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Topic 1 : "Oceanic opportunities"
Topic 2 : "The power of symbolism"
- Oceanic - relating to the ocean
- Region - a particular area
- Seafaring - connected with travelling by sea
- Baffling - impossible to understand
- Inward-looking - not interested in or taking account of other people or groups.
- Maritime - connected with human activity at sea
- Summit - an important formal meeting between leaders of governments
- Agenda - a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting
- Ambitious - having or showing a strong desire to succeed
- Infrastructure - the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society or enterprise
- Hinterland - the land behind the coast or the banks of a river
- Ad hoc - created or done for a particular purpose as necessary
- Reap - gather
- Untapped - not yet used or taken advantage of something
- Emphasis - special importance / value given to something
- Integrate - combine
- Warehouse - a large building for storing things
- Logistics - the careful organization of a complicated activity so that it happens in a successful and effective way
- Overtures - a communication made to someone in order to offer something
- Firm up something - to make something more certain or less likely to change
- Fleet - a group of ships sailing together
- Littoral - the part of a river, lake, or sea close to the land
- Pivotal - central and important
- Piracy - the practice of attacking and robbing ships at sea
- Multilateral - involving more than two groups or countries
- Humanitarian - connected with improving people's lives and reducing suffering
- Foray - a sudden attack into enemy territory, especially to obtain something (raid)
- Converging - to become similar
- Reaffirmed - state again strongly (to confirm something)
- Posturing - behaviour or speech that is intended to attract attention and interest
Topic 2 : "The power of symbolism"
- Citing - to mention something (refer to)
- Acute - a bad situation, which causes severe problems or damage
- Evicted - to force someone to leave somewhere
- Instance - example
- Arbitrary - based on random choice, rather than any reason or system
- Intervention - interference
- Insignificant - too small or unimportant to be worth consideration
- Overreach - reach out too far
- Tangible - real and not imaginary
- Drought - a long period when there is little or no rain
- Gross - very rude
- Inequity - something that is not fair in a situation
- Prevail - prove more powerful or superior
- Synonymous - having the same meaning as another
- Exceptionalism - the belief that something is much greater than usual (especially in skill, intelligence, quality, etc)
- Counsel - formal advice
- Scarcity - shortage of something
- Riot - a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd
- Paradigm - a pattern or model
- Conserves - protect something
- Deficient - not having enough of something
- Splurging - to spend a lot of money on something
- Alarmingly - causing worry or fear
- Over-exploited - over use of something
- Irrigate - supply water to (land or crops) to help growth
- Acreage - an area of land, used for agricultural purposes
- Recalibration - to make small changes to something so that it works accurately
- Regime - a system or ordered way of doing things
- Nudge - to push something or someone gently
- Livelihood - (the way someone earns) the money people need to pay for food, a place to live, clothing, etc
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