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Note : There were no editorials in THE HINDU on 29th July 2018 (Sunday)
Download PDF Version of Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 30th July 2018 from HERE
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Layers of protection: on changes in anti-corruption law"
- Amendment - a change made to a law or agreement
- Adopt - to decide to start using a particular idea, plan, or method
- Mixed bag - a combination of many different types of people or things
- Combat - to do something in order to try to stop something bad from happening or a bad situation from becoming worse
- Initiate - to make something start
- Provision - a part of an agreement or law that deals with a particular problem
- Criticise - to say what you think is wrong or bad about something
- Culpable - responsible for doing something bad or illegal
- Pecuniary - relating to or consisting of money
- Mens rea - the state of mind of a person at the time they commit a criminal offence
- Prosecute - to officially accuse someone of a crime and ask a court of law to judge them
- Merely - only / just
- Discretion - the right or ability to make a judgment or decision
- Insofar as - used for talking about the degree to which something happens, or the situation in which something happens
- Chilling - making you feel suddenly very frightened or worried
- Deter - to make someone decide not to do something
- Liberating - making you feel that you have more freedom to do what you want
- Concise - expressed using only a few words, but in a way that is easy to understand
- Misconduct - seriously bad or dishonest behaviour, especially by someone who has a position of responsibility
- Misappropriate - to steal something that you have been trusted to take care of and use it for your own good
- Entrust - to give someone responsibility for an important job or activity
- Amass - to collect a lot of something such as money or information over a period of time
- Concern - a feeling of worry about something, especially one that a lot of people have about an important issue
- Enrich - to make something better or more enjoyable
- Illicit - an illicit relationship, activity, or situation is one that people do not approve of
- Intention - a plan in your mind to do something
- Presume - to think that something is true because it is likely, although you cannot be certain
- Enrich - to make someone richer
- Account for something - to say that someone is responsible for something that has gone wrong
- Liable - legally responsible for causing damage or injury, so that you have to pay something or be punished
- Enforcement - the process of making sure that something happens, especially that people obey a law or rule
- Lurch - to move suddenly in a way that is not smooth or controlled
- Redress - something that you do for someone or money that you give to them as a way of improving a bad situation that you are responsible for
- Render - to make someone or something be or become something
- Vulnerable - someone who is vulnerable is weak or easy to hurt physically or mentally
- Unscrupulous - willing to do things that are unfair, dishonest, or illegal
- Incomprehensible - impossible to understand
- Probe - an attempt to find out the truth about an issue, problem, or accident, made by an official group or by a newspaper, television programme etc
- Ombudsman - someone whose job is to deal with complaints that people make about an organization or particular type of business
- Whistle-blower - someone who reports dishonest or illegal activities within an organization to someone in authority
- Materialise - to happen or to become real
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Now to compete: on Vodafone, idea merger"
- Compete - to try to be more successful than other companies or people in business
- Merger - the process of combining two companies or organizations to form a bigger one
- Rapid - happening, moving, or acting quickly
- Evolve - to gradually change and develop over a period of time
- Eternity - an extremely long time
- Landscape - the main features of a situation or activity
- Intervening - happening between two events or times
- Dramatic - sudden and surprising or easy to notice
- Contract - to become smaller
- Subscriber - someone who pays money in order to receive something regularly, for example copies of a newspaper or magazine, or a service
- Shrink - to become smaller in size
- Rival - a person, team, or business that competes with another
- Consolidation - to combine several small things
- Acquisition - the department in a company that is responsible for taking over other businesses
- Bang for the buck - value for money
- Pan out - if a situation pans out in a particular way, it develops in that way
- Far from - used for saying that the real situation is the opposite of what you mention
- Ideal - of the best or most suitable type
- Intensity - strength
- Deep-pocketed - a deep-pocketed person or organization has a lot of money to spend
- Incumbent - someone who has an official position
- Furious - done with a lot of energy and determination
- Tariff - a list of the prices charged
- Regulator - a person or organization whose job is to be certain that companies, systems etc act fairly and follow rules
- Erosion - the gradual reduction or destruction of something important
- Margin - the amount by which a competition or election is won
- Latter - used for referring to the second of two people, things, or groups that have just been mentioned
- Awash - containing a lot or too much of something
- Red ink - a business loss
- Ultimately - after a process or activity has ended
- Compromising - likely to damage your good reputation
- Viability - ability to work as intended or to succeed
- Escalate - to increase
- Portability - the ability to be used for a different purpose or on a different system
- Switch - to change from one thing to another, or to make something do this
- Erstwhile - previous
- Campaign - a series of actions intended to produce political or social change
- Make a fist of something - to be successful in your attempt to do something
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