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Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Saying no to jallikattu, again"
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Justice beyond borders"
- Declined - to become less or worse
- Bull-taming - to bring a bull under control
- Alongside - next to, or together with
- Harvest - the time of year when crops are cut and collected from the fields
- Rural - relating to the countryside
- Drawn on something - to use information or your knowledge of something to help you do something
- Sound - complete
- Conclude - to complete an official agreement or task, or arrange a business deal
- Cruelty - behaviour that deliberately causes pain to other people or animals, or that makes them unhappy or upset
- Overrides - to be much more important than something else
- Particularly - especially, or more than usual
- Regulate - to control something, especially by making it work in a particular way
- Repugnant - if behaviour or beliefs, etc. are repugnant, they are very unpleasant, causing a feeling of disgust
- Legislation - a law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament
- Stringent - having a very serious effect, or being extremely limiting
- Provisions - a statement within an agreement or a law that a particular thing must happen or be done
- Contended - to say that something is true or is a fact
- Despite - used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it
- Distress - a feeling that you have when you are very unhappy, worried, or upset
- Injury - physical harm or damage to someone's body caused by an accident or an attack
- Fatality - a death caused by an accident or by violence
- Claim - to say that something is true or is a fact
- Significance - important or noticeable
- Construed - to understand the meaning, especially of other people's actions and statements, in a particular way
- Macho - behaving forcefully or showing no emotion in a way traditionally thought to be typical of a man
- Intrepid - extremely brave and showing no fear of dangerous situations
- Valour - great courage
- Pouncing - to jump or move quickly in order to catch or take hold of something
- Fleeing - running to escape
- Divine - connected with a god
- Wrath - extreme anger
- Baiting - to intentionally make somebody angry by doing things to annoy them
- Significance - importance
- Unlikely - not probable or likely to happen
- Purported - said by some people to be real or true, but not proved to be real or true
- Invoke - to use a law in order to achieve something
- Unfathomable - impossible to understand
- Apart from - except for or not considering
- Plea - an urgent and emotional request
- Embarked on - to start something new or important
- Misadventure - an accident
- Verdict - judgement
- Sticking to something - to limit yourself to doing or using one particular thing and not change to anything else
- Scrutiny - the careful and detailed examination of something in order to get information about it
- Like-minded - people who are described as like-minded share the same opinions, ideas, or interests
- Espousing - to give your support to an idea, principle, or belief
- Takeaway - an important piece of information to remember from a meeting, presentation etc
- Futility - a lack of purpose, importance, or effectiveness
- Pursuing - to try to achive something
- Feudal tradition - a tradition in which people work fight for leaders who gave them protection and the use of land in return
- In the teeth of something - if something happens or is done in the teeth of difficulties, the difficulties cause problems but do not stop it
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Justice beyond borders"
- Outcome - a result or effect of an action, situation, etc
- Undercurrents - a feeling that exists and affects how people behave, but is not obvious or stated directly
- Ominous - suggesting that something unpleasant is likely to happen
- Ramifications - the possible results of an action
- Arbiter - a person or organization that has official power to settle disagreements
- Pact - an agreement between two or more people or organizations in which they promise to do something
- Impunity - freedom from punishment or from the unpleasant results of something that has been done
- Transnational - involving several nations
- Remedy - a solution to a particular problem
- Exhausted - extremely tired and without enough energy to do anything else
- Predictable - if something is predictable, it happens in the way that you would expect
- Annexation - to take control of a country or region by force
- Denied - to say that you did not do something that someone has accused you of doing
- Maintaining - to continue to say that something is true, even if other people do not believe you
- Accession - the occasion on which someone formally takes a position of authority, especially as a king, queen, or president
- Referendum - an occasion when everyone in a country can vote to make a decision about one particular subject
- Belligerent - wishing to fight or argue
- Rhetoric - speech or writing intended to be effective and influence people
- Erstwhile - previous
- Constraint - something that limits your freedom to do what you want
- Initiating - to make something start
- Punitive - intended as a punishment
- Ally - a country that makes an agreement with another country that they will work together to help each other, especially in a war
- Diminishing - to be reduced in size or importance
- Symbolises - to be considered as a typical or perfect example of something
- Abdication - to stop accepting a particular responsibility or obligation that you have
- Hostage - a person who is the prisoner of someone who threatens to kill them if they do not get what they want
- Machinations - secret, complicated, and clever plans and actions intended to achieve an aim
- Warlord - a military leader
- Subvert - to attack or harm a government or established system of law, politics etc
- Squander - if you squander something such as money, time, or an opportunity, you do not use it in a sensible way
- Regressive - (of tax) lower on large amounts of money, so that the rich are less affected
- Proceedings - a series of events that happen in a planned and controlled way
- Perpetrating - to do something that is harmful, illegal, or dishonest
- Heinous crime - a heinous act or crime is extremely evil
- Stance - an attitude or view about an issue that you state clearly
- Far cry from - to be very different from someone or something
- Genocide - the murder of large numbers of people belonging to a particular race
- Statute - a law passed by a government and formally written down
- Concern - a feeling of worry about something, especially one that a lot of people have about an important issue
- Nascent - beginning or formed recently
- Sorely - extremely; very much
- Legitimacy - allowed by law
- Anxiety- a worried feeling you have because you think something bad might happen
- Amplified - to explain something more thoroughly or give it more emphasis
- Unprecedented - never having happened or existed before
- Perpetrated - to commit a crime or a violent or harmful act
- Conflict - an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles
- Humanitarian - relating to efforts to help people who are living in very bad conditions and are suffering because of a war, flood, earthquake etc
- Catastrophe - an event that causes a lot of damage or makes a lot of people suffer
- Enforce - to make sure that a law or rule is obeyed by people
- Noble - behaving in an honest and brave way that other people admire
- Resurgent - quickly becoming popular, important, or successful again
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