As part of the pre-joining induction, for the batch of
Probationary Officers (PO) 2017, the
State Bank of India is conducting an
online certification course in association with
Pvt. Ltd (
FLIP). This program covers basics of Finance and an overview of Banking Business. The learner will be taken through various Modules relating to channels of retail banking business, ayments methods, types of accounts, retail loans overview, corporate Banking, third-party products and compliance, trade and forex, etc.A weightage of 100 marks will be given for completion of this Course.
This online course along with the test should be completed by 29.12.2017. In case the candidate is unable to complete within that time, an extension of 30 days will be given on request. In any case, the course should be completed within 30 days of joining the Bank.
Thanks to Biswaraj Bandhu Bhattacharyaa for the update
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