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- Money lent for 15 days or more in inter bank market is called _____________
- Balance Transfer Loan is the familiar term used in Bank Loans. How it helps the home loan buyer ?
- It transfers the loan of one person to another person by making personal contract
- This loan helps to clear an existing home loan by availing a new loan from another lender
- It helps the borrower to transfer his loan to his neighbors
- It transfers the loan from one bank to RBI. The customer pays rate of interest to RBI
- None of these
- Money lent for more than one day but less than 15 days in the money market is known as __________
- Which of the following is the first commercial bank who had launched a mutual fund ?
- Canara Bank
- Indian Bank
- Bank of India
- State Bank of India
- A company which pools money from investors and invests in stocks, bonds, shares is called ___________
- A bank
- An Insurance Company
- Mutual Fund
- Bank assurance
- None of the above
- Loan given for undertaking repairs, renovations and / or up gradation is called ___________
- Home Damage Loan
- Home Improvement Loan
- Home Custody Loan
- Home Consumption Loan
- All of the above
- Important Statements of Bridge Loan in Home Loan given. Pick the wrong statement
- Bridge Loan also available in Home Loans
- It is designed for people who wish to sell the existing home and purchase another
- It helps finance the new home, until a buyer is found for the old home
- It is not available in Metro cities
- None of these
- maximum compensation on Ombudsman is empowered to award in respect +of deficiency in service of the Credit Card operation is ___________
- Rs. 50,000
- Rs. 1 lakh
- Rs. 25,000
- Rs. 10 lakh
- Rs. 5 lakh
- Pick the wrong abbreviation used in Banking and Financial Sectors
- ADR - American Donation Receipts
- CCIL - Clearing Corporation of India Ltd
- CRISIL - Credit Rating Information Services of India Ltd
- CBLO - Collateralized Borrowing and Lending Obligation
- CPI - Consumer Price Index
- A Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account (BSBDA) facility is available _____________
- to all individuals irrespective of their background
- all individuals from below poverty line-families only
- only to individuals from the SC / ST only
- only to individuals from the minority communities only
- only to individuals from weaker sections of the society
- At present, the formula for subscription to RRBs capital has been fixed at ______
- Central Govt 50%, State Govt 15% and Sponsor Bank 35%
- Central Govt 60%, State Govt 20% and Sponsor Bank 20%
- Central Govt 30%, State Govt 30% and Sponsor Bank 40%
- Central Govt 35%, State Govt 35% and Sponsor Bank 30%
- Central Govt 50%, State Govt 25% and Sponsor Bank 25%
- Which of the following committees has recommended Universal Electronic Bank Account5 (UCBA) for every resident to be made available at the time of issuing the Aadhar Number ?
- Nachiket Mor Committee
- Shyamala Gopinath Committee
- Urjit Patel Committee
- C Rangarajan Committee
- None of these
- What is Green Banking ?
- Bank financing to agriculture
- Bank financing on pro-environment projects
- Bank financing to irrigation
- All Bank financing to farmers
- None of these
- In core banking solutions :
- Branches are connected to a central host
- Branch automation modules and delivery channels are incorporated
- Transactions are done centrally and online
- All of the above are correct
- None of these
- A bank on whom a cheque is drawn by the customer is called as ______________
- Collecting Bank
- Paying Bank
- Advising Bank
- Issuing Bank
- Confirming Bank
- When RBI wants to reduce liquidity in the banking system ?
- It increases the CRR
- It increases the MSF rate
- It increases the Repo Rate
- It increases the Reverse Repo Rate
- None of these
- India's largest mortgage lender is ______________
- Axix Bank
- Corporation Bank
- The Rate at which the domestic currency can be converted into foreign currency and vice-versa is known as the _______________
- Base Rate
- Exchange Rate
- Inter-Bank Call Money Rate
- A "Hot Money" or the "Refugee Capital" is one which __________________
- is transferred from one centre to another for greater safety
- is earned by a refugee
- deposited by a refugee who is taking refuge in the country
- given loan for a single day
- none of these
- "Fiat Money" is that which is
- accepted by overseas banks only
- decreed as money by the government
- accepted temporarily in lieu of gold
- backed by gold and silver
- none of these
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