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- Factor - a fact or situation that influences the result of something
- Retaining - to keep or continue to have something
- Muddied - to make a situation more complicated or difficult than it needs to be
- Agenda - a plan or aim that is kept secret
- Exuding - if you exude a particular quality, people notice easily that you have a lot of it
- Rival - a person, team, or business that competes with another
- Dressing room - a room used by a performer or sports players for preparing for a performance or game
- Distracting - preventing you from concentrating on something
- Speculation - ideas or discussion about why something has happened or what might happen
- Imminent - coming or likely to happen very soon
- Incumbent - someone who has an official position
- Scramble - to hurry or try very hard to get something, often competing with other people
- Opting for - to make a choice or decision from a range of possibilities
- Surfaced - to become known after being hidden
- Disgruntled - disappointed and annoyed about something
- Your pound of flesh - something that someone owes you that you take even though it will cause them to suffer
- Overbearing - an overbearing person always tries to control other people’s behaviour and ignores their opinions and feelings
- Skipper - the captain of a sports team
- Alleged - claimed to be true, even though this has not been proved
- Backed - supported
- Testament to something - evidence that something is true
- Validation - to officially state that something is of a suitable standard
- Unsavoury - involving unpleasant, dishonest, or immoral things that you do not want to think or talk about
- Tidbit - a piece of interesting information
- Contrast - a noticeable difference between people or things
- Former - used for describing someone or something that had a particular job, title, status etc in the past, but not now
- Unenviable - difficult and not at all enjoyable
- Sift through - to examine information, documents etc in order to find what you are looking for
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Monsoon’s here: on the need to make the most of a good rainfall"
- Monsoon - a period of heavy rain in India
- Make the most of something - to take full advantage of something because it may not last long
- Impact - an effect, or an influence
- Receding - to move further away
- Meteorological - related to the scientific study of weather
- Forecast - a statement about what is likely to happen, based on available information and usually relating to the weather, business, or the economy
- Apprehensive - slightly worried or nervous
- Onset - the beginning of something, especially something bad
- Phenomenon - an event or situation that can be seen to happen or exist
- Favourable - giving someone or something an advantage or a benefit
- Relies - depends
- Off-the-mark - not correct
- Consecutive - following one after another in order and with nothing else in between
- Prospect - the possibility that something will happen, especially something good
- Irrigation - to supply land with water so that crops and plants will grow
- Inflation - an economic process in which prices increase so that money becomes less valuable
- Spur - to encourage something
- Prosperity - the situation of being successful and having a lot of money
- Imperative - extremely important and urgent
- Urbanisation - the process by which towns and cities grow bigger and more and more people go to live in them
- Infrastructure - the set of systems within a place or organization that affect how well it operates, for example the telephone and transport systems in a country
- Significant - very large or noticeable
- Variations - differences in amount, level etc
- Bountiful - available in large quantities
- Resilience - the ability to quickly return to a previous good condition
- Drought - a long period of time when there is little or no rain and crops die
- Crippling - causing severe damage or problems
- Harvest - to collect or obtain something
- Unproductive - not achieving any benefits or positive results
- Cesspool - a large covered hole or container in the ground for collecting the liquid and solid waste that flows from a building
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