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November 06, 2015

Computer Knowledge Quiz for IBPS Bank Exams - Part 18

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  1. What is place to the left of horizontal scroll bar ?
    1.  Indicators
    2.  Split buttons
    3.  Tab stop buttons
    4.  View buttons
    5.  None of above
  2. Where can you find the horizontal split bar on MS-Word screen ?
    1.  On the top of vertical scroll bar
    2.  On the bottom of vertical scroll bar
    3.  On the left of horizontal scroll bar
    4.  On the right of horizontal scroll bar Comment on this question
    5.  None of above
  3. Tabs stop position cannot be the following alignment ?
    1.  Decimal Alignment
    2.  Center Alignment
    3.  Bar Alignment
    4.  Justify Alignment
    5.  None of above
  4. What is the use of bookmarks ?
    1.  To correct the spellings.
    2.  To jump to a specific location in the document
    3.  To ignore spelling mistakes
    4.  To save alignments as it is
    5.  None of above
  5. Which feature is used to replace straight quotes with smart quotes as you type ?
    1.  Auto Correct as you type
    2.  Auto Change as you type
    3.  Auto Ignore as you type
    4.  Auto Format as you type
    5.  None of above
  6. Ctrl + D is short cut used for ?
    1.  Open Dialogue Box
    2.  Font Dialogue Box
    3.  Save as Dialogue Box
    4.  Save Dialogue Box
    5.  None of above
  7. Ctrl + G is shortcut for ?
    1.  Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Goto Tab
    2.  Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Find Tab
    3.  Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Replace Tab
    4.  Open Goto Dialog box
    5.  None of above Comment on this question
  8. Ctrl + H is short cut for ?
    1.  Open Insert Dialog box activating Insert Hyper Link Tab
    2.  Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Go to Tab
    3.  Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Find Tab
    4.  Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Replace Tab
    5.  None of above
  9. What can be searched by find ?
    1.  Format
    2.  Characters
    3.  Symbol
    4.  All of above
    5.  None of above
  10. On which page the header or the footer is printed by default ? 
    1.  On first page
    2.  on last page
    3.  on alternate page
    4.  Every page
    5.  None of above
  11. Which of these toolbars allows c-hanging of Fonts and their sizes ?
    1.  Standard
    2.  Formatting
    3.  Options
    4.  Review
    5.  None of above
  12. To spell check which function key you will press ?
    1.  F5
    2.  F6
    3.  F7
    4.  F8
    5.  None of above
  13. How to insert a sound file in word document ?
    1.  From insert -> sound menu option
    2.  From insert -> object menu option
    3.  From insert -> subject menu option
    4.  From insert -> file menu option
    5.  None of above
  14.  How many maximum number of columns can be inserted in the word document ?
    1.  45
    2.  50
    3.  55
    4.  65
    5.  None of above
  15. What is smallest and largest available font on formatting toolbar ?
    1.  Smallest 8 and Largest 70
    2.  Smallest 5 and Largest 72
    3.  Smallest 8 and Largest 72
    4.  Smallest 5 and Largest 70
    5.  None of above
  16. Why drop cap is used in document ?
    1.  To get all first character capital
    2.  To get all first character small
    3.  To begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial capital letter
    4.  To begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial small letter
    5.  None of above
  17. What is Macro ?
    1.  Small add-on programs that are installed afterwards if you need them
    2.  Type of high level programming language
    3.  Type of low level programming language
    4.  Small programs created in MS-Word to automate repetitive tasks by using VBA
    5.  None of above
  18. Which among following can be a vertical separation between columns ?
    1.  Margin
    2.  Orientation
    3.  Header
    4.  Gutter
    5.  None of above
  19. To change the typeface of a document, we will choose following menu option:
    1.  Edit
    2.  View
    3.  Tools
    4.  Format
    5.  None of above
  20. To auto fit the width of column :
    1.  Double click the left border of column
    2.  Double click the right border of column
    3.  Double click the column header
    4.  None of above
    5.  All the above
Shared by Shravan Varma Gadhiraju

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  1. However, bankruptcy is always considered to be
    a last resort.


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