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Name : Sunanda Ghosh
Place : Kolkata
Interview Date : 10th May, 2016
Time : 11:50 AM
(3 members in panel)
M1 :
(3 members in panel)
- You are?
- You have come from?
- What is the distance between your native place and Howrah station?
- You have come with?
- Why with father? Do you feel insecured?
- If you are posted in a remote village in other state what will you do?
- If native people do not know English or Hindi what will you do?
- Your father is retired. Where did he work?
- Do you think women in India are secured?
- What can be done to this issue?
- You are talking about dowry. But Govt. has already issued Anti Dowry act. Still people are involving in this. What you will do to this issue?
- We spend lot of money in marriage for decoration, catering, ornaments. Do you think it is right?
- How to tell people that money should not be wasted this way?
- How we distinguish between rural area and urban area?
- (And 2/3 more questions which I do not remember)
- Tell me about current status of Indian economics.
- Do you know budget? What is it?
- It is valid for how much time period?
- When Revenue and Expenditure does not match we call it? Who makes up this?
- Do you think deficit budget is a new issue in India?
- Our Central Govt. is of which kind?
- Explain Indian Parliament system.
- Do you know RDBMS and ODBMS?
- What is virtual reality? Explain it in technical term.
- What is augmented reality?
- What is encryption?
- After decryption can the text be hacked?
- Do you have any investment?
- Suppose you are given Rs. 100000. Provided it is taxable. Where will you invest?
- Other options of investing other than LIC and bank deposits?
M1 :
- What is debenture?
- What is Capital market?
- What is IPO?
- What is equity market and debt market?
- What are options other than IPO to collect money from the market?
- What is Primary market and what is Secondary market?
- You have not mentioned your hobbies, extra-curricular activities. Why?
- What is your hobby?
- What do you paint?
- What type of song do you listen? Why old songs and not modern songs? Favorite singer? Name some of her songs.
- Do you know how Microwave functions? Was wave theory was in your B.Tech?
- What is Digital Signature? How the receiver will decrypt?
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