Calculation Speed plays a very very very important role in Bank Exams. Some people think that, people should have the natural ability to do calculations fast, of course that is true at some extent. But that doesn't mean the other ordinary people like you and me need not feel bad.
According to Aerodynamics Laws based on Weight and the Size of the wings, some species only do have the ability to fly. If we strictly apply their laws, a Bee cant fly. Because its weight is More and Wing's length is very less when compared to its Weight. But still it is flying very comfortably and enjoying the Honey in almost every flower.
Sometimes Old rules and blind beliefs remain worthless. Forecasters' predictions become wrong. Only The Belief in You and Hard work will create wonders. Trust me, it is very easy to develop good calculation speed in a relatively short period of time. All you need is Hardwork, Little Amount of time and Good Material to Prepare... You give us the first TWO, we will provide you with the Third one...
30 x 30 : Just spend 30 minutes a day for 30 days. You will definitely find the difference in your calculation speed. Your practice involves basic Additions, Subtractions, Multiplications, Percentage Calculations, Comparing Fractions and Calculating Squares.
How can this blog help me? We post some examples on calculations. Solutions for these
examples indicating the short-cuts that you need to learn and implement. Which will help you to solve problems mentally in less time .
How to use this blog? Before you start involving with our posts, make sure that you are thorough with the following (Mandatory) :
- Multiplication Tables (Up to 20 x 10)
- Squares (Up to 30)
- Cubes (Up to 15)
- Powers of 2 (Up to 12)
- Powers of 3 (Up to 6)
- Reciprocals of numbers (Up to 12)
- Complements of 100
- (I mean, the difference between 100 and the given 2 digit number).
Some Useful Shortcuts of Basic Maths :
What should I do for this : Nothing, just open this page daily when ever you free. You can find a post containing 20 questions on calculations (Additions, Subtractions, Multiplications etc) . Just try to solve them mentally in the recommended time. Just put away your Calculators, Pens, Pencils and Papers.
While taking these tests, please follow the below instructions.
- Take One test every day.
- Check the starting time and keep in mind the time that has been allotted for the particular exercise.
- Don't use calculator.
- Write as little as possible on paper. You should try doing as much of the calculation as possible mentally.
- Some questions require precise calculations whereas some other questions require only approximate calculations. Please remember that the level of accuracy to which you should work out the calculations will depend on the answer choices given in the post itself. So, do not spend more time than is necessary on each question.
- Stop the test as soon as the Prescribed time is Over.
- After you Complete each exercise, spend time working out the questions that you could not complete in the given time. Then, check for the correctness of your answers. Rework all the questions in the test to see whether the method that you adopted was the best/shortest.
- Check the answers to see whether you have approached the calculations correctly. Use the learning that you gain in one Exercise in working out the next Exercise.
- Even after you use up all the tests given in this Blog, you should continue similar calculation practice on a regular basis to ensure that your calculation speed does not drop.
Have a look at some basic techniques which will help you to improve your speed of Mental Maths....
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