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Pratik Ankar here.
I am sharing vocabulary from Indian Express editorial dated 16/04/2016.
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Correct me if I got wrong somewhere.
Towards New Realism Section
- Discourse (Noun) – Communication in speech or writing. भाषण, अभिलेख, संभाषण.
- Oscillate (Verb) – To move repeatedly from one position to another. झुलना, डोलना.
- Unmitigated (Adjective) – Complete and whole. पूरा, निरंतर.
- Romanticism (Noun) – Describing in a way that makes them sound more exiting or mysterious than they really are. रोमांचकता, स्वच्छंदतावाद.
- Realism (Noun) – A way of thinking and acting based on facts and what is possible, rather than on hopes for things that are unlikely to happen. यथार्थवाद.
- Resentment (Noun) – To feel angry because you have been forced to accept someone or something that you do not like. नाखुशी, क्रोध.
- Soaring (Adjective) – Increasing quickly in amount, number, value, or level. ऊँचा हो जाने वाला.
- Rhetoric (Noun) – Speech or writing intended to be effective and influence people. वाक्चातुर्य, व्याख्यानविद्या.
- Convergence (Noun) – The fact that two or more things, idea, etc. become similar or come together. अभिसरण, समाभिरूपता, एक ओर झुकाव.
- Enduring (Adjective) – Existing for a longtime. टिकाऊ, स्थायी.
- Sabotage (Verb) – To damage or destroy equipment, weapons, or buildings in order to prevent the success of an enemy or competition. तोड़ फोड़ करना, नुकसान करना, नाकाम करना.
- Paranoia (Noun) – An extreme and unreasonable feeling that other people do not like you or are going to harm or criticize you. पागलपन, संविभ्रम, मानसिक उन्माद.
- Cede (Verb) – To allow someone else to have or own something especially unwillingly or because you are forced to do so. झुकना, सौंपना, त्याग देना.
- Seep (Verb) – To move or spread slowly out of a hole or through something. रिसना.
- Meekly (Adverb) – Quiet, gentle, and not willing to argue or express your opinions in a forceful way. कोमलता से, नर्मी से.
- Wager (Noun) – Bet. दांव, बाजी.
- Wager(Verb) – To risk money by guessing result or something. दांव लगाना, बाजी लगाना.
- Unprecedented (Adjective) – Never having happened or existed in past. अनोखा, अपूर्व.
- Vigour (Noun) – Strength, energy or enthusiasm. जोश, ताकत, शक्ति.
- Nimble (Adjective) – Quick and exact either in movement or thoughts. चतुर, कुशल, तेज, चुस्त.
- Manoeuvre (Noun) – A movement or set of movements needed skills and care. कुशलता, पैतरा, चालाकी.
- Sceptical (Adjective) – Doubting that something is true or useful. अविश्वासी, संशयात्मक.
- Incursion (Noun) – A sudden attack on or act of going into place, especially across border. आकस्मित हल्ला, घुसपैठ, छापा.
A Scheme Of New Thinking Section
- Hassle (Noun) – Inconvenience, difficulty or trouble. तकलीफ, परेशानी.
- Egalitarianism (Noun) – The doctrine that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities. समतावाद.
- Respite (Noun) – A pause or rest from something difficult or unpleasant. आराम, अवकाश, मुहलत.
- Sensitisation (Noun) – The state of being sensitive. संवेदीकरण.
- Deliberative (Adjective) – Involved in or characterized by deliberation and discussion and examination. विचारक, विचारशील, अधिकारहीन.
- Exploit (Verb)- To use something in a way that helps you. कारनामा, पराक्रम.
- Compliance (Noun) – The act of obeying on order, rule, or request. आज्ञापालन, अनुरूपता.
- Harness (Verb) – To control something, usually to use its power. जोतना, काम में लाना.
- Ramification (Noun) – The possible results of an action. जटिलता, प्रतिशाखा.
Green Shoots Section
- Nascent (Adjective) – Only recently formed or started, but likely to grow longer quickly. अपरिपक्व, नवजात, नया.
- Bitumen (Noun) – A black, sticky substance such as tar or asphalt, used for making roads and roofs. डामर, एस्फाल्ट.
- Underway (Adjective) – Happening or occurring. जारी, प्रक्रिया में.
- Revival (Noun) – The process of becoming more active or popular again. पुन:प्रवर्तन, पुनरुज्जीवन.
- Uptick (Noun) – To increase in something. इजाफ़ा.
- Insolvency (Noun) – A situation in which a person or company does not have enough money to pay debts, by goods, etc. दिवालियापन.
- Stimulus (Noun) – Something that causes growth or activity. प्रेरणा, प्रोत्साहन, उत्तेजन.
- Usher (Verb) – Taking someone somewhere or telling them the way. ले जाना, स्थान दिखाना, स्वागत करना.
- Full-fledged (Adjective) – Completely developed or trained. पूर्ण विकसित, सम्पूर्ण.
Culture Of Patronage Section
- Dispense (Verb) – To give out things, especially products, services or amounts of money. प्रदान करना, वितरित करना.
- Reconstitute (Verb) – Changing. दुबारा बनाना.
- Eminence (Noun) – Fame or famous. प्रतिष्ठा, उच्चता, महानता.
- Regime (Noun) – A particular government or a system or method of government. शासन पद्धति, प्रशासन.
- Foster (Verb) – Encourage the development of something. प्रोत्साहित.
- Patronage (Noun) – The support given to an organization by someone. आश्रय, संरक्षण, सहायता, पालन.
- Lackey (Noun) – A servant or someone who behaves like one by obeying someone else’s order or by doing unpleasant work for them. नौकर का काम करना.
- Crony (Noun) – A close friend or companion. अन्तरंग मित्र, घनिष्ठ मित्र.
- Fief (Noun) – An area or type of activity that is controlled by someone. जागीर.
- Brazen (Adjective) – Shamelessness. निर्लज्ज, बेशर्म.
- Affinity (Noun) – A close similarity between two things. आकर्षण, समानता, अपनापन, बंधुत्व, रिश्तेदारी.
- Partisan (Adjective) – Unfairness and favoring someone unfairly. पक्षधर, कट्टर.
Mamba Signs Off Section
- Tumultuous (Adjective) – Very loud or full of confusion, change or uncertainty. अशांत, उत्तेजित, गड़बड़.
- Wretched (Adjective) – Unpleasant or of low quality. ख़राब, निंदनीय.
- Midst (Noun) – The middle of a group of people or things. मध्यस्थिति, मध्य, बीच में.
- Prodigiously (Adverb) – Extremely great in ability, amount or strength. असाधारण रूप से, आश्चर्यजनक रूप से.
- Copped (Verb / Noun) – Catch or arrest / A police officer. पकड़ना, गिरफ्तार करना / पुलिस अधिकारी.
- Affably (Adverb) – Friendly and easy to talk to. मिलनसारी, सुशीलता से.
- Slur (Verb) – To pronounce the sound of a word in a way that is wrong or not clear. अस्पष्ट उच्चारण करना, कम महत्व देना.
- Sidle (Verb) – To walk towards or away from someone, trying not to be noticed. गुपचुप तरीके से चलना, दबकर चलना.
- Churn (Verb) – To move something, especially a liquid, with great force. मंथन करना, बिलोना.
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