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Download PDF Version of Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 23rd November 2018 from HERE
Download PDF Version of Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 23rd November 2018 from HERE
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Unlawful dissolution: On J&K Assembly"
- Unlawful - something that is unlawful is illegal, especially something that would be considered legal in a different situation
- Dissolution - the process of officially ending the existence of a group or organization
- Controvert - to prove or say that something is not true
- Lay down - to state officially what someone must do or how they must do it
- Claimant - someone who brings a legal case against someone else in a court of law
- Violate - to do something that is in opposition to a law, agreement, principle etc
- Convention - a way of behaving that is generally accepted as being normal and right
- Extensive - very large in amount or degree
- Horse trading - difficult and sometimes dishonest discussions between people who are trying to reach an agreement
- Ideology - a system of ideas and principles on which a political or economic theory is based
- Extraneous - not relating to the subject or situation that you are dealing with
- Ought - used for saying what is the right or sensible thing to do, or the right way to behave
- Deprecate - to criticize something strongly
- Dissolve - if a group or organization dissolves, or if someone dissolves it, it stops existing
- Mala fide - illegal or dishonest
- Instance - an example of something happening
- Dispensation - official permission to do something that people are not normally allowed to do
- Stake a claim - to say or show clearly that you consider that something is or should be yours
- Requisite - necessary for a particular purpose
- Majority - the number of votes by which a person or party wins an election
- Coalition - a temporary union of different political parties that agree to form a government together
- Backing - supporting
- Adversary - an enemy or opponent
- Opportunistic - using a situation to get power or an advantage
- Unsubstantiated - an unsubstantiated argument, claim etc is one for which you have no evidence
- Disregard - the attitude of someone who does not respect something or consider it important
- Ensure - to make certain that something happens or is done
- Instability - a situation that keeps changing, so that you are worried about what might happen
- Scuttle - to make a plan, agreement, attempt etc fail or stop
- Alliance - an arrangement between two or more people, groups, or countries by which they agree to work together to achieve something
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Cricket’s final frontier: Can India win a test series in Australia ?"
- Frontier - border
- Sobering - making you think about things in a serious way
- Predecessor - the person who had a job or official position before someone else
- Subcontinent - a large area of land that forms part of a continent, especially the part of Asia that contains the countries of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
- Reputation - the opinion that people have about how good or how bad someone or something is
- Free fall - an occasion when a price or value suddenly becomes much lower
- In its own backyard - in a place close to you, or in a situation that you are directly involved in
- Ultimate - happening at the end of a process or activity
- Splendid - very impressive, or very good
- Set foot in - to go to a place
- Narrowly - by a very small amount
- Encounter - a meeting between opponents in a sports competition
- Reiterate - to repeat something in order to emphasize it or make it very clear to people
- Credentials - personal qualities, achievements, or experiences that make someone suitable for something
- Incidentally - used for adding related but less important information to what has just been said, or for suddenly introducing a new subject
- Tampering - to touch something that you should not touch, and to change it in some way, often because you want to spoil it
- Shorn - to remove a part of something by cutting or breaking it, or to be removed in this way
- Domineering - trying to control other people and make them obey you
- Aura - a quality that seems to surround or come from a person, place, or situation
- Respectively - used for saying that something happens separately to each of the people or things mentioned in the order in which they were mentioned
- Dip - to become less
- Intense - very great or extreme
- Unsavoury - involving unpleasant, dishonest, or immoral things that you do not want to think or talk about
- Put through a wringer - if you say that someone has been put through the wringer or has gone through the wringer, you mean that they have suffered a very difficult or unpleasant experience
- Tumult - a confused and excited situation or mental state
- Debilitating - making someone physically or mentally weak
- Prelude - an event that happens before and introduces a more important event
- Scrutiny - careful examination of someone or something
- Shuffling - to move similar things from one position or place to another
- Trigger - to make something happen
- Skipper - someone who is in charge of a team (captain)
- Nucleus - the central or basic part of something
- A bunch of - a large number or amount
- Incisive - expressed in a clear and direct manner
- Guile - the skilful use of dishonest means to trick people or to make them do what you want
- Ingredient - one of the substances that are combined to make something
- Enfeebled - no longer strong or effective
- Potent - powerful, or effective
- Exorcise - to do something that helps you to stop thinking about a bad experience or memory
- Circumstance - a fact or condition that affects a situation
- Promising - likely to be successful or very good
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