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Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Heavy-handed order: on contempt law"
- Heavy-handed - using too much force, or not considering people’s feelings enough when dealing with a situation
- Contempt - a feeling that someone or something is unimportant and deserves no respect
- Stifle - to stop something from developing normally
- Dissent - to express strong disagreement, especially with what people in authority think or with what most people think
- Guilty - someone who is guilty has committed a crime
- Impose - to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received
- Explicit - said or explained in an extremely clear way, so that you cannot doubt what is meant
- Empower - to give someone more control over their life or more power to do something
- Scandalise - to do something that shocks someone
- Interfere - to deliberately become involved in a situation and try to influence the way that it develops, although you have no right to do this
- Provision - the act of providing something that someone needs
- Outright - complete
- Unilateral - done or decided by one country, group, or person, often without considering what other countries etc think or want
- Suo motu - on its own motion
- Proceedings - the actions taken, usually in court, to settle a legal matter
- Incur - to experience something unpleasant as a result of something that you have done
- Displeasure - the feeling of being annoyed or unhappy
- Offending - causing a problem, or breaking a rule
- Imply - if one thing implies another thing, the other thing is likely to exist or be true
- Protocol - a set of rules for the correct way to behave on formal occasions
- Reimburse - to give someone the same amount of money that they have spent, for example on something connected with their work
- Moot - a moot point, question, or issue is one that people disagree about
- Take umbrage at something - to be offended by something
- Preserve - to keep an idea, quality, or situation from changing or being lost
- Dignity - the impressive behaviour of someone who controls their emotions in a difficult situation
- Overzealous - doing something so much that it causes problems
- Brush aside - to refuse to accept that something is important or true
- Adverse - negative, unpleasant, or harmful
- Shrug off - to show that something does not worry or upset you
- Propaganda - information, especially false information, that a government or organization spreads in order to influence people’s opinions and beliefs
- Convict - to prove in a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime
- Verdict - an official judgment made in a court
- Curb - to control or limit something that is harmful
- Tendentious - expressing a strong personal opinion, attitude, or intention that other people are likely to argue with
- Mainstream - considered ordinary or normal and accepted or used by most people
- Compelling - interesting or exciting enough to keep your attention completely
- Sparingly - in small quantities
- Lenience - the fact or quality of being more merciful or tolerant than expected
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Heavy-handed order: on contempt law"
- Inflation - an economic process in which prices increase so that money becomes less valuable
- Becalm - unable to move
- Expand - to become larger in size and fill more space
- Drastic - a drastic action or change has a very big effect
- Slowdown - a period when there is less activity
- Pharmaceuticals - medicines and drugs used for treating medical conditions
- Contraction - the process of becoming smaller
- Sustained - continuing at the same level or rate for a long time
- Revival - the process of becoming active, successful, or popular again
- Vital - very important, necessary, or essential
- Curb - to control or limit something that is harmful
- Outlay - the amount of money that you must spend in order to buy something or to start a new business or project
- Capex - capital expenditure: money that a company spends on things such as equipment and buildings that it needs to operate as a business
- Consumer durables - products such as cars, furniture, and electrical equipment that are expected to last for a long time
- Anaemic - weak or not effective
- Non-essentials - things that are not really necessary
- Favourable - giving someone or something an advantage or a benefit
- Pose - to cause something, especially a problem or difficulty
- Cause for concern - reason to worry
- Reassurance - the act of making someone feel less worried about something
- Accelerate - to happen or make something happen at a faster rate
- Persistent - continuing to do something in a determined way
- Deflationary - causing prices and the level of economic activity to become lower or to stop increasing
- Disquieting - making you feel very worried or nervous
- Collapse - to suddenly fall down
- Agrarian - relating to or involving farming or farmers
- Heartland - the central part of a country
- Pulses - seeds that you can cook and eat, for example beans, lentils, and peas
- Respectively - used for saying that something happens separately to each of the people or things mentioned in the order in which they were mentioned
- Urban - relating to towns and cities, or happening there
- Consumer - someone who buys and uses goods and services
- Affordability - the state of being cheap enough for people to be able to buy
- Turnaround - an important change in a situation that causes it to improve
- Crude oil - oil that is still in its natural state and has not yet been refined for use by chemical processes
- Unlikely - not likely to happen
- Spigot - a device used to control the flow of liquid from something such as a barrel
- Woo - to try to persuade people to support you or to buy something from you, especially by saying and doing nice things
- Impulse - a sudden strong feeling that you must do something
- Pressing ahead - to continue doing something in a determined way, despite difficulties, opposition, or interruptions
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