruitment of Clerks and POs - IBPS RRB
The opening date of online registrations is 7th December 2012 and the last date is 22nd December 2012.