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Note : There were No Editorials in The Hindu on 14th February 2016.
Topic 1 : "State overreach on the campus"
Topic 2 : "War and possible peace in Syria"
- Overreach - reach out too far (crossing the limits)
- Betray - do not do what you promised
- Disquieting - causing worry
- Intent - determined to do something / aim
- Rationale - The fundamental reasons for something
- Execution - the legal punishment of killing someone
- Convict - a person who is in prison because he did something wrong (crime)
- Alleged - claimed (said without proof)
- Sovereignty - the power of a country to control its own government
- Incitement - to encourage someone t feel something unpleasant
- Swoop down - attack
- Slap - a gentle warning or punishment
- Sedition - speech or behaviour directed against the peace of a state
- Conspiracy - an agreement to perform together an illegal act
- Cue - A signal for action
- Tolerated - allowed
- Draconian - strict
- Constitution - supreme law
- Affiliated - officially connected to an organization
- Inexplicable - cannot be explained / Strange
- Antipathy - strong dislike
- Separatism - the belief of a particular group of people that they should be independent and have their own government
- Disassociated - to consider as separate and not related
- Like-minded - having similar tastes or opinions
- Invoked - to use a law in order to achieve something
- Cautioning - to say something as a warning
- Pernicious - having a harmful effect
- Tendency - a strong chance that something will happen in a particular way
- Disorder - a state of confusion
- Nurture - to care and protect something while it is growing
- Legitimate - allowed by law
- Dissent - a strong difference of opinion on a particular subject
- Locus - center or focus of an activity
- Inevitable - unavoidable
- Eyesore - an unpleasant or ugly sight in a public place
- Roiled - to cause something to stop working in the usual way
- Upsurge - a sudden and large increase in something
- Dispensation - exemption from a rule
- Wielding - having a lot of influence or power over other people
- Misconceived - fail to understand (something) correctly
- Commemorated - to remember officially and give respect to a person or event
- Provocation - action or speech that makes someone angry
- Tarring - to cover
- Treason - (the crime of) showing no loyalty to your country (especially by helping its enemies)
- Distinguish - to understand the difference between two things
- Junked - to get rid of something because it is of no use or value
Topic 2 : "War and possible peace in Syria"
- Cessation - ending or stopping something
- Hostilities - fighting in a war
- Geopolitical - political activities influenced by the physical features of a country
- Proxies - one appointed or authorized to act for another
- Triggering - causing something (especially bad)
- Unprecedented - never happened or known before
- Humanitarian - involved in or connected with improving people's lives and reducing suffering
- Crisis - a time of extreme difficulty or danger
- To paint a picture (of something) - to describe or show something in a particular way
- Graver - seriously bad
- Life expectancy - the average period that a person may expect to live
- Catastrophic - causing sudden great damage
- Backing - helping / supporting
- Regime - government
- Allies - supporters
- Sustained - to allow something to continue for a period of time
- Common ground - opinions or interests shared by two or more groups (who disagree about most other subjects)
- Intervention - to intentionally become involved in a difficult situation in order to improve
- Consistently - doing something in a systemati manner
- Pushing for something - to demand something repeatedly
- Eventual - happening at the end of something (as a result)
- Mellowed - relaxed
- Hardline stand - uncompromising / strict attitude on a particular issue
- Ouster - the process of removing someone from an important position or job
- Ceasefire - an agreement between two armies, to stop fighting in order to allow discussions about peace
- Set the stage for something - conditions have been made right for something to happen (something is likely to happen)
- Negotiations - the process of discussing something with someone in order to reach an agreement with them
- Substantial - important
- On the ground - among the general public
- Escalate - increase rapidly
- Emboldened - to make someone brave
- Concession - the act of admitting defeat
- Vowed - to make a determined decision to do something
- Delusion - belief in something that is not true
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