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Note : There were no editorials in THE HINDU on 4th June 2017 (Sunday)
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "GST countdown"
- Countdown - the period of time just before an important event
- Tie up the loose ends - to complete the final details or parts of something that you have not yet completed or dealt with
- Levy - to officially request payment of a tax
- Regime - a system of rules that control something
- Rollout - the introduction of a new product, especially when it gradually becomes available in a large number of places
- Notional - existing only as an idea, not as something real
- Cluster - a small group of people or things that are very close to each other
- Distinction - a difference between two things
- Mass - a large quantity or number
- Consumption - the process of buying or using goods, or the amount that people buy or use
- Repercussion - a bad effect that something has, usually lasting for a long time
- Anomaly - something unusual, unexpected, or different from what normally happens
- Dampen - to make something such as a feeling or hope less strong
- Cess - a tax or levy
- Sin goods - goods which are harmful to society (for example alcohol and tobacco)
- Purport - to claim or seem to be something or to do something, especially when this is not possible or true
- Threatened - warned
- Backed - supported
- Slated to do something - expected to happen
- Pertaining to - to be directly related to something
- Gear up - to prepare yourself, or to prepare something for an activity or event
- Transition - the process of changing from one situation, form, or state to another
- Profiteering - to make large profits by charging high prices for things that people need and cannot get anywhere else
- Invoice - a document giving details of goods or services that someone has bought and must pay for
- Sub-optimal - a sub-optimal situation or solution to a problem is one that is less than perfect
- Hasty - done in a hurry because you do not have much time
- In a flux - in constant change; ever-changing
- Coalition - a temporary union of different groups who agree to work together to achieve a shared aim
- Forge - to develop a successful relationship, especially in business or politics, with another country, organization, or person
- Dilemma - a situation in which you have to make a difficult decision
- Resultant - happening as a result of something that has just been mentioned
- Flux - a condition of continuous change
- Chancellor - the leader of the government in some countries, for example Germany and Austria
- Summit - a meeting or series of meetings between leaders of two or more countries
- Three-fold - three times as much
- Reaffirm - to formally and officially state something again
- Collective - involving all the members of a group
- Deficit - a lack of a quality, skill, or ability that you should have
- Forge - to develop a successful relationship, especially in business or politics, with another country, organization, or person
- Accord - a formal agreement between countries or groups
- Subsequently - after something else happened
- Multilateral - involving three or more groups, especially the governments of three or more countries
- Assurance - a statement that something will happen or is true, made in order to remove any doubt about it
- Convergence - a situation in which people or things gradually become the same or very similar.
- Alliance - an arrangement between two or more people, groups, or countries by which they agree to work together to achieve something
- Concurrent - happening or done at the same time
- Perceive - to understand or think about something in a particular way
- Unveil - to announce something officially that was previously a secret
- Discomfort - a feeling of being embarrassed
- Divergent - things that are divergent are different from each other
- Coalition - a temporary union of different political parties that agree to form a government together
- Undertake - to promise to do something
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