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Venue : IOB, Coimbatore
Date : 12.02.2015
Time : 8.30 a.m.
Panel : II
I reached d venue by 7.45 a.m. There were 4 panels totally. All d candidates were made 2 sit in a hall in second floor for document verification. It started by around 8.30. I was d 9th guy in my panel. After verification they took us to d interview arena. While waiting outside for our turn we were given a white sheet and asked 2 write nearly ten lines on a topic. The topic we can choose of our own or else from d list of ten topics they had. The coordinators sitting there asked us to write anything of our own which will make us to impress the panel. My turn came by around 10.50. Panel had 3 Male & 1 Female member in it.
Me : May I come in sir?
M1 : Yes come in. Are u Alex?
Me : Yes sir. Good Morning Mam! Good morning Sirs!(smilingly)
M1: Take ur seat. (After I sat) U r from?
Me : Gobichettipalayam sir.
F : So u have done ur B.Sc. & then M.B.A?
Me : Yes mam(smilingly)
M2 : When u completed ur studies?
Me : Sir I finished my B.Sc. in 2008 and my M.B.A. in 2010. Later I worked for a private company in Chennai for few years. During d job itself i tried for bank exams but could not succeed. So left d job and started preparing 4 bank exams.
M2 : What is ur father & mother doing?
Me : My father is a retired subregistrar and my mom is a retired staff nurse.
M2 : U r d only one son?
Me : No sir I have a sister. She is married working in TCS and settled in Chennai.
M2 : U did M.B.A in?
Me : HR & Marketing sir.
M2 looked at M3 and smiled..
M3 : Asked me a question related to marketing..
Me : (Haven’t even heard tat word before) Sorry sir I don’t know..
M3 : Tell me something about d motivation theories.
Me : (Being blank in marketing) sorry sir since I completed in 2010 lost touch n couldn’t remember them.
M3 : (smilingly said) I completed in 1986..
Me : sorry sir(smiled)
M3 : who is d father of marketing?
Me : Sir I don’t know exactly. Mostly I have read Philip Kotler.
F : Its kotler only. Be confident.
M2 : Have u taken any coaching for interview?
Me : No sir for exam preparation 1ly I had coaching. For interview I used 2 prepare from net n myself.
M2 : U have gone coaching 4 exam right? Tel me what is pledge & hypothecation?
Me : Blabbered something related to hypothecation and said pledge I don’t know sir.
M2 : He came out with the answer
F : Can u tel me d uses of ATM?
Me : ATM is mainly used for cash withdrawal. The recent news abt ATM is ICICI has come out with new technology of contactless ATM cards. In recent trends we have ATM machines accepting cash deposits too.
F : But ICICI is having cash deposit ATM earlier itself right.. Only public sector bank are new to this trend.
Me : Yes mam but ICICI s d first to come up with this contactless cards.
F : How do they work?
Me : Mam there s no need to swipe d atm instead by showing itself we can do d transaction. And moreover now we have talking ATMs too which helps d illiterate people very much. These are d important usage of ATM.
F : Can u tel me d main advantage of using ATM.
Me : Mam actually ATM stands for Automated( she herself said Automated Teller Machine). But it is also called as Any Time Money. We can withdraw money whenever we wish. Its available 24*7. Tat’s d main thing. (She looked satisfied)
M1 : Asked me to read few lines in a tamil newspaper.
Me : Read them slowly since I am not fluent in reading.
M1 : U read well and have written well but 2 r 3 mistakes in writing..
Me : smiled..
M3 : U have written china kodambakkam.
Me : Yes sir many movies have been shot in my native. Most of Bhagiyaraj films r shot there.(M1 also helped me out here by saying a few things about bhagiyaraj cine shootings to M3)
M1 : Can u tel me d famous Bhagiyaraj film shot there?
Me : Antha 7 Natkal.
M1 : Not that one.. The other famous one under AVM banner..
Me : (Actually I became blank tat time.. Couldn’t recollect the movie names exactly) so said sorry sir..
M1 : Its Munthanai Mudichu.
Me : Smiled
M1 : U have written famous temples like pariyur Kondathu kali amman temple n all.. Have u been there?
Me : Sir im a Christian.. So just used to go there during festival for fun..
M1 : Have u seen d Kondam festival?
Me : Yes sir in tv but not in real.
M1 : U r staying in Gobi and seeing in tv.. (Everyone laughed) K u can leave.
M2 : Offered me a handshake and said All d best!
Me : Thank u sir. Thanked everyone and came out happily.
Frnds the panel was very friendly and cordial to me. It was like having a talk with our elder ones. Just be confident, Keep smiling and do d interview well.. All d best 2 everyone!!!
"Frnds pls share ur opinions abt d interview and also suggestions for improving the interview are welcomed wholeheartedly"
"Frnds pls share ur opinions abt d interview and also suggestions for improving the interview are welcomed wholeheartedly"
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