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Topic 1 : "Grand words, but sobering reality"
- Sobering - making you feel serious and thoughtful
- Optimism - hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something
- Emphasising - giving special importance or value to (something) while speaking or writing
- Convergence - the act of coming closer
- Collaborative - involving two or more people (groups) working together for a special purpose
- Even keel - regular and well-balanced and not likely to change suddenly
- Notwithstanding - in spite of something
- Kerfuffle - noise, excitement, and argument
- Wrinkle - a problem, usually a small one
- Disruptive - causing trouble and therefore stopping something from continuing as usual
- Detention - keep (someone) in official custody (for questioning about a crime or in a politically sensitive situation)
- Bonhomie - cheerful friendlines
- Diverse - very different
- Counterterrorism - political or military activities designed to prevent terrorism
- At the helm - officially controlling an organization
- Trilateral - involving three parties
- Emanating - spreading out from a source
- Paralysed - unable to move or act
- Brawls - fight in a rough or noisy way
- Spiralling - a situation gets worse and is difficult to control because one bad event causes another
- Hostility - fighting in a war
- Chasm - a very large difference between two opinions or groups of people
- Suspicion - a feeling or thought that something is possible
- Mandarins - a person who has a very important job in the government (powerful)
- Perceived - come to realize or understand something
- Travesty - a false representation of something
- Complicity - involvement in a crime or some activity that is wrong
- Chastise - to criticize someone severely
- Conundrum - a confusing and difficult problem
- Stemming - to take origins
- Legitimate - allowed by law
- Hangs over something - a problem exists at something (India)
- Signatory - someone who signs an agreement (person / organization / country)
- Spate - a larger number of events (especially unpleasant ones) happening at the same time
- Squabbles - an argument over something that is not important
- Dispute - a disagreement or argument
- Accurate - correct in all details (exact)
Topic 2 : "A debate beyond ‘clicktivism’"
- Clicktivism - to use social media and the Internet to influence public openions (politics / religion / other social issues)
- No-holds-barred - without limits or controls
- Spat - a short argument, usually about something that is not important
- Giant - a very successful and powerful person or organization
- Concerned - involved in something or affected by it
- Unabashed - without any worry about possible criticism or embarrassment (not ashamed)
- Enthusiasm - interest
- Exploit - make full use of something
- Drum up something - to creat something very cleverly
- Scathing - criticizing someone or something very badly
- Lobbying - to try to convince a politician / government that a particular thing should happen
- Minced - to speak in an affected way
- Accused - to say that someone has done something wrong / illegal
- Crudely - rudely and offensively
- Orchestrate - to arrange something carefully, and unfairly, to achieve a wanted result
- Campaign - a planned group of activities that are intended to achieve a particular aim
- Collating - collecting and combining (texts, information, or data)
- Accusation - a statement saying that someone has done something wrong / illegal
- Provoke - to cause a reaction (negative one)
- Confrontation - a fight or argument
- Stand-off - a situation in which agreement in an argument does not seem possible
- Efficacy - the ability to produce a desired result
- Clout - influence or power
- Impact - influence
- Imprudent - not showing care for the results of an action (rash)
- Conflict - a serious disagreement or argument
- Tenable - able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection
- Facilitating - make (an action or process) easy or easier
- Procured - to get something with care or effort
- Articulation - clarity
- Arrogate - to take something without having the right to do so
- Deflected - diverted
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