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Topic 1 : "Dealing with the slowdown"
Topic 2 : "Polarisation in Malda"
- Prevailing - existing in a particular place or at a particular time
- Gloom - feelings of great unhappiness and loss of hope
- Forecast - predict or estimate something (a future event or trend)
- Turbulence - a state of confusion without any order
- Volatility - being easily excited
- Tandem - at the same time
- Pare - reduce (something) in size
- Underscore - to emphasize (something) or show the importance of (something)
- Catalyse - to make something start happening or start being successful
- Hasten - to make something happen sooner or more quickly
- Emphasised - give special importance or value to (something)
- vis-à-vis - in relation to something
- Make a beeline - to move quickly and directly toward something
- Prediction - a statement about what you think will happen in the future
- Shot in the arm - something that has a sudden and positive effect on something (providing encouragement)
- Headwinds - opposition
- Wish away - to do nothing and hope that a problem will disappear
- Oftentimes - on many occasions
- Spillover - begins to affect another situation (in an unwanted way)
- Volatility - likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly
- Contracting - decrease in size
- Wooing - to try to make someone to support you or to use your business
- Coherent - logical and clear
- Slump - to fall suddenly (prices, values, or sales)
- Mitigate - make (something bad) less serious /painful
- Distress - a feeling of extreme worry, sadness, or pain
- Dodge - to avoid something unpleasant
Topic 2 : "Polarisation in Malda"
- Polarisation - the condiction where people become divided into different groups and fight with each other
- Unleash - to suddenly release a violent force that cannot be controlled
- Escalation - a rapid increase
- Protest - an action expressing disapproval of or objection to something
- Obscure - not clear and difficult to understand
- Mob - a large crowd of people who intended to cause trouble or violence
- Ransack - go through (a place) stealing things and causing damage
- Breakdown - failure
- Convulse - to shake violently with sudden uncontrolled movements
- Agrarian - relating to the land, especially the use of land for farming
- Thrive - to grow, develop, or be successful
- Patronage - the support given to an organization by someone
- Rampant - getting worse quickly and in an uncontrolled way
- Ruse - an action intended to deceive someone
- Arsonists - people who intentionally start fire in order to damage or destroy something
- Sinister - giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen
- Ploy - a cunning plan or action designed to turn a situation to one's own advantage
- Foment - to cause trouble to develop
- Wield - to have a lot of influence or power over other people
- Hitherto - until now or until a particular time
- Breach - an act of breaking a law, promise, agreement
- Hegemony - the position of being the strongest and most powerful and therefore able to control others
- Blatantly - intentionally (when this is a bad thing)
- Recourse - a source of help in a difficult situation
- Dog-whistle - an aimed political message which is intended for, and can only be understood by, a particular group
- Consolidate - to become stronger or more solid
- Subsequent - happening after something else
- Prospect - the possibility of some future event occurring
- Alliance - a union or association formed for mutual benefit (especially between countries / organizations / political parties)
- Amply - sufficiently
- Deliberately - intentionally
- Ramp - increase the level or amount of (something) sharply
- Riots - a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd
- Deterioration - to become worse
- Cynical - believing that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere
- Conflagration - a large fire that causes a lot of damage
- Indictment - a sign that a policy, system, society, etc. is bad or wrong
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