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Download PDF Version of Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 27th April 2018 from HERE
Download PDF Version of Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 27th April 2018 from HERE
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Judgment day: on Asaram case verdict"
- Verdict - an official judgment made in a court
- Reflective - used for saying what type of person someone claims to be
- Sentence - a punishment given by a judge
- Imprisonment - the punishment of being put into prison
- Invigorate - to make something stronger and more effective
- Aide - someone whose job is to help another person in their work
- Facilitate - to make it possible or easier for something to happen
- Offence - a crime or illegal activity for which there is a punishment
- Benumb - to make numb / inactive
- Verdict - an official judgment made in a court
- Reinforce - to make an idea, belief, or feeling stronger
- Patronage - help or money that is given to a person or organization
- Prosecutor - a lawyer whose job is to prove in court that someone accused of a crime is guilty
- Overawed - feeling slightly afraid of something that is extremely impressive or powerful
- Intimidated - feeling nervous or frightened of someone or something
- Belligerent - very unfriendly and angry
- High-ranking - a high-ranking person or job is very senior
- Threatening - to tell someone that you might or you will cause them harm, especially in order to make them do something
- Dire - very serious
- Consequence - a result or effect of something
- In the course of - during
- Trial - the process of examining a case in a court of law and deciding whether someone is guilty or innocent
- Determination - the refusal to let anything prevent you from doing what you have decided to do
- Victim - someone who has been harmed, injured, or killed as the result of a crime
- Chilling - making you feel suddenly very frightened or worried
- Devotee - someone who follows a particular religion or religious leader
- Ostensibly - used for saying that although someone pretends to have one reason for something, there is in fact another reason
- Exorcise - to get rid of an evil spirit using something such as a ceremony or prayer
- Possessed - controlled by an evil spirit
- Assault - to attack someone violently
- Massive - very large or heavy
- Deploy - if a government or army deploys soldiers or weapons, it uses them
- Quell - to cause a violent situation to end
- Violence - actions or words that are intended to hurt people
- Mayhem - a very confused situation
- Grip - to have a strong effect
- Aftermath - the effects and results of something bad or important
- Take a chance - to do something even though it involves risk
- Makeshift - made using whatever is available and therefore not very good
- Mortifying - extremely embarrassing
- Devout - very religious
- Betray trust - if you betray someone’s trust, you do harm to them when they have trusted you
- Peddling - to sell things, especially by taking them to different places
- Succour - to help someone, especially someone who is suffering or in need
- Lavish - expensive
- Patronage - help or money that is given to a person or organization
- Exploit - to use a situation so that you get benefit from it, even if it is wrong or unfair to do this
- Unquestioning - never doubting or criticizing
- Underscore - to emphasize something, or to show that it is important
- Accused - the person who is on trial in a law court
- Victim - someone who has been harmed, injured, or killed as the result of a crime
- Tainted - less honest
- Desist - to stop doing something
- Spring offensive - a series of attacks
- Escalate - to become much worse or more serious
- Casualty - someone who is injured or killed in an accident or military action
- Hail - to say publicly how good or important someone or something is
- Game-changer - something that completely changes the way something is done, thought about, or made
- Uncertain - not clearly known or understood
- Yield - to produce something useful
- Lash - to hit something with a very strong force
- Diabolical - evil or cruel
- Fragile - easy to break or damage
- Majority - most of the people or things in a group
- Sectarian - caused by disagreements among people from different religious groups
- Conflict - angry disagreement between people or groups
- Precondition - something that must happen or be done before something else can happen
- Territory - an area of land controlled by a particular country, leader, or army
- Make headway - to make progress with something that you are trying to achieve
- Hard-headed - able to make judgments and decisions in a practical way, without being influenced by emotions
- Proxy - a person who you choose to do something officially for you
- Tension between - the feeling caused by a lack of trust between people, groups, or countries who do not agree about something and may attack each other
- Cast a shadow over something - to make a situation seem less hopeful and more likely to end badly
- Rival - a person, team, or business that competes with another
- Military base - a facility for the storage of military equipment and the training of soldiers
- Ironically - in a way that is different or opposite from the result you would expect
- In the wake of something - happening after an event or as a result of it
- Bilateral - involving two groups or countries
- Multilateral - involving more than two groups or countries
- Piecemeal - made or done in separate stages rather than being planned and done as a whole
- Stakeholder - someone who has an interest in the success of a plan, system, or organization
- Put aside - to not allow yourself to be affected by a problem, argument etc so that you can achieve something more important
- Acknowledge - to accept, admit, or recognize something, or the truth or existence of something
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