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Topic 1 : "Lessons from a floating armoury"
- Armoury - a place where weapons and other military equipment are stored
- Conviction - the decision of a judge in a court of law that someone is guilty of a criminal offence
- Crew member - a member of a group of people who work together, especially on a ship
- Vessel - a ship or large boat
- Ammunition - objects that can be shot from a weapon (bullets or bombs)
- Throw light on something - to provide explanation for something that makes it easier to understand
- Convicted - declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offence by the judge in a court
- Rigorous - strict
- Despite - without influenced by something
- Vigorous - strong / forceful
- Sentence - a punishment given by a judge in court to a person or organization after they have been found guilty of doing something wrong
- Verdict - decision made by the Court, after judging the facts that are given
- Maritime - connected with the sea
- Contradicted - opposite to something
- Armaments - weapons or military equipment
- Distress - extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain
- Exempts - to excuse someone or something from a duty, payment, etc
- Cache - a hidden store of things
- Ought to be - it should be
- Eye-opener - something that shows or teaches you something in a surprising way
- Deploying - bring into effective action
- Adequate - enough
Topic 2 : "Growing crackdown on activists"
- Crackdown - to start dealing with bad or illegal behaviour in a more serious / painful way
- Audacious - showing a willingness to take risks or offend people
- Unprovoked - occurring without motivation
- Resentment - painful anger you feel when someone does something wrong to you
- Accountability - completely responsible
- Mob - a large crowd of people causing trouble or violence
- Assailant - a person who physically attacks another (attacker)
- Probed - to try to discover information that other people do not want you to know
- Innocuous - not harmful or offensive
- Grievances - complaints
- Heed - careful attention
- Unsavoury - unpleasant
- Offenders - people who do something wrong or causes problems
- Isolation - separate (not connected to other things)
- Hound - to chase someone (because you want to get something from them)
- Surmise - to guess something, without having any proof
- Temper - to suddenly become angry
- Nuance - a very slight difference
- Overarching - most important
- Regime - government
- Hostile - unfriendly
- Aversion - a strong dislike
- Intimidation - to frighten someone, in order to make them to do something that you want them to do
- Disparaging - criticizing
- Legitimising - to make something legal or acceptable
- Sphere - an area of knowledge / work etc
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