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Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials.
Topic 1 : "The crisis in Nepal"
- Crisis - a time of great difficulty or danger
- Brink - the point where a new or different situation is about to begin
- Frenetic - involving a lot of excited movement or activity
- Oust - to force someone to leave a position of power, job or place
- Stalled - stopped
- Number-crunchers - someone whose job involves working with numbers and doing calculations / computers
- Forge - to make an illegal copy of something in order to cheat
- Coalition - the joining together of different political parties or groups for a particular purpose
- Tip the balance - to cause a change, esp. in making something more likely to happen
- Fragmented - consisting of several separate parts
- Embattled - having a lot of problems or difficulties
- Equitable - treating everyone fairly and in the same way
- Marginalise - to treat someone or something as if they are not important
- Hiatus - a pause or break in continuity in a sequence or activity
- Conciliatory - intended to show that you care about the feelings or opinions of someone who is angry or upset with you
- Shanties - small houses, usually made from pieces of wood, metal, or cardboard, in which poor people live, especially on the edge of a city
- Lethargic - having little energy (feeling unwilling and unable to do anything)
- Comprehensive - including or dealing with all elements or aspects of something
- Ante - an amount of money that each person must risk in order to be part of a game that involves gambling
- Rebuke - express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behaviour or actions
- Overture - a communication made to someone in order to offer something
- Regardless - despite / not being affected by something
- Outreach - the extent or length of reaching out
- Go up in smoke - to be wasted
- Resisting - to refuse to accept or be changed by something
- Pictorial - to express something using pictures / illustrated
- Directives - official or authoritative instructions
- Carton - a box made from thick cardboard / packet
- Passive - not directly involved
- Pleading - requesting
- Adversely - having a negative or harmful effect on something
- Fight a losing battle - to try hard to do something when there is no chance that you will succeed
- Clamp down on something - to take strong action to stop or limit a harmful or unwanted activity
- Pioneered - to develop or be the first to use or apply (a new method, area of knowledge, or activity)
- Deter - to discourage (someone) from doing something
- Backed - give financial, material, or moral support to something
- Ingredient - part or element of something
- Nudge - small push
- Hipness - style
- Stress-busting - getting rid of stress
- Prevalence - existing very commonly or happening often
- Tandem - having two things arranged one in front of the other
- Consensus - a general agreement
- Lobby - to try to influence somebody that a particular thing should or should not happen, or that a law should be changed
- Lure - tempt somebody to do something
- Inroads - direct and noticeable effects on something
- Toxic - poisonous
- Carcinogen - a substance that causes cancer
- Apace - quickly
- Extensive - covering or affecting a large area
- Curb - to control or limit something that is not wanted
- Bystander - a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part of it
- Enforced - compulsory
- Affixed - attached
- Surrogate - replacing someone else or used instead of something else
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