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Note : There were no editorials in THE HINDU on 9th October 2016 (Sunday)
Topic 1 : "The ground beneath our feet"
Topic 2 : "Leading the divided nations"
- Beneath - in or to a lower position than someone or something, under someone or something
- Approach - to deal with something
- Bottleneck - a problem that delays progress
- Footprint - the amount of land, energy, water etc that a person or organization uses in order to exist or operate
- Out of sync - uncoordinated / unsynchronized
- Discourse - a speech or piece of writing about a particular, usually serious, subject
- Liberalisation - to make laws or rules less strict so that people have more freedom
- Foreign direct investment - money that is invested in companies, property, or other assets by people or organizations from other countries
- Inflow - an amount of something such as money or goods that comes into a place
- Clocked - attained
- Per se - by or of itself
- Intertwined - to be closely connected with something else
- Reform - to make an improvement
- Showpiece - an extremely good example of something that deserves to be admired
- Abandoned - left / no longer used
- Pursuit - the process of trying to achieve something
- Amendment - a change made to a law or agreement
- Acquisition - the process of buying something or obtaining it in some other way
- Ease - the ability to do something easily
- Accompanying - going with someone
- Invest - to put money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or get an advantage
- Acquire - to get something
- Virtually - almost
- Non-starters - an idea, plan, or person with no chance of success
- Plain-speaking - the act of saying clearly and honestly what you think without trying to be polite
- Cue - a signal for someone to do something
- Introspection - the process of carefully examining your own feelings, thoughts, and ideas
- Modernising - to make something more modern
- Ordinance - a law or rule made by a government or authority
- Promulgated - to make an idea or belief known to as many people as possible
- Thrice - three times
- Subsequent - happening after something else
- Wilted - to become weaker
- Mooted - to suggest something for discussion
- All but - almost
- Tract - a large area of land
- Castles in the air - plans that have very little chance of happening
Topic 2 : "Leading the divided nations"
- Consensus - a generally accepted opinion or decision among a group of people
- Auspicious - suggesting a positive and successful future
- Assertive - behaving in a confident way in which you are quick to express your opinions and feelings
- Crises - difficult, or dangerous situations
- Expedient - helpful or useful in a particular situation, but sometimes not morally acceptable
- Pressing - urgent or needing to be dealt with immediately
- Refugee - a person who has escaped from their own country for political, religious, or economic reasons or because of a war
- Crisis - a time of great disagreement, confusion, or suffering
- Scourge - something or someone that causes great suffering or a lot of trouble
- Debilitating - causing weakness
- Come in handy - to be useful
- Negotiating - to have formal discussions with someone in order to reach an agreement with them
- Rehabilitate - to return something to a good condition
- Vowed - to make a determined decision or promise to do something
- Spokesman - someone who is chosen by a group or organization to speak officially to the public for them
- Agenda - a list of aims or possible future achievements
- Chasm - a very large difference between two opinions or groups of people
- Ironically - in a way that is different or opposite from the result you would expect
- Owing to - because of
- Activist - a person who believes strongly in political or social change and takes part in activities such as public protests to try to make this happen
- Recipe - something which is likely to lead to a particular outcome.
- Stasis - a condition in which there is no movement or change
- Can ill afford something - used for saying that someone should definitely not do something because it will cause problems
- Obstructionism - the act of intentionally stopping or slowing down an official process
- Accused - to say that someone has done something wrong or committed a crime
- Bloated - a bloated organization or system is not effective because it is too large or has too many workers
- Bureaucratic - involving a lot of complicated rules, details, and processes
- Come under fire - to be criticized
- Allegation - a statement, made without giving proof, that someone has done something wrong or illegal
- Peacekeeper - a soldier in a military force that has been sent to a place in order to prevent war, especially between groups who have been fighting there
- Reputation - the opinion that people have about how good or how bad someone is
- Instinctive - done without thinking, because of a natural tendency or ability
- Strategist - someone with a lot of skill and experience in planning, especially in military, political, or business matters
- Hand-pick - select carefully with a particular purpose in mind
- Struck bargains - to reach an agreement on a price (for something)
- Echelons - a particular level or group of people within an organization such as an army or company
- Far from being met - not met
- Candidacy - the fact that someone is a candidate in an election
- No fewer than - used before a number to show that it is larger that you might expect
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