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Note : Click on the title to read the Editorial from the News Paper
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "A massive victory: On Left Alliance landslide in Nepal"
- Massive - very large or heavy
- Victory - the fact of winning a competition or battle, or an occasion when someone wins
- Alliance - an arrangement between two or more people, groups, or countries by which they agree to work together to achieve something
- Landslide - a situation in which a person or political party wins an election by a very big majority
- Evident - easy to see, notice, or understand
- Ally - someone who is ready to help you, especially against someone else who is causing problems for you
- Decisive - making the final result of a situation completely certain
- Democratic - involving elections in which people vote for their political representatives
- Emerge - to appear, or to become recognized
- Run-up - the final period of time before an important event
- Ideologically - in a way that relates to ideas or an ideology, especially of a political or economic nature
- Coherent - reasonable and sensible
- Flounder - to experience difficulties and be likely to fail
- Stave something off - to stop something bad from happening, or to keep an unwanted situation or person away, usually temporarily
- Setback - a problem that delays or that stops progress or makes a situation worse
- Yearning - a strong feeling that you get when you want something very much, especially something that you know you may not be able to have
- Lasting - continuing to exist or have an effect for a long time
- Instability - a situation that keeps changing, so that you are worried about what might happen
- Like-minded - like-minded people, groups etc have similar tastes, interests, and opinions
- Radicalism - a way of thinking or behaving that is based on the belief that important political or social changes are necessary
- Mandate - the authority of an elected government or official to do the things that they promised to do before an election
- Incumbent - someone who has an official position
- Transformative - causing great and positive change in someone or something
- Narrow down something - to make a number or list of things smaller, by removing the things that are least important, necessary, or suitable
- Lapse into something - to gradually change to a quieter or less active state
- Wrangling - an argument, especially one that continues for a long time
- Introspect - reflect on one's own thoughts and feelings
- Blindside - to give someone an unpleasant surprise by doing something that they were not expecting
- Ragtag - untidy and not similar or organized
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "In an elite club: On India’s Wassenaar entry"
- Elite - a small group of people who have a lot of advantages and keep the most power and influence
- Credentials - personal qualities, achievements, or experiences that make someone suitable for something
- Multilateral - involving three or more groups, especially the governments of three or more countries
- Regime - a system of rules that control something
- Quest - a long difficult search
- Signatory - a person or organization that has signed an official agreement
- Non-Proliferation - a policy of preventing any increase in the number of chemical weapons that countries have
- Be at pains to do something - to try very hard to do something
- Convey - to communicate ideas or feelings indirectly
- Adhere to - to obey a rule, law, agreement etc
- Transparency - an honest way of doing things that allows other people to know exactly what you are doing
- Conventional - of the usual, traditional, or accepted type, instead of being new and different
- Destabilise - to cause problems for a country, government, or person in authority so that they become less effective
- Accumulation - the process by which something increases in amount or is collected together over time
- Plenary meeting - a plenary meeting is intended for all the people in a particular group
- Presume - to think that something is true because it is likely, although you cannot be certain
- Fastidious - caring a lot about small details and wanting everything to be correct and tidy
- Loophole - something that has been left out of a law or legal document that people can use to avoid obeying it
- Demonstrable - clear or obvious
- Evident - easy to see, notice, or understand
- Diplomacy - the profession or skill of preserving or creating friendly relationships between countries
- Botched - badly done or badly planned, and therefore unsuccessful
- Forge - to develop a successful relationship, especially in business or politics, with another country, organization, or person
- Consensus - agreement among all the people involved
- Setback - a problem that delays or that stops progress or makes a situation worse
- Insurmountable - impossible to deal with successfully
- Nonetheless - despite what has just been said
- Impart - to give something such as information, knowledge, or beliefs to someone
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