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Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "The Saeed test"
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Necessary limit"
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "The Saeed test"
- Flurry - a sudden, short period of activity
- Point of contention - the thing that people are arguing over
- Terror - something or someone that makes you very frightened
- Preventive detention - a situation in which someone is kept in prison in order to prevent them from committing more crimes, rather than as a punishment
- House arrest - to be officially prevented from leaving your home, usually because you have been accused of a political crime
- Authority - a group of people with official responsibility for a particular area of activity
- Revoking - to officially say that something is no longer legal, for example a law or a document
- Weapon - any object used in fighting or war, such as a gun, bomb, knife, etc
- Backing - support
- Threat - a situation or an activity that could cause harm or danger
- Thumbs-up - a reaction that shows you like something such as a plan or idea, or that you will accept it
- Measure - an action that is intended to achieve or deal with something
- Besides - also / in addition to
- Indeed - used for emphasizing the meaning of ‘very’
- Likely - if something is likely, it will probably happen or is expected
- Good faith - done in an honest and sincere way
- Domestic - relating to the country being talked about, and not other countries
- Resumption - the start of something again after it has stopped
- Bilateral - involving two groups or countries
- Dialogue - formal talks between opposing countries, political groups, etc
- Purposeful - showing that you know what you want to do
- Gauging - to make a judgment or guess about a situation, action, or person based on the information that you have
- Way the wind is blowing - if a person tries to discover which way the wind blows/is blowing, they try to discover information about a situation, especially other people's opinions, before they take action
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Necessary limit"
- Cardiac - connected with your heart
- Stent - a long thin object put inside a tube in the body, for example a blood vessel, so that its walls stay firm or so that body fluids can flow easily through it
- Inevitable - impossible to avoid or prevent
- Capping - to put a limit on the amount of money that can be charged or spent in connection with a particular activity
- Coronary - relating to your heart
- Artery - one of the tubes in your body that carries blood from your heart to the rest of your body
- Pharmaceutical - relating to the production or sale of medicines and drugs used for treating medical conditions
- Necessitated - to make something necessary
- Afflict - if you are afflicted by an illness or serious problem, you suffer from it
- Impoverishment - to make a person or country very poor
- Litigation - use of the legal system to settle a disagreement
- Regulation - an official rule that controls the way that things are done
- Dominance - a situation in which one person or thing has more influence or power than any other
- Asymmetry - the quality of having parts on either side or half that do not match or are not the same size or shape
- Confronting - to deal with a difficult situation
- Incurred - to experience something unpleasant as a result of something that you have done
- Meagre - smaller or less than you want or need
- Irrational - done or happening without clear or sensible reasons
- Implant - an object that doctors put into someone’s body during a medical operation
- Incentive - something that makes you want to do something or to work harder, because you know that you will benefit by doing this
- Unethical - morally wrong, or against accepted standards of behaviour, especially in a particular profession
- Diagnosed - to find out what physical or mental problem someone has by examining them
- Determined - not willing to let anything prevent you from doing what you have decided to do
- Regulate - to control an activity, process, or industry officially by using rules
- Regime - a system of rules that control something
- Stakeholder - a person or company that has invested in a business and owns part of it
- Consultations - a meeting in which people or groups have a discussion before decisions are made
- Out-of-pocket - used about money that you have to spend yourself rather than having it paid for you
- Procurement - the process of buying supplies or equipment for a government department or company
- Expenditure - money spent by a government, organization, or person
- Angioplasty - a medical operation to repair an artery (tube carrying blood around the body) that has become blocked or too narrow
- Uniformly - in a way that is the same in all cases and at all times
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