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Note : There were no editorials in THE HINDU on 6th January 2019 (Sunday)
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Bring in the experts: on Jayalalithaa's death"
- Bring in - to use the skills of a particular group or person
- Deserve - to have earned something or be given something because of your actions or qualities
- Cloud - to spoil an activity, event, or situation
- Murky - involving activities that are not clearly known and that people think are dishonest or morally wrong
- Conspiracy theory - the idea that a group of people secretly worked together to cause a particular event
- Premise - a principle or statement that you consider to be true, that you base other ideas and actions on
- Notion - knowledge or understanding of something
- Manipulate - to influence someone, or to control something, in a clever or dishonest way
- Sinister - threatening to do harm or to do something evil
- Distrust - to not trust someone or something
- Yearning - a strong feeling that you get when you want something very much, especially something that you know you may not be able to have
- Phenomena - an event or situation that can be seen to happen or exist
- Underlying - underlying causes, facts, ideas etc are the real or basic ones, although they are not obvious or directly stated
- Breeding ground - a situation or place in which bad things can easily begin to develop
- Untimely - happening at a time that is not suitable, for example because it causes additional problems
- Astonishing - very surprising
- Probe - an attempt to find out the truth about an issue, problem, or accident, made by an official group or by a newspaper, television programme etc
- Meanwhile - at the same time
- Constitute - if several people or things constitute something, they combine to form it
- Tenure - the period of time during which someone has an important job or is an elected official
- Blindfolded - to cover someone's eyes with a strip of cloth
- Principal - main
- Circumstance - a fact or condition that affects a situation
- Subsequent - happening or coming after something else
- Demise - the death of a person
- Former - used for describing someone or something that had a particular job, title, status etc in the past, but not now
- Adequate - good enough or large enough for a particular purpose
- Intervention - a situation in which someone becomes involved in a particular issue, problem etc in order to influence what happens
- Eminently - very or very much
- Sensible - reasonable and practical
- Debilitating - making someone physically or mentally weak
- Matrix - an arrangement of connected things
- Deposition - a formal written statement by a witness that is read out in a court because the witness cannot be present at the court
- Perplexing - confusing
- Accuse - to say that someone has done something wrong or committed a crime
- Collusion - the secret activities of people who work together to do something dishonest
- Get away - to escape from a person or place
- Motive - used in a negative way for showing that someone’s real reasons for doing something are not the ones that they tell other people
- Warring - arguing or fighting with each other
- Faction - a small group within a larger group, consisting of people with different opinions from the rest
- Elusive - an elusive person or animal is difficult or impossible to find or catch
- Enhance - to improve something, or to make it more attractive or more valuable
- Competent - capable of doing something in a satisfactory or effective way
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Removing fear: on literary freedom"
- Taken for granted - to expect something always to happen or exist in a particular way, and to not think about any possible problems or difficulties
- Threaten - to be likely to cause harm or damage to something or someone
- Undermine - to make something or someone become gradually less effective, confident, or successful
- Afresh - in a new or different way
- Pulp - books and magazines that are of low quality in the way they are produced and the stories and articles they contain
- Sanitise - to take out from information, writing etc parts that might be offensive or unpleasant, usually in a way that makes them less interesting and less useful
- Offending - causing a problem, or breaking a rule
- Mob - a large crowd of people that is dangerous or difficult to control
- Resurrect - to make something exist again, or to start to use something again after it has disappeared, been forgotten, or stopped being used
- Verdict - an official judgment made in a court
- Harmony - a situation in which people live and work well with other people, or in a way that does not damage things around them
- Invoke - to use a law or rule in order to achieve something
- Free expression - the right to express your opinions
- Espouse - to give your support to an idea, principle, or belief
- Punitive - relating to or causing punishment or great difficulty
- Commend - to praise someone or something formally or publicly
- Uphold - to show that you support something such as an idea by what you say or do
- Liberal - accepting different opinions and ways of behaving and tending to be sympathetic to other people
- Omission - someone or something that has not been included, either deliberately or because someone forgot
- Denominational - relating to a particular religious group
- Blasphemy - something that is considered offensive to God or someone’s religious beliefs
- Deliberate - intended, not done by chance or by accident
- Malicious - unkind and showing a strong feeling of wanting to hurt someone
- Outrage - a strong feeling of anger and shock at something that you feel is wrong or unfair
- Grossly - very, or extremely
- Trivial - not very important, serious, or valuable
- Hound - to follow someone in a determined way in order to get something from them
- Harass - to keep annoying or upsetting someone, for example by criticizing them, attacking them, or treating them in a way that is offensive to them
- Curtail - to reduce or limit something, especially something good
- Obscene - offensive in a sexual way
- Omit - to fail to include or do something
- Enmity - a feeling of strong dislike or opposition between people
- Imputation - the act of accusing someone of having a bad quality or of being guilty of something, or a statement that makes such an accusation
- Integration - the process of allowing people of all races to use a place, institution, or organization
- Proscribe - to order an end to the existence or use of something
- Tweak - to make small changes in order to improve something
- Prohibition - a law or rule that stops people from doing something
- Onus - if the onus is on someone to do something, it is their responsibility or duty to do it
- Obscenity - behaviour or language that is sexually offensive, especially in a film, book, or play
- Initiative - the ability to decide in an independent way what to do and when to do it
- Penal - relating to the punishment of criminals
- Inhibit - to make it difficult for a process to start or continue in a normal way
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