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Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "State of significance"
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Sparks in a tinderbox"
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "State of significance"
- Significance - importance
- Potentially - possibly true in the future, but not true now
- Transformative - causing great and positive change in someone or something
- Draws to a close - to end
- Fray - to worry or feel nervous about something
- Campaign - a series of things that a politician or political party does to try to win an election
- Resonance - an emotional effect produced by something that reminds you of something else
- Blitz - a special effort to finish a job or to deal with a problem quickly and thoroughly
- Retain - to keep someone or something
- Accrued - to increase in number or amount over a period of time
- Constituency - a division of a country that elects a representative to a parliament
- Alliance - an arrangement between two or more people, groups, or countries by which they agree to work together to achieve something
- Suspicion - a feeling that someone has done something wrong
- Splashy - attracting a lot of attention
- Monitor - to regularly check something or watch someone in order to find out what is happening
- Deferred - delayed until a later time
- On account of something - because of something
- Aspiration - something that you want to achieve, or the wish to achieve something
- Pushing the envelope - to go to the limits of what you are allowed to do
- Provocative - intended to start arguments between people or to make people angry or upset
- Demonstrably - clearly
- Abandon - to leave someone / something
- Coalition - a temporary union of different political parties that agree to form a government together
- Jettison - to get rid of something that is not useful or successful
- Longstanding - having existed for a long time
- Go-it-alone - to live, work, or make decisions on your own, without any help from other people
- Defending - to protect someone or something from attack
- Slogan - a short phrase that is easy to remember and is used to advertise something or to express the beliefs of a political party or other group
- Consolidate - to make the power, position, or achievements you already have stronger or more effective so that they are likely to continue
- Salience - the fact of being important to or connected with what is happening or being discussed
- Pulling back - to decide not to do something that will probably have bad effects
- Baseline - an imaginary line used as a starting point for making comparisons
- For instance - for example
- Either way - used for saying that it does not matter which of two things happens or is true, because the result will be the same
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Sparks in a tinderbox"
- Tinderbox - a dangerous and uncontrolled situation in which violence is likely to happen
- De-escalation - to decrease the size, scope, or intensity of something
- Priority - something important that must be done first or needs more attention than anything else
- Peninsula - a long piece of land that is mostly surrounded by water, but is joined at one end to a larger area of land
- Flashpoint - a place where violence is likely to develop
- Provocative - intended to start arguments between people or to make people angry or upset
- Coastline - the land along a coast
- Triggered - to make something happen
- Renewed - happening again after a pause
- Strategic - carefully planned in order to achieve a particular goal
- Fortitude - a brave and determined attitude
- Tactical - a tactical action is one that you do as part of a plan for achieving what you want
- Capability - the ability to do something
- Reins in - to limit or control something that has developed too much or has continued for too long
- Ambition - something that you very much want to do, usually something that is difficult to achieve
- Bilateral - involving two groups or countries
- Wake-up call - a bad experience that warns someone to change something, usually the way that they behave
- Regime - a government that controls a country, especially in a strict or unfair way
- Assured - to tell someone confidently that something is true, especially so that they do not worry
- Ironclad - very certain and unlikely to be changed
- Crisis - an urgent, difficult, or dangerous situation
- Concur - to agree with someone or something
- Intercontinental - going between continents, or happening between people who are in different continents
- Prospect - the possibility that something will happen
- Loom - if something unpleasant or difficult looms, it seems likely to happen soon
- Warhead - the front part of a bomb or missile that explodes
- Unprecedented - never having happened or existed before
- Vicinity - the area near a particular place
- Belligerence - anger and annoyance
- Conflict - angry disagreement between people or groups
- Consistently - in a way that does not vary
- Commendable - deserving praise or admiration
- The negotiating table - a situation or place in which people formally discuss something in order to reach an agreement
- Derail - to make a train come off its rails
- Sanctions - an official order to stop communication, trade, etc with a country that has broken international law
- Isolation - a situation in which a country or group is alone and without support because other countries or groups stop dealing with it
- Fuelling - to make something increase or become worse, especially something unpleasant
- Bravado - a brave and confident way of behaving, especially when you do not really feel like this
- Conflict - angry disagreement between people or groups
- Distinctly - in a clear or noticeable way
- Trajectory - the way in which a process or event develops over a period of time
- Double-edged sword - a situation or decision that has both positive and negative aspects
- Presumed - to believe something to be true because it is very likely, although you are not certain
- Retaliatory - intended to do something harmful or unpleasant to someone because they have done something harmful or unpleasant to you
- Glosses over - to ignore or avoid unpleasant facts
- Overt - not hidden or secret
- Hostility - opposition to something
- Justifiable - if something is justifiable, there is a good reason for it
- Flashpoint - a place where violence is likely to develop
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