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- To fan is to
- A fastidious person
- Fidgeting means
- Falling in love with a midget
- Being restless
- Winding a wall clock
- Having abnormal hatred for short-statured
- Making dolls
- The meaning of filial is
- Dishonet
- Cunning
- Canine
- Dutiful
- Extgravagant
- The opposite of risky is
- Lucky
- Opportune
- Safe
- Wanting
- Joyous
- The opposite of tough is
- Wicked
- Charming
- Easygoing
- Fawning
- Tender
- The opposite of wicked is
- Tender
- Fearsome
- Good
- Known
- Rare
- Which of the following means correct ?
- Just
- Truthful
- Exact
- Proper
- Accurate
- What is the plural form of lavabo (a ritual washing of the celebrant's hands at the offertory) ?
- Lavabos
- Lavabose
- Lavabees
- Lavabeas
- Lavabil
- Mark the True or False, as the case may be :
- To back a person is to desert him
- To back out of an agreement is to break it
- To back up is to assist
- To get your back up is to become stubborn
- A hot-blooded person has a quick temperament.
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