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Detailed Review of IBPS PO 2017 Main Exam
English Language section review of IBPS PO VII Mains
- Total Questions-35
- Total Marks-40
- Time Limit-40 Minutes
- Reading Comprehension-10 Questions ( Difficult)
- Cloze Test-5 Questions(Moderate)
- Error Detection-5 Questions(Moderate-Difficult)
- Rephrasing Sentence to correct grammatical form -4 Questions (Difficult)
- Connector Usage-5 Questions(Moderate-Difficult)
- Double Filler-2 Questions(Moderate)
- Para Jumble (New Pattern)-4 Questions(Difficult)
- Total=35 Questions (Difficult)
- Caselet
- Tabular (Missing) +Bar
- Tabular
- Data Interpretation-15 Questions(Difficult)
- Data Sufficiency-5 Questions(Difficult)
- Wrong Number Series-5 Questions(Moderate-Difficult)
- Inequality (Quantity Q1,Quantity Q2 Type)-5 Questions
- (Moderate-Difficult)
- Miscellaneous-5 Questions(Moderate-Difficult)
- Total=35 Questions(Moderate-Difficult)
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude Section Review of IBPS PO VII Mains
- Total Questions-45
- Total Marks-60
- Time Limit-45 Minutes
- No Questions from Computer Knowledge
- Linear (North-South) 2 Variable
- Small-Para Puzzles
- Circular (with uncertain information as the number of people in the seating arrangement was not given e.g. more than 10 people are sitting on a circular table)
- Figure Based Puzzle(NEW)
Sitting Arrangement and Puzzles -15 Questions(Difficult)
- Logical Reasoning-10 Questions(Difficult)
- Coded Blood Relation-4 Questions(Difficult)
- Coded Direction Sense-5 Questions(Difficult)
- Input-Output-5 Questions(Difficult)
- Data Sufficiency-2 Questions(Difficult)
- Micellaneous-4 Questions(Difficult)
- Total=45 Questions(Difficult)
General Economy and Banking Awareness Section Review of IBPS PO VII Mains
- Max of the questions from Banking
- Very few from Current Affairs
Descriptive Writing(Moderate)
- Total Marks-25
- Total Time-30 Min
Essay topics asked in IBPS PO VII Mains
- Which reform in Indian education can be compared with International level
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Cashless economy
- Effects of gadgets on intellectual capabilities of humans
Letter Writing topics asked in IBPS PO VII Mains
- Write a Letter to you friend encouraging and advising him to plan his own start-up
- Letter to your office colleague
- Write a letter to the branch manager requesting him to block your credit card as you've lost it and ask him to issue you a new card.
Good Attempts
- English Language : 12-16 Marks Good Attempt
- Reasoning and Computer Aptitude :17-19 Marks Good Attempt
- Data Analysis and Interpretation :18-20 Marks Good Attempt
- General Economy and Banking Awareness :26-29 Marks Good Attempt
Check GA Questions Asked in Today's IBPS PO VII Main Exam from HERE
Check GA Questions Asked in Today's IBPS PO VII Main Exam from HERE
Shared by Saniya Kale
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in ibps po whether descriptive score added to total score or its qualifying nature?