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July 20, 2014

Reviews on SBI Clerks Online Exam held Today (20th July 2014) Noon session


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Review shared by Rohit

Hi myself Rohit. I've attended today's (20-07-2014) noon session exam of SBI Clerks . The level of the exam was v ery low , I Think only GK and Marketing Awareness sections were a bit tough.

Questions asked in General Awareness are like
  • Currency of Afghanistan
  • Alternate name of Ram Setu
  • CRR rate if increased then what all need to alter?
I think anyone can score a good score as if done some management.

English was very easy and you can easily solve 25-28 Questions if you belong to convent.

Aptitude section was having most problems from Numerical Simplification ,
2 -3 from C.I and S.I
question from Train length,Work and time relations

Reasoning was also easy .

Computer Awareness was very basic level, anyone can score easily 15 out of 20questions.

Marketing is a bit tough one and  if you have good knowledge you can have a lead in the score.

Thanks and Best of luck to all the candidates whose exam is scheduled in next few days.

Review shared by Dhanalakshmi
Hi I am Dhanalakshmi from tamil nadu.. I would like to share my experience of today's exam..Overall Exam was easy except marketing and some of the questions in Gk..

General awareness
there were no questions from summit, awards question from question from CRR...

English was very usual questions from Cloze test, error detection,fill in the blanks, can easily get 30+ if they have good command over english..

questions were time consuming..
  • simplifications -15 questions (5 from decimal)
  • Number series- 5 Questions
  • DI -1(very easy)
  • 2 from S.I and C.I, time and work ,Speed and time
  • Reasoning was easy excep  some puzzle..
  • Coded inequality- 5 questions
  • Syllogism- 5 questions(two statements )
  • Blood relation - 1
  • coding -decoding- 5 questions
  • puzzle -3 Questions( one from linear arrangement, one from day order )
Computer and Marketing
  • Computer was too form input devices,BIOS,one from output device

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  1. Thankyou rohit and gr8

    1. Thanks for given info.first of all greatambtion.

    2. Hi thanks for info.

  2. i attended today's morning section of sbi clerk..As the paper seems to be changed from usual pattern especially general awarness section...They don't asked any important changes taken place last few months..And Started to add GENERAL KNOWLEDGE questions........Its too bad...

    1. Yes dude.I agree with your comments

  3. Even reasoning level was difficult was time consuming

  4. Computer questions please.........

  5. reasoning was time consuming for me as well..i did only 22 questions...
    maths 28(but was ec), eng 31, ga 29, mar&comp 31...
    to b frank i was lil disheartened cz i cud nly do 141 in total...
    aftr waitin for an yr long this xam cums up n i screwd it.. :(
    thoh i wish all the best for rest f u guys..
    u CAN do wayy betr than cheers n work hard... :)

    1. same here resoning and maths was time consuming i had attempt only 120....

  6. IPL Scam -? Justice Mukul Mudgal
    Adam's Bridge- also known as Rama's Bridge or Rama Setu
    World Autism Awareness Day is -? April 2, 2014

  7. Hi Guys.I appeared from chennai.Noon session.Todays exam was moderate.English damn easy.GK moderate.Computer very easy.Marketing very tricky.Aptitude and Reasoning Easy.My attempt 138 + 14 marked for review.Few ques in GK
    P5 PLUS 1 COUNTRY - Germany
    Head bank in US - Federal reserve
    Bank from which govt drew stake - Axis bank
    Minister for xternal affairs - sushma swaraj
    Qualification of current finance minister - lawyer
    A ques on CRR
    WEF south asia held at
    Oscar winning first indian
    FIFA mascot - armadillo
    IBSA group expansion
    A ques on some museum tat celebrate ed 125th aniv
    Other name of ram setu
    JK rowling wrote some buk in other name
    Air asia country origin - singapore

    And I ve a doubt.14 ques marked for review means ques that I ve answered and marked for review or the ques tat I haven't answered and marked for review also.

    I am OBC.TN state.90-95% I stand a chance?

    1. It includes questions you have marked for review answered and unanswered.

  8. what is linear arrangement plz someone give some example..

  9. mine was evening session and i too felt the exam was different from from the previous year.
    general awareness and marketing were tough.
    reasoning was a bit tricky and consumed time.
    english and aptitude were easy one.

  10. Thanks guys for your kind information on today's test...... Hearty congrats for those who all attended today's test.......

  11. i attempted 159
    ga pattern has been changed now some question was very easy,some gk question, some banking awarness question.

    computer is very very easy.

    marketing is bit tougher than last year.

    qa is to as usual but difficulty level is 10%-20% increased as compaired to last recent year.

    rs is as usual but puzzle and sitting arrangment are time consuming.

    english is same as last year pattern.

    my attempts:
    ca &mk- 38

    with 90% accuracy.
    currency of afganistan.

    some ga questions are:
    infosys head quater.
    if rbi will increase crr then.

    cabinet minister for external affairs.
    why india ban the import of milk product from china.
    fifa masscut.
    capital of malesya.

    arun jaitly profession: options a)charter accounted,b) finincial analyst,c) eductionist......

    p5+ group counties.

    total number of riral village in india

    ca question
    3-4 queston from input output
    unix is-operating system.
    which is not operating system-java

    which is binary number- 10010

    only ga pattern has changed so prepare as new trends.

