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Note : Click on titles to read Editorials from THE HINDU News Paper
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Reality check: On bank NPAs"
- Reality check - to consider the facts about a situation and not your opinions, ideas, or beliefs
- Gross - total
- Non-performing assets - a loan or advance for which the principal or interest payment remained overdue for a period of 90 days
- Bad debt - money that someone owes but will never pay
- Crisis - an urgent, difficult, or dangerous situation
- Impede - to make it more difficult for someone to do something or more difficult for something to happen
- Framework - a set of principles, ideas etc that you use when you are forming your decisions and judgments
- Deteriorate - to become worse
- In contrast to - to be very different from something else
- Pose - to present a difficult or dangerous situation
- Significant - very large or noticeable
- Threat - a situation or an activity that could cause harm or danger
- Federal Reserve - the organization that controls the US national bank
- Commodity - something that can be bought and sold, especially a basic food product or fuel
- On the horizon - in the near future
- Deficit - the difference between the amount of money or goods that a country or business has and the amount that it has spent or that it owes
- Slowdown - a period when there is less activity
- Prone - likely to be affected by something, especially something bad
- Counterpart - someone or something that has the same job or purpose as another person or thing, but in a different country, time, situation, or organization
- Scam - a dishonest plan, especially for getting money
- Unearth - to discover something or someone that was not known before or that people had kept secret, especially by searching very thoroughly
- Fraud - the crime of obtaining money from someone by tricking them
- Foreword - a short introduction to a book, usually written by someone other than the writer
- Reform - a change that is intended to correct a situation that is wrong or unfair, or make a system work more effectively
- Insolvency - a situation when a company or person does not have enough money to pay what they owe
- Bankruptcy - a situation in which a person or business has officially admitted that they have no money and cannot pay what they owe
- Drastic - a drastic action or change has a very big effect
- Autonomy - a situation in which a state, region, or organization is independent and has the power to govern itself
- Crises - plural of crisis (a time of great difficulty or danger)
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "After the feat: On second-youngest Grandmaster"
- Grandmaster - a player who has reached the highest levels in competitions in the game of chess
- Staying power - the ability of a person or organization to keep doing something for a long period of time
- Thereby - as a result of this action
- Emulate - to try to be like someone or something else
- Compatriot - someone who is from the same country / place as you
- Affectionately - in a way showing that you love or care about someone or something
- Tender age - a time in your life when you are still young and lack experience
- Pinpoint - to discover or explain exactly what something is
- Execute - to complete something that you have agreed or planned to do
- Fascinated - very interested or attracted by someone or something
- Never-say-die - used for encouraging someone to keep trying or hoping
- Stands out - to be much more impressive or important than other people or things
- Facility - a natural ability to do something well
- Evident - easy to see, notice, or understand
- Vast - extremely large
- Strategy - a plan or method for achieving something
- Promising - likely to be successful or very good
- Protégé - a young person who receives help or training from an older experienced person
- Survive - to continue to exist, especially in a difficult or dangerous situation
- Apart from - in addition to someone or something
- Hereon - from this point
- Sought-after - wanted by many people but not easy to get
- Counter - an action that you take in order to oppose or stop something or reduce its negative effect
- Rival - a person, team, or business that competes with another
- Thoroughly - very carefully, so that nothing is missed
- Work ethic - the belief that hard work is important for developing someone’s moral character
- Outlast - to continue to be successful for longer, than someone or something else
- Peer - someone who is of the same age as another person
- Legend - someone very famous and admired, usually because of their ability in a particular area
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