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Topic 1 : "Compassion on death row cases"
- Compassion - a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others and a wish to help them
- Conspire - make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act
- Oral - spoken (relating to the mouth)
- Inexhaustible - existing in very great amounts that will never be finished
- Exception - someone or something that is not included in a rule, group, or list
- Subsequent - coming after something in time / following
- Curative - able to cure or cause to get better
- Plea - a request made in an urgent and emotional manner
- Declined - politely refused
- Convict - to decide officially in a law court that someone is guilty of a crime
- Verdict - Judgement
- Apparent - clearly visible or understood
- Tokenism - doing something (such as hiring a person who belongs to a minority group) only to prevent criticism and give the appearance that people are being treated fairly
- Howsoever - in whatever way / however
- Dispute - arguement about (something)
- Culminate - reach a climax or point of highest development
- Liberal - respecting and allowing many different types of beliefs or behaviour
- Clemency - kindness when giving a punishment
- Constrained - forced to do something against your will
- Disposal - the action or process of getting rid of something
- Carved out - made or created
- Integral - necessary
- Plotting - secretly make plans to carry out an illegal or harmful action
- Facilitate - to make something possible or easier
- Audacious - showing a willingness to take risks or offend people
- Enhancing - increasing
- Wisdom - the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement (the quality of being wise)
- Magnanimous - very kind and generous towards an enemy or someone you have defeated
- Offenders - people who commit illegal acts
- Stern - strict
- Conflict - a serious disagreement or argument
- Condign punishment - a punishment which is appropriate to the crime
- Twinge - a sudden short feeling of physical or mental pain
- Conscience - a person's moral sense of right and wrong
- Gallows - hanging as a punishment
- Persist - continue to exist (unpleasant feeling / situation)
- Abolish - formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution)
Topic 2 : "Grim reminder in Charsadda"
- Grim - worried and serious or sad
- Assault - a physical attack
- Offensive - an attacking military campaign
- Retains - continue to have something
- Inflict - cause something unpleasant or painful to someone
- Lethal - very harmful or destructive
- Stormed - suddenly attack and capture (a building or other place) by means of force
- Massacre - an act of killing a lot of people
- Crackdown - to start dealing with bad or illegal behaviour in a more serious way
- Moratorium - a temporary prohibition of an activity
- Neutralise - to stop something from having an effect
- Reliant - to depend on something or someone in order to be able to do something
- Vital - essential
- Grassroots - the most basic level of an activity or organization
- Radical - relating to the most important parts of something or someone
- Adequate - enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose
- Fertile - a land capable of producing large quantities of crops
- Faction - a group within a larger group, especially one with slightly different ideas from the main group
- Intact - complete (not damaged)
- Swathe - a large area (especially of land)
- Extremism - having beliefs that most people think are unreasonable and unacceptable
- Flaw - fault / mistake / weakness
- Consistent - always happening in a similar way
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