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Topic 1 : "Mounting grievances, little regulation"
- Mounting - gradually increasing
- Grievances - complaints
- Monetarily - related to money
- Exploit - to use someone or something unfairly for your own advantage
- Ill-equipped - without the ability, qualities, or equipment to do something
- Naturopathy - a system of treating diseases using natural methods such as controlling what a person eats, exercise, and treatments such as homeopathy and acupuncture
- Played out - happened too many times
- Rescue - save (someone) from a dangerous or difficult situation
- Vicious - cruel or violent
- Hardship - something that causes difficult or unpleasant conditions
- Deprive - not having the things that are necessary for a pleasant life (money, food etc)
- Dearth of something - not enough of something (insufficient quantity)
- Apex Bodies - higher authorities
- Affiliation - a connection with a larger organization (here universities)
- Lacking something - do not have enough of something
- Meticulous - very careful and with great attention to every detail
- Scrutiny - examining something closely (for mistakes)
- Vested - Having full ownership rights
- Proliferate - increase rapidly in number
- Wherewithal - the money necessary for a particular purpose
- Stipulate - to say exactly how something must be or must be done
- Porous - not secured
- Exploit - make full use of something
- Unscrupulous - behaving in dishonest way in order to get what you want
- Fabricate - to make something false in order to cheat someone
- Obtain - to get something
- Numerous - great in number (many)
- Ghost faculty members - not real faculty member who are hired
- Loopholes - a small mistake in an agreement or law that gives someone the chance to avoid having to do something:
- Citing - to mention / say something
- Deficiency - lack of something (shortage)
- Equipped - having the necessary tools
- Statutory - decided or controlled by law
- Hands-off approach - letting people do what they want and make their own decisions, without telling them what to do
- Irredeemable - not able to be saved / improved / corrected
- Distress - extreme anxiety / sorrow /pain
- Lackadaisical - lacking enthusiasm and determination (carelessly lazy)
- Integrity - the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
Topic 2 : "Oommen Chandy must resign"
- Chipped - cut or break something into small pieces
- Legitimacy - the quality of being legal
- Penumbra - something that covers (the part of a shadow)
- Shrugging off - to treat something as if it is not important or not a problem
- Allegation - a statement, made without giving proof, that someone has done something wrong or illegal
- Packing off - to send someone to another place
- Aides - assistants to an important person (especially a political leader)
- Go-between - a person who takes messages between people who are unable to meet
- Accused - to say that someone has done something wrong / illegal
- Dupe - to deceive (cheat) someone
- Floated - started selling shares in a business or company
- Persuaded - to make someone do or believe something
- Flaunting - showing
- Swindle - to get money dishonestly from someone by cheating them
- Deposed - remove from office suddenly and forcefully
- Tutoring - instructing
- Testimony - a formal written or spoken statemen (given in a court of law)
- Compounded - made something worse
- Colleagues - people who work together
- Putting in papers - to submit resignation
- Adverse - adverse
- Brazen - bold and without shame
- Ethical - relating to moral principles
- Graft - the act of getting money through the dishonest use of political power and influence
- Scrutiny - critical observation or examination
- Nonetheless - in spite of that
- Crisis - danger
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