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Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "The conviction and after"
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Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "The conviction and after"
- Conviction - a decision by a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime
- Corruption - dishonest or illegal behaviour by officials or people in positions of power, especially when they accept money in exchange for doing things for someone
- Malaise - a general feeling of being worried, unhappy, or not satisfied
- Diagnose - to find out the problem
- Cure - to solve a problem
- Arraign - to formally accuse someone in a law court of a particular crime and ask that person to say if they are guilty or not
- Incarceration - to put someone in prison
- Disproportionate - too large or too small in comparison to something else
- Former - used for describing someone or something that had a particular job, title, status etc in the past, but not now
- Accused - the person who is on trial in a law court
- Significant - important or noticeable
- Charge - (of the police) to make a formal statement saying that someone is accused of a crime:
- Abate - to become less strong
- Wrath - extreme anger
- Upheld - if a court of law uphelds something such as a claim, it says that it is correct
- In toto - as a total or whole
- Concurring - to agree or have the same opinion
- Vice - a moral fault or weakness in someone's character
- Insatiable - always wanting more and never feeling satisfied
- Avarice - a strong feeling that you want to have a lot of money and possessions and keep them for yourself
- Aggrandisement - an increase in power or importance that is not deserved or reasonable
- Unscrupulous - behaving in a way that is dishonest or unfair in order to get what you want
- There’s no denying - used for saying that something is clearly true
- Mystifying - to confuse someone by being or doing something very strange or impossible to explain
- Ruling - a decision
- Thrust - the main idea, subject, or opinion that is discussed or written about
- Endorsed - to make a public statement of your approval or support for something or someone
- The accused - the person who is on trial in a law court (for committing a crime)
- Expeditiously - quickly
- Inordinate - much more than usual or expected
- Determined - wanting to do something very much and not allowing anyone or any difficulties to stop you
- Displacing - to force something or someone out of its usual or original position
- Loyalist - a person or group that strongly supports the government or ruler in power
- Held off - to not do something immediately
- Despite - used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it
- Precisely - exactly
- Anticipated - to imagine or expect that something will happen
- Sworn in - when someone is sworn in, they make a formal promise to be honest or loyal, when starting a new official job
- Allegation - a statement, made without giving proof, that someone has done something wrong or illegal
- Forcibly - with physical power or violence
- Resort - a place where many people go for rest, sport, or another stated purpose
- Notwithstanding - despite something
- Setback - something that happens that delays or prevents a process from developing
- Destined - certain to happen in the future
- Churn - quick movement
- Setback - something that happens that delays or prevents a process from developing
- Barely - used for emphasizing how small an amount is
- Aide - a person whose job is to help someone important, such as a member of a government or a military officer of high rank
- Inadvertently - not deliberately, and without realizing what you are doing
- Briefed - to give someone information about a situation, especially officially
- Conversation - a talk between two or more people, usually a private and informal one
- Ambassador - an important official who works in a foreign country representing his or her own country there
- Allegation - a statement, made without giving proof, that someone has done something wrong or illegal
- Sanction - an official order, such as the stopping of trade, that is taken against a country in order to make it obey international law
- Waning - to decline in power, importance
- Inauguration - the act of putting someone into an official position with a ceremony, or an occasion when this happens
- Defended - to protect someone or something against attack or criticism; to speak in favour of someone or something
- Vouching - to say that something is true, correct, or good based on your own knowledge or experience
- Envoy - someone who is sent as a representative from one government or organization to another
- Breach - an act of breaking a law, promise, agreement, or relationship
- Grave - so serious that you feel worried
- Administration - the activities involved in managing a business, organization, or institution
- Allegation - a statement, made without giving proof, that someone has done something wrong or illegal
- Unlikely - probably not true
- Scandal - an action or event that causes a public feeling of shock and strong moral disapproval
- Probe - to try to discover information that other people do not want you to know, by asking questions carefully and not directly
- Derail - to prevent something from continuing in the way that it was planned
- Embarrassment - a feeling of being nervous or ashamed because of what people know or think about you
- Heed - to pay attention to something, especially advice or a warning
- Fire - to remove someone from their job
- Attorney General - the top legal officer in some countries, whose job is to provide legal advice to the government and to represent the government
- Racism - a way of behaving or thinking that shows that you do not like or respect people who belong to races that are different from your own and that you believe your race is better than others
- Senate - the more important of the two groups of politicians who make laws in some countries such as the US, Australia, and France
- Cohesive - united and working together effectively
- Domestic - relating to a person's own country
- Crisis - an urgent, difficult, or dangerous situation
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