    1. Arun jaitly graduated in Law, So he must be a Lawyer.
      By the way what were the other two options to that question.

  12. Mine was in aftrnoon sesn......So Guys dnt ovrconfdnt wid is easy bt vry tm consuming......all the other sectns r esy spcly gk n comp....

  13. Comp qus....
    1. what is unix.
    2. altrnatve name of application soft.
    3. client is related wid netwrk.
    4. 2 qus from I/O devices i.e. printer etc.
    5. one qus related to mainframe comp
    6. identfy binar num i.e. 0000001
    7. one related wid ASCII code
    8. rest of qus was vry easy. one belongs to comp can attempt all 20 4m comp wid 100% accuracy.

  14. hello frnd
    plzzzzz dnt take any tention bcz the qstn was very easy in every section.
    i was attempted 174 qstn , so b confident .
    all the best frnds.......

  15. today's gk, marketing english and computer section was so easy but resoning and aptitude was moderate my attampet is as
    computer+ marketing = 34
    gk = 28
    english= 26
    aptitude = 23
    resoning= 26
    with 95% accuracy

  16. question asked in sbi clerk both shift 20.07.2014

    1. Currency of afghanistan

    2. Cp issued for how many days

    3. Indian to recive oscar

    4. Malaysia currency

    5. India ban China milk products.reason?

    6. Who did hat trik goal in foot ball world cup

    7. mynamar capital

    8. in loksabha win two seats(like our pm)hve to leave one seat in hw many days.

    9. fifa muscut

    10. overseas minister

    11. ibsa full form

    12. how nda gov increases infrastructure..1)by making flyover2)by linking rivers3)by making ports4)by railway projects

    13. world autism day?

    14. cuckoo calling book witeen by jk rowling along with whom?

    15.World aids day celebrated on 1 Dec

    16. Chemical and fertilizer cabinet minister Ananth Kumar

    17. Beiji oil refinary in Iraq

    18. PC stands for Personal Computer

    19. Flipkart acquire which online shop Myntra

    20. Currency of Italy Euro

    21. SIT Committee MB Shah

    22. Capital of Brazil -Brasilia

    23. Casual vacancy written by J K Rowling

    24. Iraq currency Dinnar

    25. Change in SLR

    26. What are SLR, CRR

    27. Ei Nino Affects.

    28. What is window vista.

    29. who regulate Monetary policy.

    30. National award for Women football

    31. National Revolution-Tara manse Square

    32. One question related to Tamilnadu town?

    33. .Who got two times Jnanapath award (Oscar award)

    34. Which is NBFC- sbi capital, ICICI venture, HDFC , M&M finance?

    35. Which state own Women football winner ?

    36.. Who own 3 medals in World Shooting?

    37. Who is Richest Player in FIFA?

    38. Budget in which article? 112

    39 How many languages in Indian currency - 17

    40 Full form of ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange

    41. Kanyakumari formerly known as - cape comorin

    42. York University, Canada gave award to - Ratan Tata

    43. Question on Banking Ombudsmen’s function

    44. Nivia's first plant in India - Sanand, Gujarat

    45. Casual vacancy written by J K Rowling

    46. PC stands for Personal Computer

    47. Devices that attached to computer outside .... Perpherial devices

    48. Who win 3 medals in ISSF world cup in munich ... Jitu rai

    49. NPCI launched which card---------RUPAY CARD

    50 wealthiest footballer in fifa---------- Cristiano Ronaldo

    51. opec has how much % of total oil----------81%

    52. country having least global peace index--------Syria

    53. who insures customer's deposit in bank-----DICGC vista is what?--------OS

    55. monetary policy regulated by whom-----RBI

    56. tata group joined which airlines

    57. commercial papers issued in what multiples

    58. recently navaratna ststus given to

    59. azlan shah who died recently is a

    60. indian currency notes bear a signature of

    61. world economic forum held in

    62. head quarter of infosys

    63. maximum earning of state from

    64. Best ranked IIT among BRICS top universities 2014

    65. salar jung museum located in which state

    66. What is the amount invested by Google in Skyware Program

    67. Dadasaheb Phalke Award (Female Singer)

  17. Tel me one thing..hw much last year selection cut off...

    1. Varies from state to state. Generally high.

  18. how do i prepare for general awareness plsss tell

  19. plsss place questions on marketing

  20. which books shld b rffrd 4 rbi exam..? suggst me..plz... :)


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