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Topic 1 : "On going beyond 'Bommai'"
- Verdict - an opinion or decision made after judging the facts that are given (Judgement)
- Unconstitutional - not allowed by the constitution (= set of rules for government) of a country or organization
- Dismissal - a decision that someone or something is not important / rejection
- Unequivocally - totally or expressed in a clear and certain way
- Endorsed - to make a public statement of your approval or support for something or someone
- Ascertain - make sure of something
- Merits - advantages
- Contention - the disagreement that results from opposing arguments
- Dissident - a person who opposes official policy
- Legislator - a person who makes laws
- Sting - carefully planned
- Inducement - bribe
- Perhaps - used to express uncertainty or possibility
- Breakdown - a failure of a system
- Controversy - a lot of disagreement or argument about something, usually because it affects or is important to many people
- Symptomatic - showing the proof of something
- Judicial - related to a law court or judge
- Beyond - outside of the limit
- Seminal - strongly influencing later developments
- Restraint - calm and controlled behaviour
- Gubernatorial - relating to a governor
- Discretion - the ability to decide something
- Nay - used to introduce a second and more appropriate phrase in a sentence when the first phrase was not strong enough
- Machination - secret plans / schemes
- Incumbent - the holder of an office or post
- Legitimate - allowed by law
- Cobble up - to put something together carelessly
- Mitigate - make (something bad) less serious or less painful
- Cling on to something - to try very hard to keep something
- Partisan - a strong supporter of a party
- Manipulate - handle or control something in a skilful manner
- Defection - to leave a country, political party, etc., especially in order to join an opposing one
- Cynical - believing that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere
- Vitiate - to destroy or damage something
- Severe - very great
- Fetters - a pair of chains that were tied round the legs of prisoners to prevent them from escaping
- Cracks - breaks in something, but it does not separate, but very thin lines appear on its surface
- Alliance - a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations
- Regional - related to a particular area of a country
- Summit - a meeting between heads of government
- Monarch - king, queen, or emperor
- Rift - a serious break in friendly relations
- Diplomatic - involving the management of the relationships between countries
- Outreach - reach further than something
- Allay - to relieve / reduce something
- Concerns - worries
- Contentious - controversial
- Awkward - causing difficulty / hard to do or deal with
- Riddled with something - if something is riddled with bad features, such as mistakes, it is full of them
- Contradiction - a combination of words that is nonsense because some of the words suggest the opposite of some of the others
- Embedded - attached
- Enormous - very large in size / quantity
- Turned sour - to be unsuccessful / to not develop in a satisfactory way
- Mistrust - lack of trust / suspicion
- Deepened - to become deeper
- Declined - politely refuse
- Regime - government
- Collapse - sudden fall down of something
- Likewise - in the same way / also
- Vital - extremely important
- Divergence - the situation in which two things become different
- Stature - importance or reputation gained by ability or achievement
- Shale - a type of soft, grey rock
- Boom - a period of sudden economic growth, especially one that results in a lot of money being made
- Abandon - give up / leave completely
- Embrace - to hold something very closely
- Soared - increased in a rapid leve
- Ally - a country that has agreed officially to give help and support to another one
- Underlying - used to describe something on which something else is based
- Rebalance - to change the amount or level of one or more things in order to improve a particular situation
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