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Day 37 : Intra, Intro
- intra - within; inside
- intro - to the inside; within
Let's try to understand these with some examples
Let's have a look at some more words with intra and intro prefixes, for better understanding.
- intravenous = going into a vein
- Intracollegiate = within the college
- Intraschool = within the school
- Intramundane = within a mountainous region
- Intranational = within the nation
- Intraoral = within the mouth
- introvert = one who turns inward
- Introceptive = capable of receiving into itself
- Introgression = act of going in; entrance
- Intromit = allow to pass in; insert
- Introvert = one who turns inward; draws
- Intropression = pressure within
- intramuscular = happening inside a muscle
- introspection = examine one's own thoughts or feelings
- introduction = the action of telling someone another person's name the first time that they meet:
- intramural = happening within or involving the members of one school, college, or university
- intravascular = in blood vessels
- interdepartmental = between or involving different departments of a school, university, business, etc
Home Work :
Try to guess the meanings of the following elements.
- -cise
- -dict
- -corpor
- -endo
b. to say
c. within
d. cut
Try to match the above elements with given meanings. Solve it on your own and
Shraboni Chakraborty
Asstt. Professor
English and Foreign Languages University,
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