All cricket god fans, here is the perfect climax for the story. The Indian Government has announced Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian award of India to batting maestro Sachin Tendulkar. Just hours after he bids goodbye to cricket, it was decided that he would be awarded with this great honor. "I dedicate this award to my mother," said Mr Tendulkar, who had made special arrangements to ensure his mother, Rajni Tendulkar, watches his last Test match against West Indies at Mumbai's Wankhede stadium. With this, Tendulkar has become the first sportsperson to receive the biggest honour possible for any Indian.
Eminent scientist and a well recognized international authority on solid state and materials chemistry Prof.
CNR Rao (Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandra Rao) also got this prestegious award along with sachin. He has published over 1,400 research papers and 45 books. He already has been honoured with several national and international awards. He serves as the head of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India.
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he deserves it....!!!!!!! i am very happy for him.....
ReplyDeleteSorry for going out of content..But it is important..In the upcoming IBPS clerk exams how much questions [Approx] I should correctly to get in ? Please explore about sectional cutoff marks in this examination ! It would be helpful :) BTW No need to say you are doing awesome job..Really helpful for us. Thanks !
ReplyDeletestate aur category batao ??
DeletePunjab And SC pls tell me the sectional and overall cut off
DeletePunjab And SC pls tell me the sectional and overall cut off
Deleteplease post about interview process of rrb exams. how can we know whether we are eligible or not. i got 117 in officer scale 1 and 118 in assistants(category- OC). please tell me.
ReplyDeleteBharat Ratna lost its value. Even if you consider sports, Dhyanchand and Anand much deserve than Sachin. Hope govt will take back the decision.
ReplyDeleteshut up..
DeleteI don't respond like you(above shut up)
DeleteWe Miss you sachin U r history of one of the members.
ReplyDeletenow understand why god gives eyes and ears to know and only for my sachu.......tears for