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Idioms related to Take
- That boy takes after his father (resembles)
- You are wrong; you must take back all you said (retract)
- Please dictate it to me and I'll take it down now (write)
- Do you take me for a fool (assume to be) ?
- The lecture was good but I couldn't take it all in (understand)
- The thief's charming manners quite took me in (deceived me)
- The aeroplane took off at six o'clock (left the ground)
- He took over his father's business (acquired)
- I took to that girl at once (was attracted to)
- She's taken to eating too much chocolate (formed habit to)
- That table takes up too much room (occupies)
Idioms related to Throw
- Politeness is thrown away on that man (wasted, not appreciated)
- He threw himself into the task of digging the garden (engaged vigorously in)
- vigorously meaning - in a way that involves physical strength
- I have got a bad cold and I can't throw it off (lose, get rid of)
- His death threw open the door to my promotion (made possible)
- The Government threw out the hilt (rejected)
- He proposed marriage to her and then threw her over for an actress (abandoned, left)
- He then threw up his job in England and went to Canada (resigned, gave up)
Idioms related to Turn
- My sister has suddenly turned against me (become unfriendly)
- They turned down his application (refused)
- We are going to turn in early tonight (go to bed)
- The ugly girl turned into a beautiful woman (became)
- My wife turned on me and called me a fool (attacked unexpectedly)
- This factory turns out hundreds of cars a week (produces, manufactures)
- The tea party turned out to be a great success (proved)
- Her mother turned her out of the house (caused to leave)
- In time of trouble, you can always turn to me (ask for help)
- My uncle from Australia turned up yesterday (appeared unexpectedly)
Idioms related to Work
- He works off his bad temper on his family (vents, gets rid of)
- Try to work on him and persuade him (influence)
- The student worked out the problem quickly (solved)
- She always gets very worked up before examinations (excited)
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