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Directions (Q.1-5) : Read each sentence to findout whether there is any error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sen-tence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5).
1. The traffic police have (1)/ repeatedly warned the people (2)/ against walking (3)/ in the middle of the road. (4)/ No error (5).
2. The responsibilities must be distributed (1)/ between all the employees (2)/ for effective (3)/ implementation of plans. (4)/ No error (5).
3. One must be sincere (1) / and upright in dis-charging (2)/ his duties if one wants the development of (3)/ one's country. (4)/ No error (5).
4. Had the candidate (1)/ performed satisfactorily (2)/ in the interview conducted by the board (3)/ he would definitely get selected for the job. (4)/ No error (5).
5. In order to (1)/ fare well in general knowledge test (2)/ a candidate must keep himself (3)/ abreast all the happenings in the world. (4)/ No error (5) .
Directions (Q.6-10) : Which of the phrases 1), 2), 3), 4) given below each sentence should replace the phrase in bold to make the sentence grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is mark (5) as the answer.
6. An employee's efficiency is judged on the performance of his / her duties.
4. Had the candidate (1)/ performed satisfactorily (2)/ in the interview conducted by the board (3)/ he would definitely get selected for the job. (4)/ No error (5).
5. In order to (1)/ fare well in general knowledge test (2)/ a candidate must keep himself (3)/ abreast all the happenings in the world. (4)/ No error (5) .
Directions (Q.6-10) : Which of the phrases 1), 2), 3), 4) given below each sentence should replace the phrase in bold to make the sentence grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is mark (5) as the answer.
6. An employee's efficiency is judged on the performance of his / her duties.
- by the performance
- over the performance
- at the performance
- with the performance
- No correction required
- was most eloquent and most intelligent
- the most eloquent and intelligent
- most eloquent and the intelligent
- was the most eloquent and intelligent
- No correction required
- None method is so effective as
- No particular method as effective as
- No other method is as effective as
- Not other method is as effective as
- No correction required
- If you will have requested
- If you have requested
- If you might request
- If you had requested
- No correction required
- Series of lectures were delivered
- Series of lectures had been delivered
- A series of lectures was delivered
- A series of lectures have been delivered
- No correction required
11. The cabinet came ____________ the conclusion that there was no necessity ____________ relaxing the rule.
- for, to
- to, of
- at, to
- on, for
- over, for
- at, in
- in, on
- of, at
- in, in
- on, at
- with, to
- of, in
- for, in
- in, of
- with, on
- to, to
- to, for
- to, at
- at, in
- on, at
- for, for
- among, for
- to, for
- with, for
- over, for
- 5; No error
- 2; Replace 'between' with 'among'.
- 3; Replace 'his' with 'one's'
- 4; It should be, he would definitely have got"
- 4; "Abreast" must be followed by "by"
- 1
- 4
- 3
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 3
- 2
- 2
- 4
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