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Topic 1 : "Law-making amid moral outrage"
- Legislator - a person who makes law
- Outrage - intense feeling of anger and shock
- Iimportunate - annoying
- Gaze - a steady intent look
- Augur - to predict
- Hasty - speedy
- Bout - a short period of strong activity (feeling)
- Panic - sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety
- Conscience - a person's moral sense of right and wrong
- Enact - to make (law)
- Juvenile - teenager
- Convict - a person found guilty of a crime and sentenced by a court
- Heinous - very evil
- Edifying - enlightening (to help somebody's moral improvement)
- Aspect - a particular part or feature of something
- Restorative - something that restores
- Streamlining - to improve something
- Apprehend - to take into custody
- Rehabilitation - to teach (a criminal in prison) to live a normal and productive life
- Prevailing - having great influence
- Sober - dull
- Assessment - figuring out what someone knows or has learned
- Mercurial - Very fast
- Starkly - doing something in a strict way
- Emphasise - to make something important / stress it
Topic 2 : "An opportunity missed at Nairobi"
- Negotiations - discussions aimed at reaching an agreement
- Emerging - developing
- Hammer out - to produce (an agreement, plan, etc) after much discussion
- Salvage - to ?save ?something from ?damage or ?destruction
- Primacy - the ?state of being the most ?important thing
- Arbiter - a person / organization who has the power to settle an argument between people
- Cast aside - to put something aside / to throw something away
- Apparent - clearly visible or understood
- Outset - the start or beginning of something
- Cited - refered
- Heightened - to increase the amount of (something)
- Surge - a ?sudden and ?great ?increase
- Plurilateral agreement - a multi-national legal or trade agreement between countries
- Pre-eminence - superiority
- Concrete - ?real / ?existing
- Safeguard - a measure taken to protect something from damage
- Surges - a ?sudden and ?great ?increase
- Unambiguous - clearly expressed or understood
- Reaffirmation - confirmation
- Procurement - the act of obtaining something
- Falter - loss of courage or confidence
- Bipartisan - involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each other's policies
- Bolstering - supporting
Note : The Vocabulary of 25th and 26th will be available soon
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