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Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials.
Topic 1 : "Now, another epic wait"
Topic 2 : "A fillip to growth, and maybe inflation"
- Epic - extremely large and good
- Series - a set of television or radio broadcasts on the same subject
- Throne - the special chair used by a ruler, especially a king or queen
- Mammoth - extremely large
- Netizens - users of the Internet
- Penchant - a strong liking for something
- Illicit - illegal or disapproved of by society
- Adaptation - a film, television drama, or stage play that has been made from a written work
- Gripped - to keep someone's attention completely
- Tapestry - used in reference to a complex sequence of events
- History - (the study of or a record of) past events considered together, especially events of a particular period, country, or subject
- Mythology - a popular belief that is probably not true
- Fantasy - a story that describes situations that are very different from real life, usually involving magic:a story or type of literature that describes situations that are very different from real life, usually involving magic
- Pop culture - the culture which is popular and enjoyed by ordinary people, rather than experts or very educated people
- Phenomenon - something that is extremely successful
- Sparking - to cause start of something
- Feverish - unnaturally excited or active
- Speculation - the activity of guessing possible answers to a question without having enough information to be certain
- Intervening period - the period (gap) between two events or activities (here seasons)
- Legions - large numbers of people
- Protagonist - one of the main characters in a story (hero)
- Ostensibly - appearing or claiming to be one thing when it is really something else
- Fatally - very seriously / cruelly
- Stab - the act of pushing a knife into someone
- Finale - the last part
- Resurrect - restore (a dead person) to life
- Spoiler alert - (in a discussion or review of a film, book, television drama, etc.) a warning that an important detail of the story is about to be revealed
- Unmapped - unexplored / not yet touched
- Plot line - story
- Boils down to something - if a situation boils down to something, that is the main reason for it
- Sheer - completely
- Enormous - very large in size, quantity
- Ensemble - a group of people acting together as a whole
- Portraying - representing / acting as
- Warring - fighting with each other
- Fictional - the type story that is written about imaginary characters and events and not based on real people and facts
- Panoramic - a view of a wide area
- Eclipsed - to make another thing seem much less important
- Renditions - performances
- Genre - a style or category of art, music, or literature
- Captivate - to hold the attention of someone by being extremely interesting, exciting or attractive
- Raked in - earned large amount of money
- Hamstrung - to restrict something
- Tie-up - an agreement between two organizations
- Wherewithal - the money needed for a particular purpose
- Rival - a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity
- Interweaves - to combine two or more things
- Malevolence - causing or wanting to cause harm or evil
- Intrigue - to interest someone a lot, especially by being strange, unusual, or mysterious
- Grisly - extremely unpleasant, especially because death or blood is involved
- Bestiality - behaviour that is very cruel or like that of an animal
- Conjure - to make something appear by magic
- Phantasmagoria - a confused group of real or imagined images that change quickly, one following the other as in a dream
- Spurred - encouraged
- Medieval - related to the Middle Ages (the period in European history from about AD 600 to AD 1500)
- Fraught = full of unpleasant things such as problems or dangers
- Grave = seriously bad
- Inchoate = not completely developed / clear
- Wanton - of something extremely bad, showing no care at all
- Gore - to cause an injury to someone / blood that has come from an injury and become thick
- Civil war - a war fought by different groups of people living in the same country
Topic 2 : "A fillip to growth, and maybe inflation"
- Fillip - something that causes a sudden improvement
- Inflation - a general, continuous increase in prices
- Impart - to give something a particular feeling
- Robust - strong
- Durables - items like cars and home appliances (large pieces of equipment for the home) that are intended to last several years
- Payout - a large amount of money that is paid to someone
- Enhanced - better than before
- Allowances - money that you are given regularly, especially to pay for a particular thing
- Fiscal - connected with (public) money / government revenue
- Significant - important or noticeable
- Inevitably - sure to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented
- Ceiling - upper limit
- Monsoon - the season of heavy rain during the summer in hot Asian countries
- Impact - a powerful effect
- Fallout - the unpleasant results or effects of an action or event
- Brexit - an exit (act of leaving) by Britain from the European Union (short for "British exit")
- Portent - a sign or warning that something is going to happen
- Anticipated - expected that something will happen
- Bolster - to support or improve something or make it stronger
- Outgo - the outlay of money
- Flagged - highlighted
- Posed - caused
- Implications - effects that an action or decision will have on something in the future
- Prescriptions - recommendations given by a committee
- Stoked - excited and very happy about something
- Impact - a marked effect or influence
- Consolidation - the process of becoming or of making something stronger or more successful
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