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Note : There were no editorials in THE HINDU on 25th December 2016 (Sunday)
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Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "A goods and services tangle"
- Tangle - a situation that is difficult to deal with because things are not organized properly
- Council - a group of people elected or chosen to make decisions or give advice on a particular subject, to represent a particular group of people, or to run a particular organization
- Regime - a system of rules that control something
- Constraint - something that controls what you do by keeping you within particular limits
- Deadline - a time or day by which something must be done
- Turf battle - a battle in which one party seeks to obtain increased rights or influence
- Administrative - relating to the management of a company, organization, or institution
- Hurdle - a problem that you have to deal with before you can make progress
- Washed-out - failed
- Incur - to experience something, usually something unpleasant, as a result of actions you have taken
- Switch - a sudden or complete change
- Empowerment - the process of gaining freedom and power to do what you want or to control what happens to you
- Integrated - combining things, people, or ideas of different types in one effective unit, group, or system
- Legalese - formal language used by lawyers and in legal documents that ordinary people find difficult to understand
- Compensation - money that is paid to someone in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some problem
- Roll-out - to make a new product, service, or system available for the first time
- Unlikely - not probable or likely to happen
- Mooted - to suggest something for discussion
- Lapse - a temporary failure
- Although - but
- Self-imposed - decided by yourself, without being influenced or ordered by other people
- Demonetisation - to officially stop using particular notes or coins, or a particular currency
- Stance - a way of thinking about something, especially expressed in a publicly stated opinion
- Negotiation - the process of discussing something with someone in order to reach an agreement with them, or the discussions themselves
- Brushed aside - to refuse to consider something seriously because you feel that it is not important
- Slump - to be suddenly reduced to a much lower level
- Crisis - an urgent, difficult, or dangerous situation
- Coincidence - an occasion when two or more similar things happen at the same time, especially in a way that is unlikely and surprising
- Representative - someone who speaks or does something officially for another person or group of people:
- Levy - an amount of money that you have to pay, for example as a tax
- Cess - tax
- Reimburse - to pay back money to someone who has spent it for you or lost it because of you
- Steer - to control / influence the way that something happens
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Indictment by abstention"
- Indictment - a sign that a policy, system, society, etc. is bad or wrong
- Abstention - a decision not to vote in an election or meeting
- Diplomatic - acting in a way that does not cause offence
- Resolution - an official decision that is made after a group or organization has voted
- Urging - to advise someone very strongly about what action or attitude they should take
- Halt - to (cause to) stop moving or doing something or happening:
- Pre-eminent - more important or better than others
- Backer - someone who gives financial support to something
- Abstain - to not do something
- Bucked - opposed or resisted
- Vetoing - to officially refuse to approve or allow something
- Prompt - to make something happen
- Tenure - the period of time during which someone has an important job or is an elected official
- Commences - begins
- Scuttle - to make a plan, agreement, attempt etc fail or stop
- Drafted - to write down a document for the first time
- Backed down - to admit that you were wrong or that you have been defeated
- Intense - extreme and forceful or very strong
- Overturn - to change a legal decision
- Veto - an official power or right to refuse to accept or allow something
- The status quo - the present situation
- Unambiguous - expressed in a way that makes it completely clear what is meant
- Predictable - something that is predictable happens in a way or at a time that you know about before it happens
- Comply - to act according to an order, set of rules, or request
- Blockade - the situation in which a country or place is surrounded by soldiers or ships to stop people or goods from going in or out
- Censure - strong criticism or disapproval
- Violation - an action that breaks or acts against something, especially a law, agreement, principle, or something that should be treated with respect
- Outrageous - shocking and morally unacceptable
- Unrelenting - extremely determined; never becoming weaker or admitting defeat
- Testy - easily annoyed and not patient
- Despite - without taking any notice of or being influenced by; not prevented by
- Atrocity - an extremely cruel, violent, or shocking act
- Cementing - to make something such as an agreement or friendship stronger
- Substantive - important, serious, or related to real facts
- Parting shot - a remark that you make when you are leaving, so that it has a stronger effect
- Unambiguously - expressed in a way that makes it completely clear what is meant
- Partisan - strongly supporting a person, principle, or political party, often without considering or judging the matter very carefully
- Either way - used for saying that it does not matter which of two things happens or is true, because the result will be the same
- Take the cue - to use someone else's behavior or reactions as a guide to one's own
- Censure - strong criticism or disapproval
- Brazen - behaving in a way that is not moral or socially acceptable, and not caring if other people are shocked or offended
- Forge - to work hard to achieve something
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