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Day 30 : Hetero
- hetero - other; different
Let's try to understand this with some examples
- heterodox (adjective) = not following the usual or accepted beliefs and opinions
- hetero - Root = other
- dox (doxa) = opinion
- heterosexual (noun) = a person who is sexually attracted to the people of opposite sex.

- heteromorphosis = growth of abnormal tissue
- heterotaxy = abnormal disposition of organs or parts
- heterogeneous : consisting of many different kinds of people or things
- heterodoxy = (of beliefs, ideas, or activities) different to and opposing generally accepted beliefs or standards
- heteronyms = two or more words that have identical spellings but different meanings and pronunciations
- heterotroph = an animal that can’t make its own food supply, so they have to eat other things, like plants or other animals, to survive
- heterozygous = having two different forms of a gene (= part of a cell containing DNA information) that controls a particular characteristic, one inherited from each parent, and therefore able to pass on either form
Try to guess the meanings of the following elements.
- -aero
- -brevi
- -capit
- -aqua
b. head
c. air
d. water
Try to match the above elements with given meanings. Solve it on your own and
Shraboni Chakraborty
Asstt. Professor
English and Foreign Languages University,
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