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Topic 1 : "Banks ultimately need autonomy"
Topic 2 : "A wave of awe and opportunity"
- Ultimately - finally (used to highlight the most important fact in a situation)
- Autonomy - the power or right of an organization to be independent and govern itself
- Often - frequently
- Fulcrum - something that supports or sustains
- Robust - Powerfully built
- Prerequisite - a thing that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen
- Orbit - range of control or influence
- Scary - causing fear
- Appraisal - the act of examining someone / something in order to judge their qualities, success, or needs
- Conspired - To join or act together to commit an illegal or wrongful act
- Messy - (a situation) confused and difficult to deal with
- Cobweb - Confusion
- Comprising - consist of
- Asset - an item of property owned by an organization
- Vicinity - the area near or surrounding a particular place
- Yielded - produced or provided
- Fallout - the unpleasant effects of something that has happened
- Stewardship - the way a person controls or organizes something
- Camouflage - to hide something
- Precipitated - to make something happen suddenly
- Potentially - possibly (possibility of becoming something)
- Legacy - an amount of money or property left to someone in a will
- Persist - continue to exist
- Articulated - able to express thoughts and feelings easily and clearly
- Retrieve - to find and bring back something
- Viable - capable of working successfully
- Holistic - dealing with the whole of something (not just a part)
- Inevitably - unavoidably
- Arm’s length relationship - to not allow someone to become too friendly with you
- Pump into something - to spend a lot of money trying to make something operate successfully
Topic 2 : "A wave of awe and opportunity"
- Awe - a feeling of great respect (sometimes mixed with fear or surprise)
- Ripples - a series of waves
- Watershed - an event or period that is important because it represents a big change in how people do or think about something
- Throws open - to cause to move with great force or speed
- Symmetry - similarity
- Acceleration - increase in speed or rate
- Cataclysmic - sudden and violent
- Collision - an accident that happens when two things (here black holes) hit each other with force
- Insight - clear and deep understanding
- Merger - an occasion when two or more things join together to make one larger thing
- Testimony - evidence or proof of something
- Fittingly - in an appropriate manner
- Giant - very big
- Collaboration - the action of working with someone to produce something
- Oscillation - to move repeatedly from one position to another
- Determining - controling or influencing something directly (deciding what will happen)
- Unobstructed - clear and open (not blocked by anything)
- Unobtainable - not able to get
- Immensely - extremely (to a great extent)
- Chirp - a short, sharp, high-pitched sound
- Marvel - great surprise or admiration
- Minutely - very carefully (looking at every small detail)
- Vastness - the quality of being extremely big
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