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Euthanasia - Should it be Legalised ?
- Meaning of euthanasia.
- Difference between suicide and euthanasia.
- Euthanasia is allowed in some countries.
- In India passive euthanasia is allowed only in exceptional cases.
- The process should be followed in passive euthanasia.
- Arguments in favour or against euthanasia.
- The decision to euthanasia should be collective.

It is basically to bring about the death of a terminally ill patient or a disabled. Euthanasia is thus practised so that a person can live as well as die with dignity.
There are two types of euthanasia namely, active euthanasia and passive euthanasia. Active euthanasia or positive euthanasia refers to causing intentional death of a human being by direct intervention. It is a direct action performed to end useless life and a meaningless existence. e.g. by giving lethal dose of a drug or by giving a lethal injection.
On the other hand, passive euthanasia or negative euthanasia is intentionally causing death by not providing essential, necessary and ordinary care or food and water. It implies to discontinuing, withdrawing or removing artificial life support system. Passive euthanasia is usually slower and more uncomfortable than active.
Before moving further, it is important to note that there is a difference between `Suicide' and 'Euthanasia'. In a suicide, a man voluntarily kills himself by stabbing, poisoning or by any other mean.
It is an act of intentionally killing oneself due to depression or other reasons. On the other hand, euthanasia is an action of a person to bring to an end the life of another person.
Another major difference to be studied is between 'assisted suicide' and `euthanasia'. Assisted suicide is an act which intentionally helps another to commit suicide, e.g. by providing with the means to do so.
When it is a doctor who helps a patient to kill himself by providing a prescription for lethal medication, it is a 'physician assisted suicide'.
On the other hand, euthanasia may be active such as when a doctor gives a lethal injection to a patient or passive when a doctor removes life support system of the patient.
Now, the matter of concern is the legalisation of euthanasia. In countries like Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland, active euthanasia is legal. Passive euthanasia is allowed in the UK, the USA and Canada. In India, the question of legalising euthanasia came during the case of state of Maharashtra v/s Maruti Shripathi Desai.
After the decision of Supreme Court in Aruna Shanbaug case, 2011, a nurse who was in a vegetative state for 37 years as a result of sexual assault, India allowed 'passive euthanasia' in exceptional cases on 7th march, 2011 after a review by medical experts, while 'active euthanasia' is not allowed. Aruna's condition forced the court to consider passive euthanasia. This landmark decision legalised passive euthanasia, giving thousands of patients living in a persistant vegetative state all over the country, the right to have artificial life-support system withdrawn so as to enable them to end a life of misery.
The court held that there is no right to die under Article 21 of the Constitution but causing the death of a person who is in a permanent persistant vegetative state, with no chance of recovery, by withdrawing artificial life support is not a 'positive act of killing'. Terming this 'passive euthanasia', a bench of justices Markandey Katju and Gyan Sudha Mishra held that this could be permitted on a case-by-case basis.
The court also laid down guidelines for passive euthanasia such as that the matter must be referred to the High Court for a decision and that the doctor or the parents or spouse of the patient must be one of the petitioner for the withdrawal of life support system.
- A special two-judge bench will be formed in every High Court to decide applications seeking permission for euthanasia.
- A committee of three reputed doctors from a panel constituted by the High Court in consultation with the State Government will examine the patient and submit its report to the High Court bench.
- Notices will be issued to all those concerned with the doctor's report attached.
- After hearing everyone, the bench will give its verdict. The matter must be dealt with speedily as delays prolong the agony of the patient.
- It provides a way to relieve the intolerably extreme pain and suffering of an individual.
- Article 21 of the Constitution provides for living with dignity and if that standard is falling below that minimum level then a person should be given a right to end his life.
- It not only relieves the unbearable pain of a patient but also relieves the relatives of a patient from the mental agony.
- It provides a way to relieve the intolerably extreme pain and suffering of an individual.
- The human life is gift of God and taking life is wrong and immoral human beings cannot be given the right to play the part of God.
- Acceptance of euthanasia as an option could exercise a detrimental effect on societal attitudes and on the doctor-patient relationship.
- Miracles do happen when it is a matter of life and death, there are examples of patients coming out of coma after years.
- It is feared that if euthanasia is legalised then other groups of more vulnerable people will become at risk of feeling into taking that option themselves.
The decision should be a collective one, based on the consent of doctors and the patient's closest relatives. After all, the right to live would not be complete if the right to die with full dignity is not available to an individual.
Difficult Words with Meanings :
- Terminal suffering from incurable illness
- Intentional done in way that is planned or intended
- Lethal harmful or very destructive
- Voluntarily of one's own free will
- Legalisation the act of making lawful
- Specifically pointedly or precisely
- Vegetative state an unconscious state that is the result of severe brain damage and that can last for a very long time
- Verdict judgement or decision
- Agony physical or mental suffering
- Intolerably unbearable or undesirable
- Detrimental tending to cause harm
- Vulnerable in danger or in peril
- Unscrupulous having no morals or principles
- Resorted to something in absence of any other option.
shared by Nisheeta Mirchandani
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