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Hindu Editorial Vocabulary shared by KANI
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "In a new orbit: On the launch of GSLV Mark-III, India’s heaviest rocket"
- Orbit - the path that is taken by an object moving around a larger object in space / an area in which someone or something has power or influence
- Elite group - a small group of people who have a lot of advantages and keep the most power and influence
- Precise - exact and accurate
- Significant - very large or noticeable
- Milestone - an event or achievement that marks an important stage in a process
- Geostationary - a geostationary satellite appears to remain in the same place, because it travels at the same speed as the Earth
- Payload - the equipment or people in a space vehicle
- Vital - very important, necessary, or essential
- Propulsion - the force that moves or pushes something forward
- Orientation - the position of an object, or the direction in which it is pointing
- Switch-over - to stop doing one thing and start doing another
- Do away with something - to get rid of something
- Indigenous - belong to a region (local)
- Cryogenic - related to the scientific study of very low temperatures and how to produce them
- Hesitation - a feeling that you should not do something, especially because you are nervous, embarrassed, or worried
- Ignite - to make something start to burn
- Aerodynamic - relating to the science of how objects move through the air
- Reliant - depending on someone or something
- Substantially - very strongly made or built
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Theresa may not? On U.K.’s snap elections"
- Snap election - a general election (= an election in which every adult can vote for the people who will represent them in parliament) that is called earlier than expected
- Err - to make a mistake, especially in a judgment or decision
- Looming - to appear as a large shape that is not clear, usually in a threatening way
- Negotiation - formal discussions in which people or groups try to reach an agreement, especially in a business or political situation
- Unequivocal - clear, definite, and without doubt
- Respectively - used for saying that something happens separately to each of the people or things mentioned in the order in which they were mentioned
- Crumbling - to stop existing or being effective
- Gradually - slowly and in small stages or amounts
- Muddying - to make a situation more complicated or difficult than it needs to be
- Prospect - the possibility that something will happen, especially something good
- Wither - to become weak
- Outlier - a result that is very different from the other results in a set
- Sizeable - very large
- Projection - a calculation of the way that something will change and develop in the future, especially of how fast it will grow or become smaller
- Setback - a problem that delays or that stops progress or makes a situation worse
- Endure - to suffer something difficult or unpleasant in a patient way over a long period
- Referendum - an occasion when everyone in a country can vote to make a decision about one particular subject
- Nonetheless - despite what has just been said or done
- Conservative - not willing to accept much change, especially in the traditional values of society
- Miscalculate - to make a wrong judgment about what will happen or what to do in a situation
- Dissect - to think about or discuss the details of something in order to understand it completely
- Critiquing - to express your opinion about something after examining and judging it carefully and in detail
- Vulnerable - easily damaged by something negative or harmful
- Awkward - difficult to deal with and embarrassing
- Depriving - if you deprive someone of something, you take it away from them or prevent them from having it
- Austerity - an economic policy by which a government reduces the amount of money it spends by a large amount
- Jitters - a nervous upset feeling caused by not knowing what will happen
- Tories - members of the Conservative Party in the UK
- Unwise - stupid
- Take someone for granted - to expect someone to always be there and do things for you even when you do not show that you are grateful
- Optimistic - someone who is optimistic is hopeful about the future and tends to expect that good things will happen
- Negotiating - to have formal discussions with someone in order to reach an agreement with them
- Owing to - because of something
Editorial Vocabulary shared by HARSH
- ERR- be mistaken or incorrect; make a mistake
- LOOMING - appear as a vague form, especially one that is large or threatening
- UNEQUIVOCAL - leaving no doubt; unambiguous
- CRUMBLING - break or fall apart into small fragments, especially as part of a process of deterioration
- MUDDYING - cover or fill (something) with mud
- PROJECTIONS - an estimate or forecast of a future situation based on a study of present trends
- ENDURE - suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently
- SANGUINE - optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation
- CRITIQUING - evaluate (a theory or practice) in a detailed and analytical way
- AWKWARD - causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with
- JITTERS - feelings of extreme nervousness
- TURBULENCE - a state of conflict or confusion
- STANCE - the way in which someone stands
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