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Indian Express : August 22, 2016 - "Paradox of plenty".
- Pretty – Pleasing.
- Plough – Farm tool for turning over the soil.
- Viable – Able to exist.
- Perish – To die.
- Surplus – Something left over.
- Shed –
- Roofed shelter.
- To let something fall or flow.
- Halve – To divide into two equal parts.
Indian Express : August 22, 2016 - "Resolute at last".
- Enunciate – To state definitely.
- Compel – To force, to oblige.
- Subversion – The act of overthrowing legally constituted government.
- Radical – Fundamental.
- Robust – Vigorous.
You can Read the Editorials of 23rd August 2016 from here
Indian Express : August 23, 2016 - "Return of the cow".
- Forsake – To abandon, to desert.
- Vehemently – Intense.
- Rile – To annoy.
- Revere – To honour, to have deep respect for.
- Plunge – To thrust violently.
- Decisive – Conclusive.
- Covet – To long to possess.
- Assimilate – To absorb.
- Shabby – Nearly worn out.
Indian Express : August 23, 2016 - "Suspicion and red tape".
- Suspicion – A feeling or thought that something is possible, likely, or true.
- Disquiet – A feeling of worry or unease.
- Chaff – Chopped hay / Worthless thing.
- Philanthropic – A person or organization seeking to promote the welfare of others; generous and benevolent.
- Subversive – Seeking or intended to subvert an established system or institution.
- Souvenir – A thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place or event.
- Dissent – The holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held.
- Receptive – Willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas.
- Turbulence – Violent or unsteady movement of air or water or some other fluid.
- Cauldron – A large metal pot with a lid and handle, used for cooking over an open fire.
You can Read the Editorials of 24th August 2016 from here
Indian Express : August 24, 2016 - "Managing mistrust".
- Collegiums – A society of amateur musicians, especially one attached to a German of US University.
- Defer – To postpone.
- Grace – Smoothness and elegance of movement.
- Expeditious – Done with speed and efficiency.
- Alibi – A claim or piece of evidence that one was elsewhere when an act typically a criminal one, alleged to have taken place.
- Indictment – A formal charge or accusation of a serious crime.
- Entail – Impose.
- Encode – Convert into a coded form.
- Notion – A conception of or belief about something.
- Tyrannical – Exercising power in a cruel or arbitrary way.
- Conniving – Given to involved in conspiring to do something immoral, illegal or harmful.
- Complicit – Involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing.
- Caveat – A warning or provision of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitation.
- Wrangle – A dispute or argument, typically one that is long and complicated.
- Ensemble – A group of items as individual / A group of musicians, actors etc. who perform together.
Indian Express : August 24, 2016 - "Halfway to dignity".
- Nuanced – Characterized by subtle shades of meaning or expression.
- Heterogeneity – The state of being heterogeneous; contrariety.
- Consent – Permission for something to happen.
- Contend – Struggle to surmount.
- Coercion – The practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or thereat.
- Convulsive – A violent social or political up head.
You can Read the Editorials of 25th August 2016 from here
Indian Express : August 25, 2016 - "Theatre of absurd.
- Absurd – An idea or suggestion wildly unreasonabl"e, illogical, or inappropriate.
- Sedition – Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
- Absolute – Total.
- Incite – Encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behavior).
- Evinced – Reveal the presence of (a quality or feeling).
- Pernicious – Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
- Construed – Interpret (a word or action) in a particular way.
- Deplorable – Deserving strong condemnation.
- Utterance – A spoken word, statement or vocal sound.
- Stride – A long, decisive step.
- Opined – Hold and state as one’s opinion.
- Purported – Appear or claim to be or do something, especially falsely.
- Bigotry – Intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself.
Indian Express : August 25, 2016 - "Health security at stake".
- Pertaining – Be appropriate, related, or applicable.
- Leverage – Use (Something) for maximum advantage.
- Discrepancy – A lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts.
Indian Express : August 26, 2016 - "Soldiers and Businessmen".
- Usurp – Take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force.
- Reminiscent – Tending to remind one of something.
- Scruple – A feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard to the morality or propriety of a course of action.
- Shrewd – Having or showing sharp powers of judgment.
- Summoned – Authoritatively or urgent call on (someone) to be present especially as a defendant or witness in a law court.
- Realtor – A person who acts as an agent for the sale and purchase of buildings and land.
- Illicit – Forbidden by law, rules or customs.
Indian Express : August 26, 2016 - "The Rollout challenge".
- Archaic – Very old or old-fashioned.
- Alleviate – Make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.
- Clarion – Loud and clear; a shrill, narrow-tubed was trumpet.
You can Read the Editorials of 27th August 2016 from here
Indian Express : August 27, 2016 - "What is Kashmiriyat ?"
- Deprivation – Damage.
- Consolation – Comfort received by a person after a loss or disappoint.
- Banal – So lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring.
- Clamp down – A severe or concerted attempt to suppress something.
- Perpetuate – Make (something, typically an undesirable situation or an unfounded belief) continue indefinitely.
- Abate – Become less intense or widespread.
- Logjam – A crowded mass or logs blocking a river.
- Platitude – A remark or statement, especially one with moral content.
- Herald – An official messenger bringing news.
- Moor – A tract of open uncultivated upland.
- Mutate – Change or cause to change in form or nature.
- Conscionably – According to conscience, with a good conscience; equitably, reasonably, fairly.
- Tenuous – Very weak or slight.
- Artifact – A man-made object taken as a whole.
- Exacerbate – Make ( a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.
- Expulsion – The action of depriving someone of membership in an organization.
- Distort – Pull or twist out of shape.
- Impasse – A situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement.
- Occlude – Stop, close up, or obstruct.
- Iota – An extremely amount / 9th letter in Greek alphabets.
- Impede – Delay or prevent (Someone or something) by obstructing them.
- Adverse – Having a strong dislike of or opposition to something.
- Ravage – The severely damaging or destructive effects of something cause severe and extensive damage to.
Indian Express : August 27, 2016 - "On the road to Mandalay".
- Fraternal - Of or like brother or brothers.
- Benign – Gentle, kindly.
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